New Masterpoint and Membership Process

  1. Rating Point Calculator
    2 posts
    by Marc Simmonds28 Nov 2021 at 11:26AM
  2. All Grades
    7 posts
    by NICK WHITTEN02 Oct 2021 at 01:11PM
  3. Bridge scoring systems and related clever gadgets
    6 posts
    by Margaret McDonald10 Jul 2021 at 09:21AM
  4. Revision of Grading System
    80 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI20 May 2021 at 12:43PM
  5. Entering a tournament
    19 posts
    by NICK WHITTEN05 Apr 2021 at 12:58PM
  6. Rating calculation
    8 posts
    by ROBIN YOUNG13 Jan 2021 at 09:04AM
  7. Eligibility for Intermediate
    12 posts
    by NICK WHITTEN04 Nov 2020 at 05:49PM
  8. Eligibility for Junior
    2 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI03 Feb 2020 at 10:11AM
  9. Player Grades and Rating Points
    2 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI16 Jan 2020 at 06:15PM
  10. How is this possible?
    2 posts
    by JENA ROBINSON02 Jan 2020 at 05:15PM
  11. Rank Reports
    15 posts
    by JOHN O'CONNOR01 Jan 2020 at 02:32PM
  12. Partnership agreement
    3 posts
    by RICHARD STUART15 Aug 2019 at 08:39PM
  13. Masterpoints by Date
    5 posts
    by GERALD NORMAN19 Jun 2019 at 02:37PM
  14. Rating points
    3 posts
    by Ross Petersen16 Apr 2019 at 09:42AM
  15. EBU Handicap System
    28 posts
    by GILES HANCOCK28 Mar 2019 at 07:06PM
  16. Australian Masterpoints
    3 posts
    by NOEL WOODHALL19 Mar 2019 at 07:11PM
  17. Session awards
    4 posts
    by GILES HANCOCK20 Nov 2018 at 02:11PM
  18. So why did I get a star
    3 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI01 Nov 2018 at 03:59PM
  19. Masterpoints for substitute players
    2 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI22 Sep 2018 at 08:52AM
  20. First eight months results numbers
    1 post
    by Ant Hopkins14 May 2018 at 12:36PM
  21. Half a year on and still we can nt see masterpoints older than one month
    4 posts
    by JOHN O'CONNOR12 Apr 2018 at 11:47AM
  22. NZB admin schedule
    1 post
    by Ant Hopkins12 Apr 2018 at 09:33AM
  23. C-points for teams
    7 posts
    by JOHN O'CONNOR04 Apr 2018 at 05:10PM
  24. Top scores by region, A and B point events
    1 post
    by Ant Hopkins22 Mar 2018 at 09:39AM
  25. Top scores by region, C point events
    1 post
    by Ant Hopkins22 Mar 2018 at 09:28AM
  26. Correcting Errors
    10 posts
    by RUSSELL WILSON14 Mar 2018 at 04:48PM
  27. Rating and Master points wrong
    11 posts
    by HELENE LABRECHE22 Feb 2018 at 10:55PM
  28. Searching Masterpoints and results
    2 posts
    by NICK WHITTEN18 Feb 2018 at 03:14PM
  29. entry to a tournament
    3 posts
    by ROBIN YOUNG18 Dec 2017 at 10:49AM
  30. Top scores by region October 2017
    1 post
    by Ant Hopkins03 Nov 2017 at 08:01AM
  31. Masterpoints Display
    10 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI31 Oct 2017 at 11:40AM
  32. Returning players
    1 post
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI30 Oct 2017 at 06:04PM
  33. Email services closing 30 Nov 2017
    1 post
    by Ant Hopkins30 Oct 2017 at 10:08AM
  34. Transferring players to a new club
    1 post
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI19 Oct 2017 at 04:40PM
  35. Tournament Links
    2 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI18 Oct 2017 at 07:36PM
  36. Have you noticed some small changes in the Masterpoints ?
    21 posts
    by NICK WHITTEN08 Oct 2017 at 08:52PM
  37. Tournament Entries
    6 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI03 Oct 2017 at 12:33AM
  38. TIP: How to create a link on your club website to the NZB tournament list for a Region
    2 posts
    by GILES HANCOCK01 Oct 2017 at 05:45PM
  39. Statistical trivia
    2 posts
    by Ant Hopkins30 Sep 2017 at 05:55AM
  40. Top dozen scores in each region
    2 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI28 Sep 2017 at 05:20PM
  41. TIP for Club Administrators: Creating a new member
    1 post
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI21 Sep 2017 at 05:25PM
  42. TIP: How to create a link on your club website to a specific tournament to enter for your club
    2 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI19 Sep 2017 at 05:58PM
  43. TIP: How to create a link on your club website to the NZB tournament list for your club
    1 post
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI19 Sep 2017 at 01:14PM
  44. Uploading C points for Teams
    2 posts
    by Ant Hopkins19 Sep 2017 at 09:13AM
  45. Can't find a player in the Masterpoint search
    8 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI18 Sep 2017 at 11:54PM
  46. How do we remove Deceased or Resigned players from our club list ?
    2 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI13 Sep 2017 at 11:50AM
  47. Tip: When editing a player to change clubs, is there a quick way to find a club ?
    1 post
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI11 Sep 2017 at 12:35PM
  48. "Home Club"
    3 posts
    by STEVE GRAY08 Sep 2017 at 09:46PM
  49. NZB Website improvements
    9 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI08 Sep 2017 at 09:29PM
    1 post
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI08 Sep 2017 at 05:10PM
  51. How do we add a member whose Home club is not our club ?
    1 post
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI08 Sep 2017 at 04:09PM
  52. I am a Club Administrator, so why can't I log into the Admin screen from the NZB website ?
    1 post
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI08 Sep 2017 at 03:48PM
  53. What does "PCT" mean on the results screen ?
    1 post
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI08 Sep 2017 at 03:40PM
  54. Why does the Masterpoint search only show points earned for the last month and no more ?
    1 post
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI08 Sep 2017 at 03:25PM
  55. committee meetings
    2 posts
    by KAREN MARTELLETTI08 Sep 2017 at 03:20PM
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