Correcting Errors

Who do we contact to correct errors that we notice in our masterpoint allocations for a particular event?


Started by RUSSELL WILSON on 13 Mar 2018 at 01:46PM

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  1. KAREN MARTELLETTI13 Mar 2018 at 06:21PM
    1. If an error is due to wrong results going in, contact the host club and/or Scorer to request a fix.  They can edit the results and re-publish them which in turn will correct the Masterpoints allocated for that event.
    2. If you think it is a system error by NZB, then contact the NZB Secretary describing the problem as you see it.  If Alister does not have an answer, he can forward the issue on to the correct person to investigate.

    Hope that helps


  2. RUSSELL WILSON14 Mar 2018 at 08:33AM

    Thanks, Karen (and congratulations on your re-election, by the way).  I recently played in a teams event where my team had a 13 all imp draw.  The NZ Bridge website shows my team as recieving 10 victory points but coming second for this match and we recieved no partial A points.  Is this a system error?

  3. JOHN O'CONNOR14 Mar 2018 at 09:48AM

    What masterpoints did the other team get for that result?

  4. KAREN MARTELLETTI14 Mar 2018 at 10:00AM

    This looks like a system error to me, so I will investigate it.  Was this at New Plymouth ?

  5. RUSSELL WILSON14 Mar 2018 at 10:49AM

    John, at least one member of the other team received .48 of an A point which is the full masterpoints available for the match.

    Karen, yes it was round 4 of the Taranaki Open Teams Qualifying.  My team "Carter" playing against "Clayton".


  6. KAREN MARTELLETTI14 Mar 2018 at 11:04AM

    OK got it.  I can see the error.  Seems it is not handling a draw.  First time this has been raised, so not sure if a one-off or a bigger problem.  Appreciate you drawing our attention to this and will get onto the developers about it today.

  7. RUSSELL WILSON14 Mar 2018 at 12:50PM

    Thanks Karen.

  8. KAREN MARTELLETTI14 Mar 2018 at 04:16PM

    We have found a bug and a correction will be made today or tomorrow.  Thanks Russell for enquirinng

  9. RUSSELL WILSON14 Mar 2018 at 04:48PM

    I am most happy to report that this error has already been corrected with Anthony Hopkins noting "Was a bug in the scoring programme, arrived at NZB as a loss but now corrected on the site."

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