



Saturday November 8th to Saturday 15th November 2025

 The New Zealand National Bridge Congress is the premier bridge event in our annual calendar. In 2024, we had just over 600 players attend, from all regions of New Zealand including 50+ international visitors over the 8 day period. We are looking forward to bringing you a great 2024 Congress. We will be regularly updating this website with information on prices and events. 


We will again have a 3-stage competition for New Zealand Open Pairs. Day 3 for those who do not make the Final or Plate there will be a 1-day Matchpoint Swiss Pairs event. The Restricted Open Pairs will be a 3-session qualifying and a 3 session Final/Plate event. 


The Intermediate and Junior players have the opportunity to play every day, starting with the NZ Intermediate Pairs and NZ Junior Pairs on Saturday 28th September. Sunday will be a Swiss Pairs event and Monday Matchpoint Swiss Pairs. We offer a discount package for those Intermediate and Junior players who enter all these three events. 

We offer Novice players a one session event on the afternoon of Saturday 28th September.

Tuesday 1st – Wednesday 2nd October

The NZ Open Teams Swiss Qualifying, Restricted Open, Intermediate and Junior Teams will be 8 x 14 board matches.


Thursday 3rd – Saturday 5th October

The top 16 of the NZ Open Teams will qualify for the knock-out stages, there will be 2 x 14 board matches on Thursday morning. Teams knocked out of the Round of 16 will have the opportunity to enter the Congress Swiss Pairs at round 5 (subject to even number of entries). 


There will be a series of Swiss Pairs events on Thursday and Friday morning (9 x 8 board matches) and a series of Teams events on Friday afternoon and Saturday, (5 x 12 board matches). At the conclusion of all events there will be a prize-giving, light refreshments will be provided.

Most sessions will commence at 9.30am or 1.30pm, apart from NZ Open Teams finals rounds.

The Organising Committee hopes these changes will enhance your Congress experience. 

We looking to see you at Palmy Function Centre  for 2025.

Please note there is no longer an earlybird discount. However, all players who have paid in full by 15th October 2025 go in a draw, with one of four chances, to win their entry fee back!


Click here to view a summary of all Congress events and timetable  You will also find a printable version here if so required


Please enter events as soon as you can. Although entries will be accepted up to about a day in advance for most events we encourage players to enter early. Please enter the events you will play assuming your team is eliminated from New Zealand Open Teams. If your team reaches the knock-out stages, we will automatically withdraw you from events you entered that run at the same time.  The cost of the knock-out stages are covered by those events you entered.


Youth players will get a 50% discount on any Congress event. You must have your Year of birth registered with NZB for this to automatically calculate.  Your club should have provided NZB with this so your levy is calculated accurately, so you should not have to do a thing, but if you go to pay and the discount is not offered, contact NZB immediately.

Restricted OPEN EVENTS

Players may compete in Restricted Open events if their ranking as at 1st January 2025 is National Master or lower rank. 


To qualify for Senior events at the Congress, a player must be at least 65 years at some point in 2025. Their birthday must be on or before the 31st December 1960.

To qualify for Youth prizes and Youth discount, a player must not have turned 25 years by the 31st December 2024. Their birthday must be after the 31st December 1999.


All prices are per person in New Zealand Dollars and include GST. Our refund policy is 100%  before the start of Congress, with the Organisers having flexibility on refunds against written requests after that date.

New Zealand Bridge Incorporated, registered as an Incorporated Society in May 1938 number 215735, disclaims warranties of reasonableness and accuracy, and all warranties with regard to the information on this site, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose. In no event shall the NZB be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of this site or participation at any NZB event.
Our Sponsors
  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg