2025 Trials

2025 Mixed International Trials

The Mixed International Trials will be held in Auckland on the 14th - 17th February.

The event will be a knock-out with a quarter-final, semi-final and final. Each stage with consist of 4 x 20 board stanza. 

Draw: Quarter-finals

Liz Fisher, Blair Fisher, Jo Simpson, Sam Simpson   vs   Michael Johnstone, Paula Gregory, John Kruinger, Liz Fitgerald

Patrick Carter, Julie Atkinson, Jenny Millington, Barry Jones   vs   Alan Grant, Anne-Marie Russell, Johanna Perfect, Hamish Brown

Michael Ware, Pam Livingston, Jan Cormack, Leon Meier   vs   Anne Sommerville, Murat Genc, Kate Daviesm, John Patterson

Ian Berrington, Fuxia Wen, Jan Alabaster, Graeme Tuffnell   vs   Stephen Henry, Annette Henry, Lysandra Zheng, Tim Pan


The top qualifying seed will choose their opponent from the bottom 2 qualifying seeds or from the 2nd top qualifying seed if they make themselves available for selection.

The top seeded team in each match-up will receive 0.1 IMPs.


1.     Fisher

2.     Carter

3.     Ware

4.     Berrington

5.     Henry

6.     Sommerville

7.     Grant

8.  Johnstone


The 4 stanza of the finals will be broadcast on BBO starting at 4pm on Sunday 16th February.  You can watch these on vugraph..

Representation at the  World Bridge Team Championship and APBF will be decided as follows;


1.     The winning team will represent NZ at the World Bridge Team Championships (with a pair appended from the other trialist in consultation with the winning team) unless the Berrington team wins.

2.     The Berrington team has three  World Bridge Team Championship representatives in it. Thus, if they win the trials, they per force can’t go to Denmark, but because that have won, they will represent NZ at the APBF. If the Berrington team wins, the team for the  World Bridge Team Championship will be selected from the remaining participants.

3.     The Henry team has APBF rep in it. Thus, obviously, if the win, they can and will represent NZ at the  World Bridge Team Championships.

4.   Unless the exception in 2 applies then as stated in 1, the winning team will represent NZ at the  World Bridge Team Championships and the selectors will choose a team for the APBF from all the available teams.

System cards are available here

Supplementary Regulations are available here

Our Sponsors
  • Tauranga City Council
  • TECT.jpg