NZ Bridge System Card


Do not open a system card in the web browser then try to edit it from there.  This will not work.  You must download the file first, save it on your PC, then open it from there as a PDF.  You must also have Acrobat Adobe Reader on your computer, so you can edit the file once open.  You can download Acrobat for free - click here to download.

If you save a file and open it again and you find data you thought you removed still showing, you have to put a space in that field.  Some fields have a bug in them and we have not been able to solve this yet, so the only way around it, is to put a space in this field.

Guide New Zealand Bridge Electronic System

Bulletin System Card Policy 13 August 2013.pdf

Bulletin System Card Policy 19 Feb 2014.pdf

The following cards have been partially filled in according to the systems indicated. The details in these cards are there as a help, to save time completing the card.  Download the card, open it and edit according to your systems, if you so wish.


We have added an Excel spreadsheet version.  You must have Excel 2013 or later version, for this to work.

Although we have added Acol and SA systems, you can change whatever you wish to have in those cards. 
These were filled it to make life a little easier for you smile

PDF version Excel version (updated 28th April 2018)
 NZB System Card    Updated 4 July 2022
NZB Blank System card

NZB Acol System Card (Basic 2 pages) NZB Acol System card (Basic 2 pages)
NZB Acol System Card (Basic)  
NZB Acol System Card (Advanced) NZB Acol System card

NZB Standard American System Card (Basic) NZB Standard American System Card (Basic 2 pages)
NZB Standard American System Card (Advanced) NZB Standard American System card 


Click here for the NZB Blank Word System Card (thank you Debbie Cooper for creating this)


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