Teaching Resources and links

The following is a list of teaching resources and sites that might be useful for our teachers. 


Teachers' Manual

pdf NZB Teachers Manual (0.32MB)

For advice and suggestions on staying connected with other teachers, running lessons, where to access useful resources, advertising, retention and etiquette.


Etiquette Posters

pdf Etiquette Poster 1 (0.40MB)

pdf Etiquette Poster 2 (0.17MB)


Lesson Attendance Worksheet (to keep track of learners progress)

Download here: xlsx Lesson Attendance Worksheet 2025 (0.10MB)


NZ Bridge lesson hands to replay 

Thanks to Graeme Tuffnell who has provided practice hands relating to the NZ Bridge lessons,  you can access them via the following link:

Graeme Tuffnell - Bridge Videos and Lessons


Bid and play applications and programmes

Cuebids - Perfect your bidding Cuebids is available as an app or website.   You can bid hands with your partner or against others.   Bidding only (no play).   Don't need to be online at the same time.    Free for the basic version which gives 10 hands practice hands and gives you a ranking of how well you bid against others.    Premium service allows you to develop teaching hands (using your own pbns such as the NZ Bridge hands) and create tailored bidding situations.

Play bridge online for free with Funbridge  Funbridge is available as an app or website.   This is another online site which is free for basic service and offers additional functionality for premium membership.

WBridge5  This is a software programme that you download to your computer.   It is free but appears pretty dated technology.

Overseas Sites

Resources for Bridge Teaching | English Bridge Union (ebu.co.uk)

The EBU has consolidated a heap of sites from around the world including NZ which has information which is available in the link above.    Sites worth mentioning include BridgePlay and NoFearBridge.    No Fear Bridge is a UK based site which provides self directed learning for players but after a months free trial but following that is a subscription based service.

RealBridge with Real People

The RealBridge and Bridge As a Mindsport ran an online teachers' conference in October 2023.    The above link provides a heap of podcasts of topics and expert commentary.

New Zealand sites

Learn Bridge at the House of Cards Merivale, Christchurch

Tina McVeigh from the House of Cards in Christchurch has a range of you tube videos available on her youtube channel.

Bridge Instruction Online (bridgedoctor.com)

Bridge Doctor is a platform based in Southland.   You can register and access one hand a day and notes of beginner material.    Premium membership is US$7 per month.

Beginners' Lessons - Auckland Bridge Club (akbc.co.nz)

The Auckland Bridge club has resources and information for all of their lessons and includes additional videos and resources such as Andrew Robson's videos as well as BBO hands for learners to play against robots.


Develop your own teaching aids/hands


Bridge Training | Portail (bridge-training.com)

A new french site that you are able to load your own hands (using PBNs or manual) and then you can send these to students with QR codes or a link.


RealBridge with Real People

There is a raft of resources for teachers to create an image of their hands as well as links to other sites and information.




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