Masterpoints for substitute players
A club holds an event over four weeks.
The winner of the event will be the pair with the best aggregate score over the four weeks.
A pair is allowed a substitue player or pair for one session.
Masterpoints are awarded at normal club scales for each of the four evenings.
There are no overall masterpoint awards.
If a substitute pair does well when they play, who gets the masterpoints?
Is there a formal NZ bridge policy or is it up to the club?
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- KAREN MARTELLETTI22 Sep 2018 at 08:52AM
The two people who play in a session get the master points. The only reason they may not, is if you do not enter the name of the sub for the session they play in and instead, you use the name of the player they sub for. Naturally this is not a practice to be encouraged.
As you noted, there is no master points for the overall result, so no issues here at all.
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