Masterpoints Display

I notice that in the masterpoints screen there is now a box than can be ticked so that sessions with zero masterpoints don't display.  This is excellent as I'm sure most members don't want to see them.

However, is it working yet?  as mine are still all showing even though that box is ticked.

Sue Brown

Started by SUE BROWN on 17 Oct 2017 at 09:15PM

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  1. KAREN MARTELLETTI18 Oct 2017 at 07:42PM

    Oh dear.  It was working.  Maybe some little bug has got in there.  WIll investigate.  Thanks for letting us know Sue

  2. STEVE GRAY24 Oct 2017 at 04:38PM

    I don’t think that is what the tick box is for.

    when I do a search for players if I untick that box I get players included who haven’t earned master points during that period.

    it worked well when I needed a list of the clubs junior members.

  3. STEVE GRAY24 Oct 2017 at 04:50PM

    I just reread Karen’s 11 Oct memo about this. It definitely isn’t doing what you say it should be but it is doing something very useful because by default when searching for a “group” of players it leaves out all those that haven’t earned MP’s in the last four weeks.

    im looking forward to the day when we can go back more than four weeks.  Because of the time period I’m now unable to check if a session has been recorded that hadn’t previously recorded.

  4. KAREN MARTELLETTI30 Oct 2017 at 05:41PM

    I am sure the tick box is now working properly.  Please report this to us if it isn't.  The masterpoint search is problematic and being investigated to find a better way to do this.  In the meantime, however, you can view all masterpoints earned since going live on the 5th September, by searching in the Results screen.  Click here to go to that page.  Put in your computer number in the Player Number field, change the Date From to 1st September and then go search.  If you only want to see masterpoints, make sure the "Exclude 0 masterpoints" box is ticked.  Hope that helps

  5. SUE BROWN30 Oct 2017 at 05:50PM

    Well, thanks, Karen.  That is a big improvement!!  I am now only seeing the sessions that I have won masterpoints on (great!) but when searching on my masterpoint number 3168 I also have a whole lot of South Islands people and their points as well as mine.  Pity they are not A points.  When I tried my husbands number 3114 he also got some South Island ones but not the same as mine.  They are different people and do not have the same name as mine (even though there are a couple of other Sue Browns who are bridge players in New Zealand but these ones were not coming up on the number search although they do - understandably - on the name search.



  6. KAREN MARTELLETTI30 Oct 2017 at 11:59PM

    Hi Sue

    OK I think I can see the problem.  The "Exclude 0 masterpoints" option works in the search results page, but not in the search masterpoints page. Click on this link and look in there.  This is much cleaner.  The programmers is looking to find a smarter process in the Masterpoit search screen

  7. SUE BROWN31 Oct 2017 at 10:11AM

    Thanks, Karen.  But that is the screen that also shows a whole lot of other players and their masterpoints mixed in with mine?

  8. SUE BROWN31 Oct 2017 at 10:17AM

    OK, Karen, I have discovered the problem (which does need fixing).  My number is 3168 and I checked the number of one of the players coming up on list in the search results screen and her number is 31684!    Clearly a fix needed as any five digit number with 3168 in it is also displaying on my screen when I search by my masterpoints number.

  9. KAREN MARTELLETTI31 Oct 2017 at 11:40AM

    Hi Sue

    I did wonder about that.  This is not an easy fix at the back end, but an easy fix your end.  All you do is put your surname in the player name field as well as your computer number and it is then all sorted

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