"Home Club"

The use of being a Home Club member as a criteria for being an Admin person is a crock.

Home Club is only used by NZB as a sort criteria so they know which club to charge the quarterly levy too.  It does not confer more or less rights at one club rather than another.

Most of us are defined as "Ordinary" members in the clubs we belong to.  It makes no difference to me which club I choose to pay my levies on my behalf.  I have full membership rights at the two clubs I belong to and I do "committee" work at both clubs and yet I can only be an Admin person at the club who pays my levies!

Unbelievably our club secretary was told that she couldn't be an Admin person because she has her levy paid on her behalf by her other club.



Started by STEVE GRAY on 08 Sep 2017 at 07:02PM

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  1. KAREN MARTELLETTI08 Sep 2017 at 08:14PM
    Hi Steve I agree and this was something we had to live with for now, but we are going back to the Developers to ask them to find a way to build in a generic login for each club under the club's name and not a person. This will solve all problems you speak of and allow clubs to give that login to whoever they wish to. This will be a much better solution, so fingers crossed. Watch this space...
  2. STEVE GRAY08 Sep 2017 at 09:46PM


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