Player Grades and Rating Points

Up unto 2017 NZB produced a Player Grades and Rating Points report which allowed us to work out who was in what grade (as well as their NZB number.)

Then that information was available from the Search Masterpoints function - you could search by club and by grading etc.

Now that ability seems to have been taken away (or hidden where I can't find it.) If it has been hidden, please tell me where to find it otherwise can we get this report again?


Michael Johnstone

Started by Michael Johnstone on 16 Jan 2020 at 01:36PM

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  1. KAREN MARTELLETTI16 Jan 2020 at 06:15PM

    Very sorry, but the search option was removed because the website performance was compromised. You can still get this data if you have Admin access to your club page. It was always quicker to export from here anyway.

    On this page, go to the "Our Players" tab and export the players. The main headings of this report are as follows:

    Computer Number First
    Preferred Name Family Name Club Grade Stars Rank Rating
    A Pts B Pts C Pts

    I hope this helps.  If not, get in touch and I will do a list for you

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