Can't find a player in the Masterpoint search

When we went live on the 5th September with the new platform, two small issues came to light.  Some players could not be found when searching:  There were two possible reasons for this:

  1. Some recently added "Novice" players got missed off the file transfer to the new site due to a coding error.  This problem has now been fixed.  This did affect some results where players were missing off the session.  These will be re run and display correctly.
  2. If a player had not received any Masterpoints in the last month, they would not display when searched for.  To overcome this, change the start date of the search to an earlier date in the "Date from" field, then click on Search. The person should then display.  If this does not work try an earlier date and if still a problem, please contact us. This issue will disappear over time, once the system is bedding in. We appreciate this is not ideal, but hopefully it will become less and less of an issue.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Started by KAREN MARTELLETTI on 08 Sep 2017 at 01:32PM

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  1. KLAUS DORBECKER08 Sep 2017 at 09:53PM


    At present I can only see my points for the last 30 days even though I change the date to say 1 Feb 2017. It's the same when searching someone else's points. Can this be rectified? Cheers, Klaus

  2. KAREN MARTELLETTI09 Sep 2017 at 07:44AM

    H Klaus

    Yes this is a bug and will be resolved.  You may not have spotted the thread about this.  Click on this link to read more

    Cheers, Karen

  3. ROBERT POULGRAIN09 Sep 2017 at 10:39PM

    Hi Karen,

    My usual partner is in the USA so I approached an old friend who hasn't played for 6 months to play in the Hastings Open, but no record of him comes up no matter how far I go back. I think he still exists as he was at my place today discussing systems to play for this tournament.

    The old system was far more user friendly when looking up others numbers.


  4. KAREN MARTELLETTI10 Sep 2017 at 07:14PM

    If a player has not been registered with a club for the last 12 months, they will not display here and never would have been, even in the old system.  If players are returning and need their old information, rank and Masterpoints loaded, please contact the NZB Secretary to get the player reinstated along with their details.

  5. Jo Cairns18 Sep 2017 at 05:14PM

    I actually think this "upgrade" is terrible. It shows alot of information that we just dont need to see.

    I dont want to see any of the games I have played unless I have earnt C/B or A points.

    Its is alot harder to move around and even to try and read it.


    Hopefully you will get more people telling you the same as I have heard alot mention it and will perhaps refine it so searching also is easier.

    I sure hope this "upgrade" did not cost much as it seems like a waste to me.

  6. SUE BROWN18 Sep 2017 at 09:08PM

    I also don't like the new masterpoints search function and display.  A couple of new members entered at our Club are still not displaying nearly a fortnight later.

    I also don't want to see every session identified and how many points were earnt and would like to see the last two or so years masterpoints on the same screen without having to fiddle around with dates like we used to have.


  7. KAREN MARTELLETTI18 Sep 2017 at 11:54PM

    Hi Jo

    Sorry you feel this way.  This upgrade is allowing masterpoints to load automatically onto this site, so there is no need for human input and also very quick.  Soon, these will be loaded instantly (ie minutes after the event is played).

    I do appreciate perhaps you do not wish to see all events you played in unless you received masterpoints, but having comprehensive results may allow us in future to look at a national handicapping system.  If that is the case, all this data will be required for the handicap calculation.

    The search functions are not working as we want it to yet and will be improved.

    The new platform is not only about loading masterpoints.  It will allow clubs to use the tournament section to take entries (I see some have already started to use it) and clubs can add or remove members online rather that via a form and email.


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