Tournament Links

Would it be possible for the Club Administrator to have the ability to link a tournament notice to a tournament?  Currently, I send them to Alister and he links to the Tournament Schedule.  I note that there does seem to be a "upload image" option but this only seems to apply to photos as when I tried to upload a word document it came up as an invalid file type.

Really enjoying the tournament section.


Sue Brown

Started by SUE BROWN on 18 Oct 2017 at 12:32PM

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  1. KAREN MARTELLETTI18 Oct 2017 at 07:36PM

    Yes you can attach a file, but it is not the easiest process.  I do not want to discourage you doing it yourself, but this is why we have not sent instructions on how to do it.

    On the top left of the Edit screen, there are a couple of little icons.  One to attach photos and the other to attach files.  Try it out, or alternatively, make the poster into an image and attach it where it says "Select an Image" as this step is much easier.  I think Cambridge did that for their Intermediate. Click here to see what I mean

    Pleased you are getting value from this facility.  Waiting on an article from you about how you have found the experience.  W hope to add Rating Points to the spreadsheet soon for each player.

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