Bridge scoring systems and related clever gadgets

For users of bridge scoring systems and related clever gadgets, this forum might be able to answer some of your questions ...

Started by Ant Hopkins on 11 Nov 2016 at 08:33AM

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  1. HELENE LABRECHE04 Dec 2016 at 08:40PM

    Hi Anthony, we have been looking into this for at leat 5 years now...can't seem to decide on anything...I sure would like to hear from clubs that are using them now...we are using "scorer Program" and they offer their gadget...we are not convinced that bidding with it is time saving...we like the ones where you enter the final contract (like at congress) and the results are tabulated.

    And what about the "IT" part of you have to have someone there all the time, that knows how to deal with issues ?

    Lots of questions...indeed. 

    Helene Labreche

    East Coast Bays Bridge Club

  2. BRYAN GREEN05 Dec 2016 at 01:04PM

    Hi Helen there seems to be two main  systems used in Newzealand Bridgemates and Compass

    And the  Bridge tab and Bridgepad  which works withe scorer  which is a development of the orginal NZBridge soring Package 

    A newer player to the market is  which I beleive claims to interface with all of the table scoring devices 

    From my point of view I have mainly used bridgepads and scorer and it does a good job   You probably need to find clubs close to your self and go and see these devices in action 

    The biggest value is that the results are out within 2 miniutes of play finishing


  3. HELENE LABRECHE05 Dec 2016 at 07:13PM

    Thank you Bryan, I believe that NSBC is schedule for a trial next we will have a view...we already have the IT system + big screen...

    1/2 way there!



  4. Bob Fearn27 Jan 2017 at 05:17PM

    Hi Helen

    BridgeMATEs,TABs and PADs work with Compass.   A summary of the ompass Scoring System is:

    • Scoring event types: Duplicate Pairs, Swiss Pairs, Swiss Teams, Individuals, Multiple Teams, Knock out Teams, Round Robin Teams, Barometer Pairs
    • Scoring methods: Matchpoint, Butler IMPs, Cross IMPs, Point-A-Board
    • Support for all electronic scoring systems BridgeMate, BridgeTab and BridgePad
    • 100's of inbuilt movements
    • Many options available for Individual movements, both full and partial tables
    • Table movement guides and personal guide cards printed at the click of a button
    • Club membership management including the creation of annual subscription accounts
    • Automatic integration of the NZ Bridge player database
    • Automatic evaluation of non members attending club sessions
    • Email fully integrated
    • Email of master point returns at the click of a button
    • Email of results to all participating players at the click of a button
    • Dropbox full integrated meaning updates to system data files are instantly available to users
    • Direct integration with your hand dealing hardware
    • Support for hand record file in BRI, DLM or PBN formats
    • Hand generation service available using the Big Deal algorithm
    • Hand records available for all club session available through the XClub service
    • Automatic access to the hand records related to the NZB Lessons
    • Pre-entry files can be maintained and draws calculated based on players rating points
    • XMLs generated for upload to
    • USEBIO XMLs generated for upload to Pianola and Bridgeweb sites
    • McManus triangle available for Swiss Teams
    • Pair datums calculated for team events
    • Automatic evaluation of substitutions in club pairs competitions
    • Club handicapping available
    • Automatic calculation of "70% Club" and "Slam Club" ladders
    • Program updates (ie the executable) available via Dropbox at the click of a button
    • One off purchase cost with no ongoing support or maintenance charges
    • System is continuously enhanced based on user feedback

    Yo can contact me at is you want more information. 

  5. Margaret McDonald10 Jul 2021 at 09:21AM

    Can we use lithium batteries in Bridgemates?

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