So why did I get a star

According to the website, I have 368 master points of which 156 are A points.

From the website:

Master 200  (including at least 100 A Points) 1* = 400 to 599, 2* = 600 to 799 etc

That seems to make me a master with no stars.

The website lists me as a master with one star.

I think that there is a bug here.



Started by JOHN O'CONNOR on 24 Oct 2018 at 11:58AM

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  1. GILES HANCOCK26 Oct 2018 at 02:15AM

    I think the explanation on the NZB website is incorrect John.

    Don't worry, Stars are meaningless, and you'll soon be a National Master anyway.

    - Giles


  2. KAREN MARTELLETTI01 Nov 2018 at 03:59PM

    I will check this out, as I am sure the explanation on the website is correct.  I agree with Giles, stars are meaningless unless you are a Local Master with 5 or more stars

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