Rank Reports

We do not have the fiinal rank reports for 2017.

Is somebody working on that?


Started by JOHN O'CONNOR on 25 Jan 2018 at 03:18PM

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  1. KAREN MARTELLETTI25 Jan 2018 at 06:01PM

    Yes we are working on it.  Sorry about the delay, but we had a hold up with Invoices, but we are now focussed on several reports.  Hope not too long.

    Cheers Karen

  2. JEREMY FRASER-HOSKIN04 Mar 2018 at 09:58PM

    Have the Rank Reports been kicked for 2017 or are they still being worked on?

  3. KAREN MARTELLETTI05 Mar 2018 at 10:04AM

    The Rank reports were sent to all clubs early February. There has since been some minor fixes to some players, so we may re run it, but the one sent will be 99% correct

  4. JEREMY FRASER-HOSKIN05 Mar 2018 at 05:09PM

     Will it not be posted online with the ones from previous years?

  5. JEREMY FRASER-HOSKIN05 Mar 2018 at 05:28PM

    To amend that; could you please post them online with the other reports. 

  6. KAREN MARTELLETTI05 Mar 2018 at 05:32PM

    Hi Jeremy.

    The file will be rather large and I thought if people are taking the trouble to find the report on the website, they may as well just look up the player/s they want to check on through the Masterpoint search.  The report was broken up by club, so clubs could post the printout on their notice board

  7. PAVLA FENWICK05 Mar 2018 at 06:41PM

    Hi Karen. I think Jeremy is talking about the Top 10 Rank Report (not the Ranking and Rating Report). Cheers

  8. KAREN MARTELLETTI05 Mar 2018 at 11:18PM

    Aha thanks Pavla

    That being the case, these reports are still being worked on.  Hopefully not too far away now.  Sorry about the delay.  The will be posted on the website and sent to all clubs when done.

  9. JOHN O'CONNOR28 Mar 2018 at 10:03AM

    We are just days away from the end of the first quarter and the final rank reports for 2017 are still not online.

    When will we see the 2017 reports and will the 2018 Q1 reports be out on time?

  10. KAREN MARTELLETTI28 Mar 2018 at 11:37AM

    It is the reports that have yet to be produced.  They are in production and sorry for the delay, but we have had more important stuff to do.  Nearly there

    Rank updates are now monthly, not quarterly, so January and February have been run. When the reports are ready, we can do them as often as we wish to.

  11. JEREMY FRASER-HOSKIN17 Aug 2018 at 11:41PM

    Hi, just following up on the rank reports for the top 10 masterpoint earners of each quarter. It has been nearly a year since they have stopped now and I was lead to believe they would be done in the earlier part of this year.


  12. JOHN O'CONNOR21 Aug 2018 at 12:33PM

    Perhaps the resources that might have been assigned to resolving this matter are now working on the new handicap system. If that is the case, I guess that would be a good thing if it got us the handicap system a little sooner.

  13. KAREN MARTELLETTI21 Aug 2018 at 06:27PM

    Yes sorry all, it was being worked on and other things got in the way, but rest assured it will be done !  The handicap system is not and will not interfer with us getting this report.  All I can say is sorry and wish it was possible.  It is not far away, as I have seen a draft, but it had some bugs in it

  14. JOHN O'CONNOR01 Jan 2020 at 02:32PM

    Any chance of seeing any of the top ten rank reports for 2019?

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