Eligibility for Junior


A player at my club has just been regraded from Junior to Intermediate

But her points are:

A:  4.38

B:  42

C:  24

Rating points: 30 (actually 29.64 by my calculation)

Shouldn't she still be Junior?

Intermediate Grade is "more than 30 rating points"

Or is there something wrong with my mathematics or (not at all unlikely) with my interpretation of the rules?

Started by NICK WHITTEN on 28 Jan 2020 at 12:02PM

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  1. KAREN MARTELLETTI03 Feb 2020 at 10:11AM

    Thanks Nick

    Very sorry, but I have been rather busy for the last couple of weeks and did not respond in a timely manner

    Your calculations are indeed correct.  I note the grade has been fixed, but I have no idea how that happened.  Pleased it is sorted now

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