All News

  • Central Districts News with George McLachlan

    4 Jul 2019

    Tony Fayerman is one of those people that are such a valuable asset to any club. He is a member of both the Hokowhitu and Palmerston North clubs and is a devoted bridge player with a sense of pitching in to do any task asked of him. He is the... read more here

  • National Congress News July 2019

    4 Jul 2019

            TIME TO ACT ! NATIONAL CONGRESS UPDATE. July 2019. It’s three months to go before we draw those cards in Hamilton. So, it must be time to start doing a little planning if you have not already done so….... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -052

    3 Jul 2019

      Today’s show includes:     Alan Morris completes his interview with us And follows thru with his promise of a cake We cut the cake!!     Happy Birthday to the Bridge Zone   Intimidation at the... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    2 Jul 2019

    Keeping out of the Way. You find the right lead, the only lead to beat a contract….and then something major goes wrong! Take a look: South DealsBoth Vul ♠ Q J ♥ Q 4 2 ♦ A 10 9 8 6 5... read more here

  • New To The Table. The Play of the Hand.

    30 Jun 2019

    A Good time NOT to win a trick. We spend about half our time during the play of a hand defending. So, it is well worth looking at some of the things a good defender could do. That’s in addition to learning about playing hands and the... read more here

  • New To The Table

    28 Jun 2019

    They Open: We bid Game.     As South you pick up a nice looking 18-point hand. You are 4th to speak and there’s a bit of bidding before you get your first shot:       West DealsNone Vul... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana

    28 Jun 2019

    Good Bidding…. Not Good Luck. Luck plays its part in a hand of bridge. The best of contracts can succumb to a bad break while some with a much lesser chance of success come home thanks to some good fortune. However, when many pairs miss... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 051

    26 Jun 2019

      This weeks show includes:   It’s Singapore …. And it’s....   Well done to the Bridge Blacks Michael Cornell– reaches another milestone   NZ Bridge Chairman, Allan Morris shares his... read more here

  • Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

    26 Jun 2019

    Tournaments are all go since the last update.  Something for everyone with Open, intermediate, Juniors, All Grades, charity, IPs….. We kicked off with the Motueka Intermediate on 4 May.  Fourteen tables with eight clubs in the... read more here

  • Volunteer of The Month

    26 Jun 2019

    June 2019.  Allan Joseph. Just about any month Allan Joseph, director, member of Wellington's Kairangi and Wellington Bridge Club, would legitimately be able to be nominated as the New Zealand Bridge's Volunteer of the Month. June 2019 is... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    25 Jun 2019

    Bread and Butter Defending…but no jam! Sorry to be unsensational but it is very rare for any Pairs tournament to be won by one’s slam bidding or by bringing home low point-count risky 3NT contracts. It is much more likely to be won... read more here


    25 Jun 2019

    Read of the work undertaken by the RBMs and how they are growing the game nationwide. For the second successive year NZB has posted increases in membership. The RBM scheme has been so successful the Australian Bridge Federation have adopted it... read more here

  • New To The Table. The Play of the Hand.

    23 Jun 2019

    Like does mean “Like”. We worked through last time what we would lead to a simply bid 3NT contract and left you in the middle of trick 2 after you had chosen the SQ. This is what you saw after the opening lead was made:... read more here

  • New To The Table

    22 Jun 2019

                A Problem Lead. Our focus today is on the choice of opening lead, rather than the bidding. The opposition bid quickly to 3NT with the following uninterrupted sequence:... read more here

  • Canterbury News with Max Robb

    21 Jun 2019

    Mid Canterbury Pairs 8B             April 27th. The morning winners of the 2 sections were Joan Small/Liz Armstrong 67% in the Howell, and Kathryn Tennant/Hayden Seal 57% were outscored... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana

    21 Jun 2019

    “Is That a Heart Suit I See Before Me?” That might be a question the North players might have been asking themselves after the opposition bid the two suits North did not hold in the following auction:... read more here

  • Our Kiwis in Singapore. New Zealand v Australia Test Matches

    20 Jun 2019

                             Honours Even. Honours were even when the two South Pacific nations played each other in 64 board test... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 50

    20 Jun 2019

      This Weeks show includues:   “Naki Nightmare”   Barry tells us about a hand that he has lost sleep over     National Swiss Pair Results from New Plymouth Congratulation’s - Grant Jarvis and... read more here

  • Our Kiwis in Singapore Day 8

    19 Jun 2019

    SILVER FOR BRIDGE BLACKS. The event may have ended too soon with the Bridge Blacks on a roll, two huge victories over Thailand and Japan and with Gold Medalists China eventually less than 15 vps ahead. A great finish for the team of GeO... read more here

  • Our Kiwis in Singapore Day 7. BBO TODAY 4.30PM NZ TIME BRIDGE MASTERS V Chinese Taipei B

    18 Jun 2019

    Two Kiwi Teams Chase Medals. Three good wins, the most impressive being the smallest over table-topping China, has put the Bridge Blacks in line to challenge for a medal on the last day of play. They are now only 9vps behind 2nd placed China... read more here

  • Our Kiwis in Singapore Day 6

    17 Jun 2019

    Our Seniors were by far the busiest of our four teams on this day carrying on their 4 match per day schedule…and 4 from 4 it was, too with the last win against China Hong Kong B being by far the most emphatic. Four wins is great and were... read more here

  • New To The Table. The Play of the Hand.

    16 Jun 2019

                                    TIME TO SWITCH Remember we left you on Friday at trick 3.... read more here


    16 Jun 2019

    A day of mixed fortunes. Our Open team would be reasonably happy with three wins over the other three mid-table teams though medal prospects would have been enhanced by a larger win in at least one of their matches. They are though only 13vps... read more here

  • Congratulations!! to our latest Grandmasters

    15 Jun 2019

    New Grandmasters read more here

  • NZ 15A Swiss Pairs - New Plymouth

    15 Jun 2019

    Link to Results read more here

  • Our Kiwis in Singapore Day 3 Revisited

    15 Jun 2019

         India Revisited. Before we move on to Day 4, there were some unusual happenings going on in the final match of Day 3 which deserve a mention. Only the Bridge Ferns and Bridge Masters played these boards. East-West in the... read more here

  • Our Kiwis in Singapore Day 4. BBO SATURDAY 7.00PM NZ Time Mixed Blacks v Australia 9.30pm Bridge Ferns v Indonesia

    15 Jun 2019

    Bridge Masters Record Four Wins                 Pick of the bunch on Day 4 were the Bridge Masters with 4 wins including one maximum points (who is to quibble over 0.01?!)... read more here

  • New To The Table

    14 Jun 2019

                           A BID TOO FAR. At times, we all tend to underbid hands….and at other times, we all bid a bit too much.... read more here

  • Our Kiwis in Singapore Day 3

    14 Jun 2019

    BRIDGE BLACKS v SINGAPORE. 4.30PM NZ time Friday. on BBO. Day 3 proved to be generally a good day for our 4 teams. A small loss, a bye and a crushing victory over bottom placed India saw our Mixed Blacks climb to 9th in the 11-team competition.... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana

    14 Jun 2019

    Difficult to bid: Difficult to defeat. The high card points were evenly split on Board 4. In fact, even though North-South had the majority, it was East-West who were more likely to record a making game. However, the first problem for East-West... read more here

  • Otago- Southland News with Moss Wylie

    13 Jun 2019

    ILT Murihiku Teams and Pairs The Invercargill Licensing Trust controls the sale of alcohol in Invercargill. No supermarket is permitted to sell alcohol within the town. All outlets are owned by the Trust. In return some $8,000,000 is handed out... read more here

  • Our Kiwis in Singapore Day 2

    13 Jun 2019

      BBO COMMENTRY THURSDAY   Bridge Masters at 9.30pm (NZ time) v China Hong Kong A A good day for our Open and Seniors teams but not so good for our Women and Mixed teams. At least after poor results earlier in the day, both Bridge... read more here

  • Our Kiwis in Singapore Day 1

    12 Jun 2019

             Orchard Road, Singapore. Welcome to the first report on our four teams at the Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Championships for 2019, which are taking place at the York Hotel in Singapore. Firstly,... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Show - 49

    12 Jun 2019

      This weeks show includes:      It’s official, Australian Bridge Federation takes on the Bridge Zone Show  We have a new segment, Boomerang Bridge starts this week  Our Australian Correspondent is... read more here


    11 Jun 2019

    Our final pre-event interview is with JOHN SKIPPER from the Christchurch Bridge Club. He is on the Bridge Masters team in Singapore. John has been playing bridge since 1980 in Christchurch. He had always played card and board games as kids at home... read more here

  • Follow Progress of our Teams in Singapore

    10 Jun 2019

    52nd Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Championships 11th June 2019 — 20th June 2019   York Hotel, Singapore     Follow the progress of all the teams... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    10 Jun 2019

    Good Planning, Good Luck, Good Result The opposite is often true. A faulty line brings its deserved reward in failure. So, sometimes, sensible play will bring a little piece of good fortune and a good result. Keeping an eye on losers when playing... read more here


    10 Jun 2019

    NZBridge Directors June 2019.pdf read more here

  • Singapore Preview

    10 Jun 2019

    REBECCA JOHNSTON A journey to overcome a serious head injury has seen Rebecca battle to regain her previous form to return as an international player in the 2019 season. Rebecca was 17 when she started playing bridge and has now been playing for... read more here

  • New To The Table. The Play of the Hand.

    9 Jun 2019

    Lucky Lie. So, there you are in your 4 heart contract. What you can say is that it looks a better contract than 3NT. You made a good choice when you elected to play in your 5-3 heart fit. North DealsNone Vul ♠ A 4 2... read more here

  • Singapore Preview

    9 Jun 2019

    MICHAEL WHIBLEY started playing bridge aged 16, and has now been playing for around 16 years. He literally stumbled across the game online when playing other yahoo games like chess.  He saw bridge there and clicked on it and was soon... read more here

  • Singapore Preview

    8 Jun 2019

    In preparation for the APBF kicking off on Tuesday 11 June, we are catching up with some of the international squad heading overseas. Today we meet Brian Mace, member of the Bridge Masters. Brian started playing bridge at age 14. Born and bred in... read more here

  • New To The Table

    7 Jun 2019

    Finding The Right Game. The words “trump fit” are regularly discussed in Beginners’ Bridge Lessons. The magic number seems to be eight. If you have eight or more cards between you and your partner's hand, then you should be... read more here

  • Singapore Preview

    7 Jun 2019

    The APBF international event is fast approaching. With our international squad starting to make their way overseas, we start our pre-event warm up by meeting some of the international players. Today we catch up with Denis Humphries from the... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana

    7 Jun 2019

    NO TRUMPS, NO HOLDS, NO WORRIES….. There are two good things that can happen when you have not got a hold in a suit and you contract for a no-trump contract. Firstly, your partner, who is on your side may help you out with a useful card or... read more here

  • 2019 Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Championships

    6 Jun 2019

    read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    5 Jun 2019

                            The Priority at Pairs is… Make your Contract. Although we love making overtricks at Pairs, there is... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Show - 48

    5 Jun 2019

    This weeks show includes:   Giocoso in the Bridge world Directors may have a new way to combat slow play     Auckland and Hawkes Bay Congress – results shared Gold and Emerald plaques issued at Auckland prize giving... read more here

  • Wellington News with Paul Maxwell

    5 Jun 2019

    Firstly, a thank you to Dean Sole and Katherine Gough for each writing an update while I was away for 3 or so months. When in "France"... I did drop in for a few sessions at the local club in our temporary home (Hyères). For those of you... read more here

  • A Lighter Look

    4 Jun 2019

    “WANGLING” ONE’S WAY OUT. Many times, our opponents make bidding difficult for us. Even sometimes when the opponents are silent, our partner can make life impossible for us. Occasionally, even when our partner and the opponents... read more here

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