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Canterbury News with Max Robb

The Christchurch Club and Regional Committee ran on behalf of NZ Bridge a very successful National Swiss Pairs event in mid -February. While the runaway winners were Wellington’s Martin Reid and Peter Newell, local pair Fiona Temple and John Kruiniger had a great weekend and finished 2nd. Other Canterbury players to finish in the top 10 were Jan Alabaster (4th), Tim Schumacher (5th) and former Cantabrian, Graeme Tuffnell 10th.

john kruiniger fiona temple.jpg
2nd place for John and Fiona

GERALDINE 8B                                                   23rd February

                I appreciated Giles Hancock sending me these results of this regional tournament

A Grade

1ST           Eamon Jackson and Darcy Preston

2nd          Moss Wylie and Saul Sheehy

3rd           Viv Hill and Colin Coulter

                                                 Geraldine Grade Winners

Darcy Preston and Eamon Jackson 20.jpg  Gordon McCormick and Sally Croy.jpg Colin Clemens  Maryke Blignault 20.jpg
A Grade:                                                         B Grade:                                                C Grade:

Darcy Preston and Eamon Jackson         Gordon McCormick and Sally Croy  Colin Clemens and Maryke Blignault


B Grade

1st           Gordon McCormick and Sally Croy

2nd          Robyn Howie and Glynis Sullivan

3rd           Lorraine Jamison and Beverley Dryden


C Grade

1st           Maryke Blignault and Colin Clemens

2nd          Peter McMullan and Alan Luscombe

3rd           Pam Taylor and Ann Patterson


ASHBURTON ANNIVERSARY PAIRS          8B                           7th  March              %

Top scorers in the morning session were               David Sewell/Mary Buckland        60.8,

                                                                              Lesley Andrew/Kay Nicholas        58.7,

though in the Howell, Shirley Lattimore/Sam Gurney were well out in front with         65.3

Trish and Peter Downward and Paula Gregory/Michael Johnstone were contenders with 58% session scores.


It was very high scores in the afternoon that was the telling factor in the end results:-

                Sue Rosevear/John Fechney                        68.6%

                 Paula Gregory/Michael Johnstone                64.1%


I don’t have the breakdown of the different grades, unfortunately, Here is the list of the first 10 place-getters overall.


1st           Sue Rosevear/John Fechney                     125.10

2nd          Paula Gregory/Michael Johnstone             122.88

3rd=       Kathy Hamilton/John Hamilton                     115.00

3rd=        David Sewell/Mary Buckland                       115.00

5th           Shirley Lattimore/Sam Gurney                   114.72

6th           Trish Downward/Peter Downward              113.56

7th           Maryke Blignault/Colin Clemens                111.82

8th           Kay Robb/Rosemary McLaughlin              108.94

9th           Bev Turton/Rona Brownlie                         106.16

10th         Jill Lockett/Giles Hancock                          105.96


Remember The Gold Coast?

Lots of Cantabrians headed off to the Gold Coast Congress in the last week of February where they would certainly have had a great time. We had no first place successes but the following appeared in respectable positions in the reporting on this website of the final placings in events:


Robyn Findlay- Jan Stupples

Sam Gurney- Caroline Caseley

Judith Roose-Driver- Johan Roose

Hayden Seal- Jan Davis

Bruce Anderson- Kathryn Tennant

Ann Deaker- Anne Simpson

Lyn Mould - Erica Tie



Ann Deaker, Anne Simpson, Lyn Mould, Erica Tie

Sam Gurney, Caroline Caseley, Linda White, Viv Hurst


Swiss Pairs

Michael Sykes

Jane Morris

Hayden Seal- Jan Davis

Julian and Pamela Glyn

Jan Lenton- Lizzy Hornsey

Bruce Anderson- Kathryn Tennant

Caroline Casely- Sam Gurney


Tournament Cancellation

                The Corona virus is going to have a widespread effect on the playing of bridge, and in this region it is the Timaru Club that has cancelled its congress for the first weekend in April. Just this week a good number of teams had had to withdraw as team members had decided that they did not want to risk participation. It is going to be a long winter.

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