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Another Opportunity for Bridge

As promised, we will bring you as many opportunities for reading and playing bridge in the period when we have no bridge at our clubs.

Many of you will be playing once/ twice a day on BBO (Bridge Base Online) Pairs sessions. We have already posted a blog today about an up-coming On- Line Teams event for Kiwis. I know many would like to thank especially Patrick Carter and Sylvester Riddell for setting these up and for Patrick, Julie Atkinson and others who are or will be helping them direct these events. Are Patrick and Julie always smiling like this:

Patrick Julie 1st nz pairs 17.jpg 
in dealing with slow tables, lost partners and a multitude of other problems while the rest of us simply wonder what we should bid next? There are a lot of really appreciative bridge players enjoying themselves.

Here is another opportunity for some free on-line reading:


It is many years since Paul left New Zealand to pursue a highly successful playing, bridge club running, bridge writing career in Sydney. Here is an opportunity to sign up and read for free Paul's bridge columns. Please press here:  

As an example and a rather apt one, Paul offers this following article which features the founder of BBO, Fred Gitelman and comes from 2002. Paul comments:

"Gitelman created BBO from his home in Canada in 1990. It started out as an analytical tool for serious bridge students, but soon morphed into the place to play free online bridge.

When Gitelman moved to Las Vegas in the mid-1990s, the operation grew with several partners coming on board, including Bill Gates. Gitelman has since retired but BBO continues to forge ahead. It has long been the best place for online bridge and it has just received an unwanted mega boost thanks to the Coronavirus. Unable to play F2F bridge, players are pouring onto BBO at a greater rate than the site can handle. When I started writing this email, there were 18,000 people online. Check it out for yourself:

This column is set around the Bridge Championship at the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002. I was there, not that you would know it if you looked at the honour roll. No Bradbury for me ☹

Gitelman is in 7NT. There is nothing unduly complicated about the card play – but you do have to think ahead.  

Give it a go. The best way is to use Bridge Solver. (There is a link in the column along with an explanation of the Bridge Solver settings.)

The column is here. 

I hope you might take a look at the column and perhaps subscribe as Paul suggests. I for one love playing bridge "live" but with the opportunities for such bridge curtailed for now, having on-line bridge is just wonderful. It is neat being able to read about our game too.

Richard Solomon



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