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Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

Jenny Pomeroy.


As it is 1st April, I thought I would have a bit of fun……..


"I bring you News from Top of the South but it is a little scant and thin.

As for the good of all New Zealand we’ve been forced to all stay in

While it's sensible in the long run, it isn’t quite the same

To have our weekly bridge sessions played as a virtual game.


But looking back over the last few months to when the year began

Our clubs have held some tournaments, which successfully they ran.

We start with Jan in Marlborough with their Open 10A teams

Where the Richmond Picton combo were the ones that reigned supreme.

Our congratulations are given to Barbara, Kathryn and Pam

And not forgetting Chris, this A Teams’ only man.

Marl 1 2020   Kathryn Brookes etc .jpeg        Marl 2   Toby Gordon Tony Oberdries Richard Lapthorne Neil Hawkins.jpeg
Tops at the Marlborough Teams: Kathryn Brookes,      followed by Richard Lapthorne, Tony Oberdries,
Pam Dravitzki, Barbara Fechney and the sole male     Toby Gordon and Neil Hawkins in 2nd place
Chris Marshall. It's OK. We have not forgotten
Robin Young in the middle. He's the prize presenter.

Fast forward to 29th of February and to Westport we all go

But more for the lure of whitebait than for the ladies to propose

First place on the podium for Chris and Pam once more

Moss and Max were second, knocking closely on their door.


One week later and it’s off to Nelson we all skip

With Marshall aiming high to make his first hat trick

It wasn’t to be at this event, but a very credible bronze

The Gold prize was awarded to The Hinkleys, Adrian and John.

                                                          TOPS AT NELSON

                       Spades     1st                                    2nd                                                             3rd

Tony and Susan Hinkley Adrian Abraham  John Kruiniger.jpeg    Jim Jessep Tony Oberdries Maurice Carter  Reg Nicol.jpeg Chris Henry Ann Baker  Barbara Fechney Chris Marshall.jpeg 
Tony and Susan Hinkley, Adrian Abraham    Jim Jessep, Tony Oberdries,                    Chris Henry, Ann Baker, 
and John Kruiniger                                      Maurice Carter and Reg Nicol               Barbara Fechney and Chris Marshall

                   Hearts         1st                                         2nd                                                    3rd

 Ian Brash Doug Eliot Justine Thompson Anne Shearer.jpeg   Sherryn Malthus and Lyn Eden.jpeg    Jill Ireland and Garry Howard 2020.jpeg 
Ian Brash, Doug Elliot, Justine Thompson        Sherryn Malthus and Lyn Eden       Jill Ireland and Garry Howard receive 
                                                         (absent) Erica Baldwin and Jane Worthington  their prizes from club President, 
                                                                                                                                  Susan Hinkley (centre)
                                                                                                                             (absent Thelma Halliday and Kay Buchanan)

And finally off to Picton for their Junior 3B

First tournament for many, always good to see

Penny Fisher first met Malcolm at Saturday’s morning tea

And they went on to win the day with a per cent of sixty three!

Instant Success

Picton junior reduced.jpeg 
That's the nice story for Malcolm McKenzie
 and Penny Fisher, here receiving their prizes
from Picton President, Chris Marshall 

As always we thank our helpers, directors, scorers and our hosts

Our caterers and our dealers; it's all of you who we must toast.


One final piece of news is we have a new club in our region

  For Hokitika is to affiliate bringing Top of the South to ten.

Our thanks to Ray Curnow for encouraging them to join our clubs

We welcome them with open arms ….as long as they pay their subs!


Over the next few weeks we all will miss this friendship and camaraderie

A sad but very necessary step as we aim for Covid Free

Let’s hope that it isn’t long before clubs can open up their doors

And in the mean time stay safe, stay well and look after you and yours."


TOPS "Poet Laureate" for 2020. A very modest response below.


"While you are confined to your own home space

There is still a place to go

For twice daily Kiwi duplicate. That place

Is BBO."

 Press here for the link to BBO Pairs Bridge, Kiwi style.

The link gives you information rather than takes you directly to BBO.

(Sessions 1.30pm and 7.30pm every day)




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