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Coronavirus- Bulletin 3 from Allan Morris

On Saturday the New Zealand Government imposed travel conditions on all people (except from Pacific Islands)  entering New Zealand, requiring people to self-isolate for 14 days.

Also we have seen major fixtures/gatherings being postponed or cancelled.

We know bridge club committees and players are concerned and are questioning whether they should remain open. Equally they are questioning if it is advisable to continue with tournaments.

Clearly we could recommend to clubs to close their doors for 14 days. We are not convinced we need to go to that extreme at this stage. Most bridge sessions are relatively small with less than 100 players.

More importantly it is telling players that if they are unwell to seek medical advice and refrain from coming to bridge. We know players will be concerned that they are letting their partner down, to the contrary. If you are unwell and come to bridge you are letting all your fellow bridge players down.

The message is quite simple- for players
1. If you are unwell seek medical advice and DO NOT come to bridge.
2. Adhere to the Government’s advice/directive.
3. Be vigilant with personal hygiene.
4. Wash your hands with hot soapy water for 20 seconds. Wash hands on arrival and before lunch or coffee breaks
5. Use alcohol based hand sanitizer
6. If you sneeze or cough use a tissue and dispose the tissue. After sneezing or coughing wash your hands.


- Clubs
1.  Regularly wipe down areas with alcohol based product.

  1. Do not allow visitors from overseas unless they have had 14 day stand-down.
  2. Do not allow visitors from other clubs if they have travelled overseas and not undertaken 14 day stand down.
  3. Put up posters- refer to Ministry of Health website.
  4. Put up posters in bathrooms showing players how to wash hands.
  5. Provide paper towels, tissues and hand sanitizer.

We have already received questions about Congress. This event is 6 months away.
We know many of you like to make air and accommodation bookings early. We must remain confident that the steps the Government are taking will be adequate and will significantly assist in restraining the virus. Our suggestion is if you are in anyway remotely concerned that you hold of purchasing tickets or accommodation.

We will continue to monitor the situation and will issue further advisories should there be any change.

Cheers Allan

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