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Thanks to Aucklanders, Patrick Carter and Sylvester Riddell, there is at least one opportunity per day to play in

a shortish 12 board Pairs session involving New Zealand players. You must have a partner with a BBO log-in.


Log into BBO before 7:30 pm, and select Competitive and then All Tournaments.  Look for a tournament named "AKBC Trial" or similar.  It should be hosted by Trick13.
 Click on the tournament name to register.  You will be asked for your partner's BBO username.
Both players need to log in and register in advance.
 At 7:30, when the tournament starts, you are automatically transported into the tournament from whatever else you might be doing on BBO.
You must be logged in and ready to play at the start time. These games are free.
 Bridge in NZ.png
There is also the intention of running a session at 1.30pm each day. These sessions should run 7 days per week.
The standard of play is mixed though if there is a large number of tables, one's opponents will be determined Swiss style. .
Politeness to all at the table is mandatory. Self-alerting your bids is expected.
You have plenty of time to play 2 board rounds.
Thanks to Sylvester and Patrick who have organized this facility. Patrick will direct and control these sessions.
Hand records, results within an instant of finishing.... but please no discussion of hands during rounds.
a great way to handle a "bridge-less" period.
Richard Solomon


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