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Our report today comes courtesy of the club's most efficient and hard-working manager, Bridget Hannaway-Willcox.

"Well I have been flat out at home. Wellington Club is assisting players with accessing online play, a big thanks to Patrick and the Auckland Bridge Club.

We have some seasoned BBO players available to assist those new to online bridge for the "ins and outs"and "do's and dont's" on online Bridge. (ask Bridget for more information)

We have also reached out to our able bodied members and have a list of those available to help out with shopping and errands (essential ones) for those not able to get out and about.

 Also, some of our members are not on email. We  are making contact with them in the old way of online (telephone line).

 Face-masks, Thunderpants and all that!

We also have Helen Climo who is busily making face masks and giving them to members, colourful ones at that. One well-known club member was a little concerned as he thought his underwear had gone missing.

It turns out Helen got a bag of scraps acquired from the "thunder pants" factory.

     The masks  from......                         "Thunderpants"!

Mask   Covid 19 Wellington.jpg   Thunderpants.jpg

Thanks, Bridget, plenty of good happenings around the Wellington Club.

Richard Solomon

and it would be great to hear what is happening while your club is not operating.


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