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Playing bridge at New Zealand clubs or even privately may be off the agenda for the forseeable future. However, there are other ways you can still indulge in your favourite pastime. There's playing bridge online or catching up on those bridge books you have not looked at for a while.
There's daily articles to read on this website, along with a link to articles produced by Ron Klinger (see the feature reported 23rd March).
We will try to bring you other ways like the following we received from Hutt player, Vil Gravis.
"Hi all XFiles readers
The good news is: the computers have their own viruses but are not in isolation. The next good news is that, without any bridge clubs to go to, you now have time for reading and discussion about bridge things, if you are seriously interested in improving your game. Can I help? I hope so. For all those interested, I will have a separate list of those who want to ask any bridge related questions that they wish to share with others. To register just send me a return email, and please tell your bridge friends if they are locked down with no bridge, I am happy to put everyone on the mailing list. the only condition is that they must be prepared for their questions and answers to be sent to everyone on the list.
Take care, enjoy your solitude and don’t stress out, this could be a time to relax!
All the best,
     Vil's email address is:
You need not be starved of bridge.
Richard Solomon


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