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Social Distancing Round Robin Teams. Need Teammates?

If you would like to take part in this event but need teammates, then just send me an email at  and I will

try and match you up with a suitable guarantees but it does no harm to ask...and please not Open players: Junior and Intermediate only.

Please note this event is for Teams of all standards. You will be placed in groups with other teams of about your standard. So, if you are not a grand-master, or are not even Open, please feel free to give this event a go...and if you need teammates, please ask.

CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES TO THIS EVENT IS SUNDAY 5th APRIL 2020 at 7.00pm  (email entries to Patrick...see below)


These are the details we provided about this event.... There are plenty of entries. It will be a really good event.


Here is another way you can amuse yourself while you cannot leave your home let alone visit your bridge club.

Once again, as with the twice daily Pairs sessions on BBO, we are indebted to Patrick Carter for organising a Teams competition for us. Thanks, Patrick.

You need a partner and at least a couple of willing teammates.

Kiwis and "ex Pats" ..or close relatives only

This event is open to all Kiwis.In order to enter, you need to email Patrick on this email The entries must include the both the real name and BBO name of every team member.

In addition, there must be both an NZ phone number and an email address for the captain. Teams can be 4, 5 or 6 players. One player in any team can be located overseas as long as they are an “ex-pat” (no, nothing to do with Patrick!)  or are a close relative of someone in the team.

However, anyone outside the New Zealand time zone must be prepared to play at unusual times of the day or night for them just to fit in with their Kiwi opponents.

The format

Patrick will take all the entries and then divide the teams into groups. There will probably be between 8 and 12 teams in each group. Patrick will decide which teams are in which group. If you are in a tougher group than you expected, just treat it as both fun and a learning experience. If you are in an easier group than you think you should be, then hopefully you can treat it as fun and a winning experience.

Those groups will be listed on a document placed in the tournament section on the Auckland Bridge Club website.

Captains can then organise matches on BBO against the other teams in their group. There is no particular order of play because every team will be playing every other team.

Each match will be of exactly 16 boards. After each match the WINNING captain will email Patrick with the IMP result of the match and will include the captain of the losing team as a cc on the email to provide a check in case there is a disagreement.

Patrick will then convert the score to Victory Points and update the scoreboard on the Auckland Bridge Club website.

Be nice to Patrick

 To make life easier for the scorer, there will be no descriptive names. Each team will be listed on the scoreboard using the real name of the captain.

Teams are expected to complete their full schedule of matches regardless of how they are performing. Even if they are so far in front or so far behind that their team is certain to come first or last, the full round robin is to be completed.

At the moment please send in your entries. Keep an eye on the Tournament section of the Auckland Bridge Club website for an update.

Together but Apart

together but apart.jpg

on-line..or throw me one!

Richard Solomon


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