All News

  • Waikato Bays News 1 with Anna Kalma

    31 Oct 2018

    Breaking news is the New Zealand success at the Spring Nationals in Sydney including our local international duo – from left Jenna and Christine Gibbons who paired with Steph Jacob and Rebecca Johnston from Auckland to take out the... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players 3

    29 Oct 2018

    Right Opening…Right Play….Right Double. Look at the two wonderful hands below. If you had the choice of defending the opponent’s 6S contract, doubled, for one or two down (naturally, they are not vulnerable) or play in your... read more here

  • Kiwi Success at Sydney Spring Nationals

    28 Oct 2018

    Sydney’s annual mid- October Spring National events saw some excellent results for New Zealand based players. The Dick Cummings Open Pairs was won by Michael Whibley and his Australian partner, Phil Markey. The TBIB Spring National Open... read more here

  • Top International Bridge Press Award goes to New Zealand Player

    27 Oct 2018

    GeO Tislevoll has won the International Bridge Press Association (IBPA)award for the best defended hand of 2018. This has just been presented to him at a ceremony in Sanya, China on October 25th.  GeO is a current New Zealand Open... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana 3

    26 Oct 2018

    The Lure of the Vulnerable Game. It’s Teams. We’re vulnerable. We have enough high card points to make game a possibility. Should we therefore go for gold? It seems many of us tried at the wrong time on this evening. So, a couple of... read more here

  • Auckland News with Douglas Russell

    25 Oct 2018

    As the weather becomes a little more spring-like and our thoughts turn to planting out our veggie gardens and planning our summers, the more single-minded souls of the bridge world continue in their relentless quest for glory and A points. As... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players 2

    24 Oct 2018

    ONE EXTRA CHANCE “All I wanted was an even trump break and I would have had a claim” exclaimed the declarer as another slam bit the dust. While that comment was true, the declarer did not give himself that one extra chance of making... read more here


    24 Oct 2018

    In this week's episode Barry and Mereana discuss when to sacrifice and the Smolen convention as well as a round-up of the two Labour Day congresses in Otago and Hamilton.  You can listen to this week's episode of The Bridge Zone radio show by... read more here

  • Volunteer of The Month

    24 Oct 2018

    October 2018 - Tony Sutich.   A Great Contributor to Bridge in Wellington Tony has been  a very active member of both the Regional Committee since the time of its inception and its predecessor the Wellington Centre. Some two years... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana 2

    19 Oct 2018

    The Achievable and The Unachievable Here are two questions for you. We will pose a third later.You hold:  T                 ... read more here

  • Central Districts News with George McLachlan 1

    17 Oct 2018

    Thanks to Allan Joseph (Wellington) and his able assistant Bryan Green (Levin) there could soon be a clutch of newly qualified Club Directors in the region.  Candidates from New Plymouth, Hawera, Wanganui, Palmerston North and Levin have been... read more here


    17 Oct 2018

    This week's episode brings you No Trumps and 5 Card Majors, Congress, Aces, Postcard from Scotland, Zia Again, Bridge Report, Herman Yuan, NZ Youngest Directors Waikato Bridge Club, NZ Team Trials For China.  You can listen to the... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players 1

    16 Oct 2018

    The Ruff You Do Not Want! You have a singleton in your partner’s suit. You have a tenuous trump holding in the opponent’s suit, KJ2 with both A and Q in the hand where you do not want them. Yet, if partner gives you a ruff, that is,... read more here

  • Congratulations- Our New Grandmasters

    15 Oct 2018

    Details here read more here

  • Top 100 All Time Masterpoint Earners- Updated 15 Oct 2018

    15 Oct 2018

    Details Here read more here

  • Tales of Akarana 1

    12 Oct 2018

    Four Point Support:  Too much to pass, too little to bid. There would not be a problem if you held 4 high card points and no support for partner’s major or maybe not if you held 4 card support along with your 4 count. Bergen, at least,... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    10 Oct 2018

    A LITTLE CARE… I saw, participated in over 500 boards at last week’s National Bridge Congress. I am sure there were a number of good plays and defences during the week. This one caught my eye as, unfortunately, I was on the receiving... read more here


    10 Oct 2018

    This week's episode brings you a wrap up from National Congress as the roving Bridge Zone Crew track down the winners of the different events.  We hear more about the Dan Gifford legacy for rubber bridge and learn how many shirts you can iron... read more here

  • Wellington News 001

    10 Oct 2018

    In a slight oversight a couple of months ago, I agreed to submit this newsletter two days after returning from the Congress in Hamilton. I obviously wasn’t looking ahead that much - which some at Congress might have noticed about my declarer... read more here

  • Reminder- The Congress Survey is open

    8 Oct 2018

    We would love to hear from you read more here

  • Update- Congress Masterpoints

    8 Oct 2018

    Judy Butler has done a sterling job during congress uploading the Masterpoint Files and the conclusion of each event. At this stage the awards for match wins in the teams events are to be uploaded. This will take place progressively over the next... read more here

  • Congress Update - Day 7

    5 Oct 2018

    Congratulations to the winners of the completed events yesterday  Senior Pairs: Ernie Sutton - Frances Sheehy Intermediate Pairs: Tony Ren - Kevin Hu Same Sex Pairs: Moss Wylie - Charles Ker Mixed... read more here

  • Congress Survey

    3 Oct 2018

    We are always looking for ways to improve our National Congress and this year we'd invite you, the New Zealand (and wider) bridge community to answer this short survey and tell us what you think and what you want. We have some things we want to... read more here


    3 Oct 2018

    This week's episode brings you all the news from National Congress as the roving Bridge Zone Crew find the news from the winners and goes behind the scenes.  You can listen to the podcast of this week's episode of The Bridge Zone by opening... read more here

  • Congratulations Liam and James

    2 Oct 2018

    Well done Liam Milne and James Coutts for winning the 2018 NZ Pairs  Top 10 Place Result % Pair Name 1 901.3 59.69% JAMES COUTTS - LIAM MILNE 2 834.6 55.48% MICHAEL COURTNEY - PAUL WYER 3 807.1 56.05% SAM... read more here

  • NZB awards 2 Life Memberships

    2 Oct 2018

    Congratulations Alan Turner and Robin Young for being awarded Life Memberships to NZ Bridge. A presentation was made at the AGM and Congress opening. Alan Turner, Mayor of Hamilton Andrew King and Chairman of NZB, Alan Morris Robin Young, Andrew... read more here

  • AGM Presentation

    29 Sep 2018

    Click here to read the NZB Presentation 2018 AGM read more here

  • Volunteer of The Month

    29 Sep 2018

    June Day - Te Puke. Treasurer and much more. The Club Committee would like to nominate June Day, who has been our Treasurer for about19 years. She finally decided to retire due to her 80th birthday.  She kept meticulous records and her... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana 010

    28 Sep 2018

    Normal Breaks do occur….. Normally! You do not believe the above statement, do you? You have seen it a grand slam with 10 trumps missing the queen and find Qxx behind the AK. You have played in countless excellent games with 4... read more here

  • Another year another National Congress

    27 Sep 2018

    Hamilton will be abuzz again starting on Saturday for nine days.  We have a good number of entries and can't wait to get started. If you want to receive updates during Congress, you need to be registered o this NZB website.  To do this,... read more here

  • Waitemata turns 50!!

    27 Sep 2018

    WHAT A STORY On Saturday the 22nd I had the honour of attending the 50th Anniversary of the Waitemata Bridge Club in west Auckland.   The Club’s humble beginnings came about after the Auckland Bridge Club decided to move from the... read more here

  • Northland News with Tania Brown

    26 Sep 2018

    Greetings from the Winterless North once again. A lot has been happening here tournament wise and we have had some incredible results including the 5A Swiss Pairs tournament in Kerikeri held last weekend which was won by two Intermediate players.... read more here


    26 Sep 2018

    You can listen to the podcast of this week's episode of The Bridge Zone by opening this article.  In this week's episode Bruce and Jane interview Paul Marston, catch up with Katherine Gough in Wellington to hear about her Super Social Sundays... read more here

  • Bulletin- Selection of NZ TEams & Trialists for 2019

    25 Sep 2018

        The selectors are pleased to announce their decisions in respect of the International events for 2019. Firstly I would like to acknowledge all applications. Some of you will be disappointed that you are not included in the teams or... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    25 Sep 2018

    Keeping Partner “Sweet”. You lead partner’s suit and you wish you had not. You do not lead partner’s suit and wish you had! Do you know the feeling? Been there, done that, I am sure. Watch the following:  ... read more here

  • Cynthia Clayton Greeting Cards- Supporting Youth Bridge

    24 Sep 2018

    We are delighted that Cynthia will be offering her greeting cards for sale at Congress again this year.  Proceeds go towards the support of Youth Bridge in NZ. Please look out for the display at the venue. A small sample below of what will... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana 009

    21 Sep 2018

    THE FOOLISH FIVE? It’s OK. There will be no names except my own. I have to admit to being guilty..or am I just being wise after the event? What would you do? There’s not too much to this bidding sequence:  ... read more here

  • Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

    20 Sep 2018

       no money for Marina! Read on.... Top of the South is now in its 9th year, and has grown up!  No longer a TOT but TOPS.  Those important Club Committees. There have been a couple of AGMs in the last few weeks.  Simon... read more here

  • Sundays are Novice Days

    19 Sep 2018

    Calling Novice Players. What better way is there to spend a Sunday afternoon than playing bridge? Social Bridge, that is. That is the concept behind Auckland-Northland Regional Bridgemate, Jan France's, Social Sunday afternoon concept. The first... read more here


    19 Sep 2018

    You can listen to the podcast of this week's episode of The Bridge Zone by opening this article.  In this week's episode Barry and Mereana interview Karen Martelletti, catch up with Professor Samantha Punch from Stirling University, compare... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    17 Sep 2018

    RUNNING OUT OF TRUMPS   A play problem for you. You are South and become declarer in 4. You may criticise the bidding, with justification: more of that shortly. However, it is 4 you have to make and not 4 or even 3NT. West leads 4 to... read more here

  • Congratulations!! Recently Qualified Club Level Directors

    14 Sep 2018

        NZ Bridge congratulates the following people who were successful in the recent exam series:   Vicki Jacobsen Cambridge Luisa McNabb Christchurch Janet De Lu Crockfords... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana 008

    14 Sep 2018

                   Different Routes: Same Result.                Party Spoilers! There were many different... read more here

  • Canterbury News with Max Robb

    13 Sep 2018

    From time to time, quite a few of my friends at the club express surprise that I have another sister who plays at the Christchurch Club. And it was to my surprise that Madelaine Green and Rodney Green presented themselves at the club recently, and... read more here

  • National Bridge Congress Update

    13 Sep 2018

    In just over two weeks, we will all be getting ready for the first round of the JLT New Zealand Open and Restricted Open Pairs. The big day will be here very soon. The good news is that numbers coming look like being up there with the high numbers... read more here

  • Babich - NZ Wide Pairs-

    12 Sep 2018

                                                        ... read more here


    12 Sep 2018

    The Bridge Zone radio show is now the second most downloaded podcast on the Hamilton Radio Station Free FM with over 3,000 downloads in August.  The success means that four other radio stations have asked to broadcast the show.  Their... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    10 Sep 2018

    TOUGH DEFENCE. We could twist those above two words around and insert the word “is” because “Defence is tough.” Here’s a hand to prove the point though in many cases, we could expand on the phrase and say... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana 007

    7 Sep 2018

    “Innocent Bystanders”. Or were we? Everyone (well nearly everyone..or some people!) say they love Swiss Pairs. I might sometimes even agree with them, or some of them, or some of the time but there is one time when I and others are... read more here

  • National 15 A Pairs by Moss Wylie, Invercargill

    6 Sep 2018

    A Happy Hunting Ground for Wayne and Clair The Otago Club held the National Pairs in the first weekend of September. 28 pairs attended the two day event directed by Caroline Wiggins, all the way down from Hastings. The qualifying day saw... read more here

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