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Our National Congress Update

Nearly There….

Are you counting down the days now to the start of this year’s National Congress? If you are a Youth Player or are in the Quarter Finals of the National Rubber Bridge Competition, it’s only three days now. Four for the rest of us.

Flying in to Hamilton Airport on Friday or Saturday morning (Sept. 27th/28th)?  You can get a free shuttle to the Distinction Hotel..but only if you have told us in advance you want one…and your flight number, name and arrival time. Email now if you have not requested a shuttle and want one.

Start Times for Friday and Saturday 27th/28th

Friday    9.45am    National Youth Teams

                7.30pm   Quarter Finals National Rubber Bridge Competition

Saturday  9.00 am  AGM  New Zealand Bridge

               Midday     Ryman Healthcare New Zealand Open Pairs

                                  Ryman Healthcare New Zealand Restricted Open Pairs

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Free tea and coffee will be available as in in previous years (water too). However, if you like a barista made coffee, you can do your bit to save plastic waste and bring your own cup/ mug (not plastic cups!) and save yourself 0.50 on each drink. You must look after/ wash your own cups though there will be an aptly named “Lost Mugs” table for those of you whose mind might be on saving overtricks rather than keeping track of their cup.

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As in 2018, we hope you will take part in an On-line survey about this year’s National Congress. This survey will be open during the week after Congress. Watch out in the Congress Bulletins for further details.

The “Other” Championships    rugby world cup logo.jpg

Vying for importance with the National Bridge Congress in our media (apologies for the sarcasm!), is a certain event taking place in Japan. We can put your minds at rest to say that Spark Sports will be available at the hotel both in the lounge and in the bedrooms, subject to no further technical issues arising (apologies again for the hint of sarcasm!). This will mean one less Sky Sports channel but we think that players would prefer that small sacrifice this time.

It has even been mooted that the presence of Spark Sports might speed up play a little at the bridge table though that is very debatable!


Enter Events

You should have entered the Ryman Healthcare New Zealand Open / Restricted Open Pairs by now. You can enter any of the other events on-line as well…or you can enter these in Hamilton.

Entry numbers look good with slightly more than the 2018 number of Pairs in both the above- mentioned events and also the combined number of teams in Hamilton City Open/Restricted Open Teams as compared with the New Zealand Teams in 2018….and it looks like we will top the 700 total registrations for the first time.

So, please encourage Novice and Junior players to take part in their special events…and looking forward to seeing you all in Hamilton.

Richard Solomon


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