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The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 061

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This week's show includes:

 The Bridge Zone Show 11 Sept 2019 001.jpg


  • Ki te tautoko te wiki o te reo maori
  • Supporting Maori Language Week


 Bridge Zone Show 11 Sept 2019 002.jpg

  • Richard Solomon shares his workload heading into the National Congress
  • Late entries are possible and do happen
  • Numbers are looking good
  • Traditions – Do you have any when heading into big events?
  • Boards, boards and more boards, editor in chief, chairs and tables, the disco returns
  • International presence – Is the Worlds in China having any effect on Congress
  • Inaugural events in 2019, main sponsors, baking, Judge Julie, Homer Award
  • Match making – the ups and downs of this duty

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  • Any tips for new players.. we share a new Bridge Players blues…

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  • Do you have any targets, what’s your incentive – food or money or simply points
  • Barry shares a story for one of his bets

Waiata – Hoki Mai

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  • Tauranga City Council
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