All News

  • Tales of Akarana

    16 Aug 2019

    “MAKING UP THE NUMBERS?” Who were? Why, the North-South pairs, of course. They were there to defend, occasionally to have slam aspirations, to make a nuisance of themselves in a series of high- level competitive boards but generally,... read more here

  • Canterbury News with Max Robb

    15 Aug 2019

    Plenty of tournament action to report this issue. So, let's get straight into it: Mid South Island Teams  - June 23rd Someone, or a group, must be doing a lot of hard work in South Canterbury to get 6 Junior and 6 Intermediate teams along... read more here

  • Congratulations to our 3 new Siver Grandmasters

    15 Aug 2019

    Details Here read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 057

    14 Aug 2019

        Today’s show includes:   Cambridge Sixes - Tarakiwi take out the event     More Km’s to A’s for Russell Wilson travelled to the Cambridge Sixes Angels take out the costume prize... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    13 Aug 2019

    It’s OK to return partner’s suit…except…. When it’s wrong! Helpful advice? Not really. Defence can be hard (another unhelpful comment!), One factor which can make it easier is when our partner makes a bid.... read more here

  • The Youth Weekend That Was

    13 Aug 2019

    32 young bridge players came to Christchurch from all over the country: from Auckland, Tauranga, Cambridge, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, Wellington, Westport, Rangiora, Christchurch and Dunedin. Here they all are: They played an Individual... read more here

  • New To The Table. The Play of the Hand.

    12 Aug 2019

    Play Well: Be Lucky. Good play is not always rewarded but we would like to believe it is. If we play the cards in the best possible manner and fail in our contract, then we will have a level of satisfaction, if not all the deserved match-points!... read more here

  • New To The Table

    9 Aug 2019

    "Quantitative Bid" …. Can you say it and use it? I struggle to say it but it is a useful bid to use. The idea is that you ask partner to pass if they are minimum for their holding or bid on if they are maximum…a bit like the... read more here

  • Nominations open - International representative teams for 2020

    9 Aug 2019

    Details Here read more here

  • Tales of Akarana

    9 Aug 2019

    SHAPELESS and SHAPELY. Sometimes it is what is staring before our eyes. At other times, we have to imagine what it is our opponents might be bidding so aggressively on. In the context of the above, two problems for you:  ... read more here

  • Top 100 and 200!

    8 Aug 2019

    Getting all the functions working  connected with this website has proved a slowish process. We are getting there! You can now see the list of the top 100 New Zealand master-point holders of all time which will be updated from time to time,... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Show - 056

    7 Aug 2019

     In todays show.......   Results North Island Pairs The Simpsons’ take out the event We have Jo Simpson on the show How does a 4 man team come 3rd in the event? Auckland Pairs Billie Tohill Pairs Tudor Biggs... read more here

  • Wellington News with Paul Maxwell

    7 Aug 2019

    Bridge and.... July saw a rather nasty cold circulating among local bridge players. While recovering, I was flicking through TV channels and came across a novel sport. One fan had combined his love of chess and boxing. The two activities... read more here

  • Gold and Silver for North Island Pairs Winners

    6 Aug 2019

    Jo and Sam Simpson squeezed home in a very tight finish to last weekend’s North Island Pairs held at the Wellington Bridge Club. The format was the same as at the recent South Island Pairs with each pair playing three boards against the... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    6 Aug 2019

    Double and Defend Strongly when they overstep the mark. A couple of bidding situations for you first up…. for although this article is primarily about playing and defending hands, the bidding is very much connected with both. East’s... read more here

  • New To The Table. The Play of the Hand.

    4 Aug 2019

    A Change of Plan. You make your plan when you first see dummy. Sometimes, something goes wrong and you have to make an abrupt change if you are to have any chance of making your contract. Take this week’s hand: North DealsNone... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana

    3 Aug 2019

    A Timely Duck. 23 high-card points between the two hands, a holey longish 5 card “coming home suit” and a fair knowledge that a key finesse is going to fail (it does). It all sounds like 3NT is going to run into some degree of... read more here

  • New To The Table

    2 Aug 2019

    Staying in Part-Score. Part-score contracts are important too. You cannot make game on every hand. When we do not think we can make a game, we would like to stop as low as we can…but it is not always possible.    ... read more here

  • North Island Pairs- Wellington Bridge Club

    2 Aug 2019

    LInk to results read more here

  • Otago- Southland News with Brad Johnston

    31 Jul 2019

    It’s been a while since I last wrote to you, and in that time some things have happened. One of these is that there’ve been some local tournaments (of course). So, it’s good to celebrate the winners. Not to waste your valuable... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Show- 055

    31 Jul 2019

      Todays show includes:   Boomerang Bridge Welcome Liam Milne – our Australian Correspondent The 1st throw of the Boomerang   Funnies reveal Dummy – my knight in shining armour, gallant saviour of fricken... read more here

  • A Lighter Look

    30 Jul 2019

                 Playing With “The Master”. Have you ever had a game of Bridge with a “DealMaster”? You know who I mean, don’t you? His (oops, sorry, that may... read more here

  • Resignation from the Board- Jane Stearns

    30 Jul 2019

      Yesterday I received notice from Jane Stearns of her resignation from the Board which, with regret, I have accepted. Without doubt Jane’s contribution, over a relatively short period, has been most significant and I am sure will be... read more here

  • Lots of Laughs, Bridge and Pizzas in Auckland

    29 Jul 2019

    There was an excellent atmosphere on the last Sunday of morning of July as 34 students took part in a Schools’ Pairs event at the Auckland Bridge Club. We had players from Macleans College, Auckland Grammar, Bucklands Beach Intermediate,... read more here

  • New To The Table. The Play of the Hand.

    29 Jul 2019

     Playing a Tough Part-Score Contract.                 We left you as declarer in the  following deal in your part-score spade contract after West had led the jack... read more here

  • Volunteer of The Month

    29 Jul 2019

    Ron and Sandra Cooper - Orewa. This month we have a joint nomination, a husband and wife partnership who have served their club in different ways for many years. For 12 years Ron has been a committee member and served for 7 of those years as... read more here

  • New To The Table

    26 Jul 2019

    Being Competitive. One of the skills of bidding is, when the opponents open the bidding, of knowing to compete when an auction is about to end. This is called "balancing" or "being competitive".  If you do not, you will find you will get... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana

    26 Jul 2019

    If you do not succeed at first, finesse and finesse again! They are our last resort. We would take any reasonable line that means we do not have to take a finesse. Most of us would struggle to remember the last successful one in a key situation.... read more here

  • Waikato Bays News with Anna Kalma

    25 Jul 2019

    Waikato Bays News and Rubber "Cat" ch up Teams events seemed to be back on the radar over the past few months.   Starting with Spa Town Teams in Te Aroha … this is the only stand-alone tournament Te Aroha host and it is comprised... read more here

  • Changes to Board Requirements for 5A to 20A Tournaments

    24 Jul 2019

      At our meeting held yesterday the Board agreed to adopt the following changes to the board requirements for certain tournament levels. The change is effectively immediately and will be reviewed in 12 months’ time. 5A... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 054

    24 Jul 2019

       This weeks show includes:   Judge Julie Rules Alerts at the 4 level Time @ the table Tip of the week Signals – say it loud   Auckland Region Pairs         Winners... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    23 Jul 2019

    Trump Signals Can Save The Day… ….. or even help beat a contract. What are they? Normally, we follow quite meaninglessly with our two or three small trumps. We can give the order we play them a meaning. We focus on the other two... read more here

  • A Lighter Look

    22 Jul 2019

    SIX GOOD TRUMPS ARE NO GOOD……. This all happened in one 10 board match among 8 supposedly strong Open bridge players. Firstly, we must give you a bidding problem….or maybe it is no problem: With both sides vulnerable, you... read more here

  • New To The Table. The Play of the Hand.

    21 Jul 2019

    Squashing Honours. We left you on Friday in a rather precarious contract after a very difficult bidding sequence. Let's hope we did not use up all our energies in the bidding! We needed to get 10 tricks with spades as trumps: South... read more here

  • New To The Table

    19 Jul 2019

    Bidding What We Have Not: Not Bidding What We Have! The rules or guidelines around bidding can be strange or at times make us do seemingly strange things. For example, if we have 7 high card points and 4 spades and a 6-card club suit, we bid 1... read more here

  • Northland News with Tania Brown

    19 Jul 2019

    Greeting once again from the Winterless North. I shouldn't say totally without winter as we have had two frosts and when it rains... it really rains. On the Bridge front we have been Busy Busy Busy.  New World 5A in Paihia First was the... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana

    19 Jul 2019

    TWO BIDS TO SUCCESS. Some bidding sequences can be very drawn out and can take many minutes to conduct. Others are very succinct….and I do not just mean ones like 1NT – 3NT. This particular sequence following involves a bid which... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 054

    17 Jul 2019

      This weeks show includes: McGann, Reid and Cornell ..Ware not having a bar of it !!!     Hamilton Open Teams and Intermediate Pairs – results   Thanks for sending in your stories while at the table. We... read more here

  • New To The Table. The Play of the Hand.

    15 Jul 2019

    -850 or + 200? One of those will be the result of our action to double 5H in the following auction. Do you remember the problem? West DealsBoth Vul     ♠ J 6 5 ♥ J 8 7 4... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    15 Jul 2019

    Clear Signal: Less Stress. We learn at an early stage of our Bridge development that we can tell our partner whether we like their lead or indeed which suit we would like them to play when they get on lead. There are various methods of doing so.... read more here

  • New To The Table

    12 Jul 2019

    VALUING VOIDS . As well as valuing 4 points for each ace, three for each king, two for a queen and one for a jack, we learn that we can add on extra points for our hand when we have a one or two card suit…or even no cards in a suit! Word... read more here

  • Tales of Akarana

    12 Jul 2019

    “CRIMES” SHOULD BE PUNISHED. Define “crime” in bridge terminology. A criminal action was certainly committed on the following board and should probably have made it easier for a partnership to have bid a slam in safety.... read more here

  • Auckland News with Douglas Russell

    11 Jul 2019

    A somewhat abbreviated report for you this time, as “Other Matters” have rather overtaken my life at the moment. However, a goodly run of tournament results, with many of the usual suspects featuring large. Back in May at East Coast... read more here

  • Play and Defend Better: for improving players

    10 Jul 2019

    The Natural Reaction. You must know the saying “Cover an honour with an honour.” Perhaps, you know the unofficial end to this saying too: “Cover an honour with an honour unless it cannot benefit your side by doing so.”... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -53

    10 Jul 2019

         Todays show includes:   Should I or shouldn’t I  What we get up to off air…yes – lets air it Natalie Imbruglia – 1997 smash hit Look up the TORN, Mime You Tube Clip –... read more here

  • Ace Raiders from The North Take Out South Island Pairs

    8 Jul 2019

    Andi Boughey and Carol Richardson won a tense battle to win the South Island Pairs, held at the Crockfords Bridge Club over the past weekend. They survived five sessions to win by 5% from Blair Fisher and George Masters. Of the three pairs in... read more here

  • New To The Table

    7 Jul 2019

    How Forcing? We often say that a bid is either forcing or is not. Yet, like so much in Bridge, it is not always that simple. We also need to know how forcing a bid is. Is it : Forcing to game? Forcing to 2NT? Forcing just for one round? If... read more here

  • New To The Table. The Play of the Hand.

    7 Jul 2019

    WHICH ROUTE TO TAKE? We left you to play a rather awkward 3NT contract, only 24 high card points between our two hands and no good fit. Can we make 9 tricks? What’s our planning like? South DealsN-S Vul ♠ J 4... read more here

  • South Island Pairs- Crockfords Christchurch

    5 Jul 2019

    LINK TO RESULTS read more here

  • Tales of Akarana

    5 Jul 2019

    Opportunities Lost Or are they? Do we bid too much at the wrong times even at a lowish level? Are we too afraid to penalise at too low a level? How many of those questions apply to you? (Sorry, I promise not to ask any more questions!) I lie!... read more here

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