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National Congress update


The big news to come from this newsletter is that New Zealand Bridge will be running this year’s National Bridge Congress on schedule this year, that is from Saturday 26th September until Saturday 3rd October. Naturally, that is reliant on this country remaining at Level 1 as the Congress could not happen under the rules laid down for any other Level.


After seeing tournament after tournament cancelled in recent weeks, it is wonderful to be able to announce positive news.

As many of you will be aware, New Zealand Bridge surveyed some 500+ players who receive prompts to Congress news on this website. The results are very encouraging:                               

                                                     number                     %

Definitely coming                            210                        63

Maybe coming                                  82                        25

Not coming                                       42                        12

                                                         ------                  -----

Total replies                                    334                     100

                                                     ------                      -----

We appreciate the uncertainty and concerns of many players. Many bridge players are in the older age group while some have health issues or concerns. NZ Bridge along with Distinction Hotel will do everything possible to make the hotel a healthy and safe environment. “Congress colds” are nothing new. This year, the concerns will be greater. We will be trying to ensure that those who are sick do stay away.

The possibility of seeing our friends from across the Tasman at the National Congress remains uncertain. Realistically, they will need the establishment of a “Trans-Tasman bubble” to make that happen. We really hope that happens in time for them to come to Hamilton. Australians are being starved of “face to face bridge” for longer than we are here in New Zealand. Having Australians at the National Congress adds to the event: here’s hoping it will happen.

clockk ticking.png

So, those of you who are thinking of coming to Hamilton, now is the hour to do some planning and even more than that, start entering events. You can enter independently of paying. We ask players to pay by 31st August, with a small monetary advantage in doing so if you are registering for any of these packages:

Full Congress package

Ryman Healthcare New Zealand Open Pairs or New Zealand Restricted Open Pairs

Hamilton City New Zealand Open Teams or New Zealand Restricted Open Teams

For Distinction Hotel bookings   click here

For booking a shuttle from Hamilton Airport at the start or to the Airport at the end of Congress, click here

For a full list of events, click here.  

And if you need teammates or a partner for any event, click here.

Click here to see Packages available...and pricing.

Remember, there are Restricted Open events for those at the start of this year who are ranked National Master or lower. There are events for Intermediates, for Juniors, even a one-session Novice Pairs.

We would love to see lots of players come for the full week. That may not be possible for all, in which case come for a few days (e.g. The (Two) Weekend Package) or just one event.

Please ask me if you have any queries re the Congress.

This is your National Congress. Enjoy.

here we come.

Richard Solomon,

Chairman, New Zealand Bridge Congress Organising Committee.      09 232 8494      027 245 5418

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