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The Bridge Zone Show -097

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This week's show includes:

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  • 100 podcasts coming up
  • Will we get a song out of Kate Terry again?
  • What a special milestone, thank you Bridge Zone followers
  • And a huge High Five to NZ Bridge, you rock


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  • We finish our chat with Judge Julie
  • Barry is up to play with our friend Nigella
  • Can we crash BBO…watching the fun
  • Auckland Social Distance Teams – the June event started this week
  • Catch up with the results on their website



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  • Barry shouts out to the Take Out Double again
  • He answers a question for me, banging the same ole drum
  • Judge Julie underlines and shouts ---LEAD YOUR PARTNERS’ SUIT

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  • I interview a person I have known my entire short Bridge life
  • They share some titbits of their very lengthy Bridge world, thoughts and experiences
  • Been through some super highs and super lows, we talk about partnerships , age, gender – does it matter?
  • We have a fair bit of material to air and will share this over the next few weeks
  • You can make your own mind up, its all interesting

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  • June and July
  • Tournaments may be coming to Hamilton Bridge Club



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