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The Bridge Zone Show - Turns 100 !!!

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Included this week:

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Singing Happy Birthday, whoop whoop

100th episode – it’s here

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Welcome Alan Morris – thanks for the kind words Boss


  • Alan shares with us what’s been happening within NZ Bridge
  • Catching up with the Clubs and gaining feedback has proved a positive initiative
  • He talks with his counterparts and confirms the jealousy
  • We agree – the Bridge World is envious of us
  • Alan and I are going to get the Jones man to sing


Ps I did it yeah boi – What do you think of his singing?

Bridge Zone Show 24 June 2020 004.jpg 


  • Judge Julie racks 50+ shows with The Bridge Zone
  • She’s happy continuing to answer your questions
  • Keep sending them in – now that we are back at the Clubs
  • Her list of questions will grow again

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I Dunno makes its debut


  • Who are you – who who, who who
  • I really want to know
  • Whooooo are you 
  • Join us in the celebration of the 100th show with caller #3


  • Tournaments this weekend
  • Spa Town Teams and Wellington 10A
  • Enjoy and have a great week
  • See you at the tables


 See the source image   to The Bridge Zone


Here is the link to this show


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