All News

  • Kiwis on The Coast

    23 Feb 2017

    KIWIS CONTINUE TO DOMINATE THE RESTRICTED TEAMS That’s the good news from yesterday’s play in the Gold Coast Teams. After 8 of the 12 matches had been completed, these were the high placed Kiwis in the Restricted competition (94... read more here

  • Central Districts' News with George MacLachlan

    22 Feb 2017

    The Hokowhitu club now has a fifth Life Member. Graeme Donaldson joins Mary Scott, husband and wife Chris and Trish Abbey and Pauline Brown.  Graeme's contribution began in earnest when he represented the club on the Caccia Birch House board... read more here

  • Kiwis on The Coast

    22 Feb 2017

                                             &... read more here

  • PLAY and DEFENCE for Improving Players

    22 Feb 2017

    “Man or mouse”?   or   You cannot defend every hand correctly. So, did West get a poor result on the board below because of a wrong lead, for not being brave enough or from that many times used excuse “bad... read more here

  • Kiwis on The Coast

    21 Feb 2017

    MONDAY AT THE GOLD COAST   There are some Kiwi successes to celebrate on day 3 of the Gold Coast Congress. Some of our best results came in the Restricted section of the Bobby Richman Pairs: A Final 2      ... read more here

  • Kiwis on The Coast

    20 Feb 2017

    There’s hundreds of them invading Queensland’s Gold Coast in the name of Bridge. They should certainly have a great time at and away from the bridge table. For all us “Cinderellas” at home (it’s OK, today the sun is... read more here


    17 Feb 2017

    WE LOVE THEM: WE HATE THEM What are “they”? High level competitive decisions, of course! Get them right and the sun shines and the imps flow in. Misjudge and you are left with that “if only” feeling in your stomach. I... read more here

  • YOUTH BRIDGE WEEKEND August 18th-20th 2017

    16 Feb 2017

    Please see the attached for information about the 2017 New Zealand Bridge Youth Weekend.   for futher information or for registering, please contact :   Richard Solomon 09 232 8494 read more here

  • PLAY and DEFENCE for Improving Players

    15 Feb 2017

    LOOKING AFTER PARTNER Now, there’s an interesting concept. Rather than blaming them for the wrong bid they made, their terrible opening lead, their failure to find the right switch, you should always think about what you could have done to... read more here


    15 Feb 2017

    Like the endpoint of a winter sport increasingly encroaching on summer, the bridge playing season runs from early January to late December. This doesn't give us much of a break between seasons. Local players, winding down from Interclub and the... read more here

  • South Island Teams

    14 Feb 2017

    VISITORS TRIUMPH IN NELSON Many come from England to “summer” in the South Island though two English visitors, Christine Duckworth and Brian Callaghan had a different motive in visiting Nelson over the weekend of 11th/12th February as... read more here

  • The " Toughest" Part of the Game

    13 Feb 2017

    “TRUST ME; I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING!” There are a lot of tough parts of our game. Bidding to the best contract taxes many. Playing hands well is no “walk in the park”. Tough defence can be hard to find, very hard. There is... read more here

  • New Zealand Beaten in semi finals at NEC Championships

    11 Feb 2017

    A New Zealand team reached the semi final in the NEC Cup, a prestigious tournament being played currently in Yokohama, Japan. 53 teams took part in the qualifying stages which consisted of 12 matches over three days. The New Zealand team of... read more here

  • Consultation Report by Allan Morris & Stephen Henry

    10 Feb 2017

    read more here

  • South Island Teams

    10 Feb 2017

    SI Teams Entries   Link to Results read more here


    10 Feb 2017

    Ignore at Your Peril Who cares about clubs? Lowest of rank, outbid by all. They have far more status in “500” than in bridge. Ignore them at your peril, though. Take the opening lead to 3NT on Board 15. West opened a strong 1NT with... read more here

  • 2017 World Wide Bridge Contest

    9 Feb 2017

      Everything is now in place for the 2017 World Wide Bridge Contest, and it is even more exciting ! This year there are eight Simultaneous Pairs tournaments and the prize for the overall winning pairs is amazing ... a 3-day final in Beijing... read more here


    9 Feb 2017

    iT'S HERE. Starting 9th February, New Zealand Bridge is doing a promotion at certain cinemas with the aim of attracting new players to the game. Your club's Beginners' Lessons should be starting soon, hence the timing of the promotion. As in... read more here

  • Youth Camp in Sweden

    9 Feb 2017

    Even if you are unable to attend, we thought we would keep you in touch with what is available in Youth Bridge worldwide.   It's an international game for the young: see the following.   Richard Solomon The Swedish Bridge... read more here

  • WAIKATO BAYS NEWS with Anna Kalma

    8 Feb 2017

    Lesson Time Clubs around the Waikato Bays are gearing up for lessons and some clubs are trying out the radio medium for the first time in a bid to attract punters along to lessons taking their lead from the Hamilton Club's successful promotion in... read more here

  • PLAY and DEFENCE for Improving Players

    7 Feb 2017

    A Good Look at Dummy? Sometimes, declarers are one-eyed and overlook the easiest way to make their contract. The declarer below should have had their other eye open when playing Teams, as they failed in the following game contract.  ... read more here


    3 Feb 2017

    Dangerous Doubling Welcome back to another year at Auckland’s Teams and Swiss Pairs club, Akarana, scene of much interest and excitement at the bridge table. The first night of February was a relatively quiet evening, barring the odd missed... read more here

  • AUCKLAND NEWS with Douglas Russell

    1 Feb 2017

    Hello and Happy New Year from a wild and windy Auckland. Bridge is probably not uppermost in the minds of most of us at this time of year, with family arguments gatherings dominating. Biritch the Russian Blue hates Christmas, and spends much of... read more here

  • PLAY and DEFENCE for Improving Players

    1 Feb 2017

    “DON’T JUST LISTEN: ACT!” I have often wondered the virtues of the so called “Lightner” double of a slam contract. In theory, we believe that if a slam is going to be beaten (other than if it was bid as a sacrifice)... read more here

  • Youth Report from Canberra

    31 Jan 2017

    Read the attached report by Tracey Lewis about New Zealand's Youth Bridge successes during January in Canberra. Tracey is New Zealand Bridge Youth Co-Ordinator. read more here

  • Documents referring to proposed NZB changes

    16 Jan 2017

    Recently a number of documents we sent to all Clubs and Regions regarding the proposed changes. The list of documents are below and link to "The Board" section in the Resources tab on this website A letter from Arie Geursen, chair of NZB -... read more here


    16 Jan 2017

    New Zealand's Youth players completed a clean sweep of events during Youth Week at the Australian National Congress in Canberra. Following on success in both the Youth Pairs and Youth Teams events, the New Zealand Youth Team won a 48 board Test... read more here

  • Interested in standing for the Board ?

    12 Jan 2017

    If so, please read the Board Manual and Policies document It is held under the Resources/The Board tab of this website or you can click on this link to do there directly to the page. read more here

  • Website update

    12 Jan 2017

    As many know, we did presentations at Regional meetings, sent the information to clubs and attached the same information on our website in September 2016 to show what we have done on the website and the progress we are making on new... read more here


    11 Jan 2017

    New Zealand has 10 players taking part in the Australian Youth Week in Canberra and at the mid- point already has two successes. The team of Nik Mitchell – Brad Johnston and Andi Boughey – Matthew Brown won the Australian Youth Teams.... read more here

  • PLAY and DEFENCE for Improving Players

    11 Jan 2017

    EARLY IN THE YEAR BUT END PLAY If this deal looks kind of familiar to some of you, then you are “kind of “right. It is a "what might have been" deal, a deal that could have left less experienced declarers moaning at their bad luck.... read more here

  • Volunteer of The Month

    11 Jan 2017

           January 2017.  David Laing, Nelson Welcome back to bridge in 2017. We will continue to recognise some of those people at our clubs whose service is so valuable. It is impossible to recognise everyone but... read more here

  • "Golden" Moment Celebrated Back Home

    4 Jan 2017

    Ashley Bach and Michael Cornell have played a lot of bridge at the Auckland Bridge Club premises whether at the Akarana Bridge Club, the Teams Group (formerly the Auckland Masters Group) or at the Auckland Bridge Club itself. It was thus fitting... read more here

  • PLAY and DEFENCE for Improving Players

    3 Jan 2017

    “Sorry” but who said it? It was nearly the last competitive bridge board of 2016. Yet, like too many others earlier in the year, it resulted in an oh too familiar result…misdefence. Contract made when not only the so... read more here

  • No need to miss playing...despite the good weather

    30 Dec 2016

    Happy New Year and Start the New Year with BRIDGE Can you think of a better way to start the New Year? A quiet game at home, maybe on-line or if you are anywhere near the Auckland Bridge Club on the evenings of 3rd, 4th or 5th of January, then... read more here

  • Our Youth Prepare for Canberra

    21 Dec 2016

    Tracey Lewis is the co-opted representative on the NZ Bridge International Sub-Committee with special responsibilities in respect of international and potential international Youth players. A Youth squad of eight players has been selected and will... read more here

  • Interesting Bidding

    20 Dec 2016

    CHRISTMAS “CRACKERS” That’s with an emphasis on “cracking good hands”. You know the type of hands you always claim never to hold. “10, 11, maybe 14 counts are my usual limit”. If you say that , then you... read more here

  • Advertising by Radio

    15 Dec 2016

    Getting media advertising for Bridge in this country is neither straightforward nor cheap. This is certainly true of advertising on television but can also be the case for the print media. Have you or your club committee ever thought of... read more here

  • PLAY and DEFENCE for Improving Players

    14 Dec 2016

    Quick Death, Slow Death or No Death at all? We are talking bridge, of course! There’s no need to be morbid at this time of year! We are talking about another contract which made when it should have been defeated. So, to start, we have... read more here

  • Going to The Movies Again

    13 Dec 2016

    As in early 2016, New Zealand Bridge will be “ going to the movie theatres” to try and promote our wonderful game. We will be using the same 30 second advert to try to encourage some who may not have thought that Bridge is for them or... read more here

  • Interesting Bidding

    13 Dec 2016

    WHERE THE BUCK STOPS When disaster strikes, we are very keen to apportion blame. If you have a good partnership, you will look at what you could have done to avoid what happened. In a bad partnership, your eyes turn towards partner! There’s... read more here


    9 Dec 2016

    AND THE JOKER IS?   We finish the year with a light-hearted look at a recent Akarana deal …and with only 14 boards played on Akarana’s last Wednesday of the year because of the club AGM, we will go back three further days... read more here

  • NZ Bridge Board Elections - March 2017

    8 Dec 2016

    read more here

  • WAIKATO BAYS NEWS with Anna Kalma

    7 Dec 2016

    The social Christmas season arrived early in the Waikato Bays kicking off with Thames Xmas tournament in November (who says November is too early to put up Xmas decorations!), followed by Te Awamutu, Waikato, Rotorua and concludes this weekend... read more here

  • Interesting Bidding

    6 Dec 2016

    Sweet Dreams can turn to Custard! So, you have got a good hand and, yes, the news gets even better because you have got a good fit with partner. Time to be a little adventurous? Why not? You hold:  AKQ4  AQT2  5  KJ93 You... read more here

  • The Dougal McLean Trophy Goes Home to Wellington

    6 Dec 2016

    Wellington has ended Auckland-Northland’s recent dominance of the Dougal Mclean competition by winning the supreme award at this year’s Inter-Provincials in Dunedin. This was the 9th year of the event. Wellington won the first time the... read more here

  • Recently Qualified Club Directors

    4 Dec 2016

      NZ Bridge congratulates the following people who were successful in the recent exam series:   Sue Belin Waiheke Nick Cantlon Te Awamutu Graham Cheater Waikanae... read more here


    3 Dec 2016

    STRONG PRE-EMPTS Back even before I started playing bridge, rumour has it that one opened at the 3 level with a hand one trick short of game. I think most players’ 3 level openers today are generally more than one trick short. First or... read more here

  • PLAY and DEFENCE for Improving Players

    30 Nov 2016

    THIRD PLAYER PLAYS …… “High” says the book when your partner leads a low card. “Just have a look before your follow the book. Playing high and kiss the beating good bye.” Have a look….3NT played 6... read more here

  • Interesting Bidding

    29 Nov 2016

    “Grand Tauranga” by Sam Simpson, Tauranga The following hand was played recently at the Tauranga club during a Swiss Pairs event and only two pairs bid the makeable grand.   Board 16West DealsE-W Vul... read more here

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