All News

  • 2020 World Championships Postponed

    18 Apr 2020

    The World Bridge Federation Management Committee has announced that the 2020 World Youth Bridge Teams Championship and the 2020 World Bridge Games will be postponed until 2021. WBF MC Statement 14.04.20 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Apr 2020

    “Fair” Support. You open 1H and partner raises you to 2H, three card support. You have a decent hand, enough for game and bid there directly. Your trump suit is but a little shabby..K8752. Plenty of winners outside, though. Oh, you... read more here

  • Central Districts News with George McLachlan

    17 Apr 2020

    Naturally, with clubs being shut down and non-essential business at a stand-still, Taradale's Council application for new premises is on hold. Meanwhile, when club bridge starts up again, the club can "board" at nearby Napier Bridge Club until... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    17 Apr 2020

                                       “GRAND” DEFENCE. If only. If... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    16 Apr 2020

    A Valid Reason. Deciding what to lead at trick 1 can be a nightmare. Even when you have such an obvious lead, you can see immediately dummy appears that you have done wrong. In recent memory (only yesterday!), after a 1NT-3NT short and sharp... read more here

  • Our Internationals play Australia on BBO TONIGHT

    16 Apr 2020

    The New Zealand (near) Open Team of : Michael Cornell- Ashley Bach Peter Newell – Martin Reid GeO Tislevoll – Nick Jacob will play 2 x 12 board sets against Paul Wyer-Michael Courtney and Peter Gill – Sartaj Hans, the sets... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 090

    16 Apr 2020

    This week's show includes:   We share a funny with you Have you experienced some hilarious moments whilst at a tournament or session Let us know and if we read it out – we’ll send you something from The Bridge Zone Prize... read more here

  • Congratulations- To Our New Grand Masters

    15 Apr 2020

    Details here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 Apr 2020

    ALL ROADS TO THE SAME DESTINATION: TAKE CARE WHEN YOU’RE THERE! The first part of this heading should probably be less definitive. “All roads” should lead “to the same destination”. For the vast majority who held the... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    14 Apr 2020

    Who is the Boss? Bidding is all about the exchange of information. A very wise statement, perhaps, except I am going to change one word in that sentence, replacing “all” with “often”. There are times when all you need to... read more here

  • Instructions for BBO

    14 Apr 2020

    With so many now using BBO, some are wanting tips or to learn more about what BBO can do.  Attached is an indexed set of instructions that we hope will help.  In this document, if you click on the page number for the topic you want to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    13 Apr 2020

    A TIME FOR CHANGE. The Way THEY Play. So often when you win the lead part way through a no-trump contract, the simple approach of returning the suit partner led at trick 1 is the right thing to do. They led that suit for a purpose and so often,... read more here

  • The New Normal.

    13 Apr 2020

    "ON-LINE" SELF-ALERTING: The New Normal by Patrick Carter. Just imagine that you had the following auction 2 months ago: South        West        ... read more here

  • Announcement - NZ International Teams

    12 Apr 2020

            Details here Bulletin - NZ Teams 2020 9th April 2020.pdf      read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Apr 2020

    The Fabulous, Fantastic, Functional Four-Letter Word. It is lovely when the perfect gadget which you keep at the bottom of your “bridge bag” suddenly appears…something you and partner discussed ages ago but rarely use. You have... read more here

  • Note From Allan Morris - Regarding BBO

    12 Apr 2020

      We are lucky as a sport to have an online capability. For many the sessions being run by the Auckland Bridge Club have kept us sane and allowed us to feed our addiction. The fields are mixed which can result in some quite swingy results.... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 Apr 2020

    One Deal:  Two Clever Plays. Let’s start off today where we left off yesterday. We were talking about the problems of under-leading aces, even if in yesterday’s hand, success only came if you did so! (We will wait for you while... read more here

  • Club Happenings Around the Country

    10 Apr 2020

    It is great to continue reporting what are clubs are up to during this "lock-down" period. Today, we start with one which is helping lots of players "get their fix" while their doors are shut. Auckland Bridge Club Club President, Anthony... read more here

  • Club Level Director Exams 2020

    10 Apr 2020

    Details here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    10 Apr 2020

    Never…well Maybe…No, Must! “Never ever ever” you are told as you first learn the game about under-leading aces against suit contracts. Eventually, the message sinks in. Occasionally, you have an outstanding success where... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 Apr 2020

    5-4-3-(2)-1 I knew of the song with this title but not very well and discovered a very pleasant song when I just listened to it on You Tube (if you are wanting to be cheered up, please do not listen to the words, though…trust me!). The... read more here

  • Lesson hands for BBO

    9 Apr 2020

    Because lessons cannot be run face to face at the moment, we have converted all lesson hands into LIN files so they can be loaded into BBO. We suggest you either practice these hands between friends or better still get a senior... read more here

  • List of cancelled Tournaments

    9 Apr 2020

    Auckland Easter Congress 10 – 13 April Levin 8B Easter Pairs 11 April Wellington Region Mixed Pairs 13 April Hibiscus 5B Intermediate Pairs 18 April Hibiscus 3A Open Pairs... read more here

  • Watch our Top Internationals on BBO

    9 Apr 2020

    Our top players want to do what they do so well, playing good competitive bridge. Thus, three of the pairs who put up their hands to play in the New Zealand Open Team this year have organised a series of on-line matches against what is the current... read more here

  • Auckland News with Douglas Russell

    8 Apr 2020

    Circumstances have sadly dictated that there is not much real bridge news in this edition of the Auckland Regional Roundup. However, a few results to report before the portcullis came crashing down. Firstly, though, a question for you to ponder.... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Apr 2020

                                    Confusion Reigns. When 11 out of 14 pairs make a major suit... read more here

  • News from the Chair - 2020

    8 Apr 2020

    Latest newsletter available here From the Chair 2020 #2.pdf  read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 089

    8 Apr 2020

      This week's show includes:       Auckland Bridge Club and Patrick and Julie For starting the wave of BBO sessions for our fellow bridge addicts       Tournaments are being cancelled being left... read more here

  • Club Happenings Around the Country

    7 Apr 2020

    Taradale Bridge Club. This Hawke’s Bay club has its share of problems of late. Before Covid 19 reared its oh so unpleasant head, the Club was asked to find new premises and is, or was, temporarily operating out of the Napier Bridge Club... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    7 Apr 2020

    The Disappearing Diamond Loser. One of the most normal things you do when, as declarer, you see dummy is to look at your own hand, and in a suit contract, to see how many losers there are and to see which ones you can eliminate. Indeed, all the... read more here

  • Club Happenings Around the Country

    6 Apr 2020

    Waitemata Bridge Club. Waitemata is  one of the two affiliated clubs in West Auckland and is based in Te Atatu. It has a large catchment area in the Henderson, New Lynn, West Harbour areas. Thanks to Ken Dixon for supplying some information... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    6 Apr 2020

    Together….and Apart. Discarding is a very important and dangerous area of our game. One wrong discard can be very expensive for the defence. It is important for defenders to try to give each other as much information as they can to help... read more here

  • Gold Coast Congress Masterpoints

    6 Apr 2020

      Our friends at the ABF delivered a large bundle of Gold points tonight, (3320.26 in total). Players masterpoint records have been updated.     read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    5 Apr 2020

    Advantage Number 11. Do you remember when we listed Giles Hancock’s 10 advantages of BBO? Well, you should as it was only yesterday! That list was though incomplete. There is an 11th one. …which brings us back to the questions you... read more here

  • Club Happenings Around the Country

    4 Apr 2020

    WELLINGTON. Our report today comes courtesy of the club's most efficient and hard-working manager, Bridget Hannaway-Willcox. "Well I have been flat out at home. Wellington Club is assisting players with accessing online play, a big thanks to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    4 Apr 2020

    The Lighter Side of Bridge. Wishing..and hoping. There are times when you hope your partner does not put down too good a dummy, like when you have stopped short of slam. Please, please show me a couple of quick losers to justify my... read more here

  • Club Happenings Around the Country

    3 Apr 2020

    New Plymouth. We have asked our bridge clubs what they are doing to help their members during this very difficult time, both from the point of view of actual help as many members are in the dangerous 70+ on their own category but also to be able... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    3 Apr 2020

    Signalling to Success. Playing Teams, scoring +300 even +500 when most of the room achieves +650 is not that good a score. Should you accept +500 or risk only 300 in search of +800? That’s accepting a loss of 4 imps or try for a 4-imp gain... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Apr 2020

    Trying to have your Cake…and Eat it too! It is difficult for newish players to grasp the concept of re-opening doubles, an important part of playing negative rather than penalty doubles when an opponent overcalls. It is generally accepted... read more here

  • More Help To Get on Bridge Base Online (BBO)

    2 Apr 2020

    Here is another link to help you with accessing on-line bridge. This has been provided by Derek Gill, from the Victoria Bridge Club in Wellington. Thanks, Derek.   VBC BBO On-line bridge instructions  read more here

  • Social Distancing Round Robin Teams. Need Teammates?

    2 Apr 2020

    If you would like to take part in this event but need teammates, then just send me an email at  and I will try and match you up with a suitable guarantees but it does no harm to ask...and please not Open... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    1 Apr 2020

    The Truth, The Truth …nothing but the Truth! There are those who have been playing this game, bridge, for some 50 years (well, that could be me! I must have learnt when I was very young….well young!) who can be heard saying:... read more here

  • New To Bridge Base On-Line (BBO)?

    1 Apr 2020

    Then we have a link to a video produced by a top Australian player, Pete Hollands, in which he explains how BBO works. If you are intending to play in the twice daily tournament hosted by Julie Atkinson and Pat Carter from the Auckland Bridge... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 088

    1 Apr 2020

      This Week's show includes:     Our 1st crack at working from home The sound quality wasn’t the best We have sourced some expert advice and…. EUREKA, we have a solution       Working... read more here

  • Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

    1 Apr 2020

    Jenny Pomeroy.   As it is 1st April, I thought I would have a bit of fun……..   "I bring you News from Top of the South but it is a little scant and thin. As for the good of all New Zealand we’ve been forced to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    31 Mar 2020

    TWO WAYS TO SUCCESS (Morton’s Fork). A Tale of Jan and John. John Morton was made both Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor (as well as a Cardinal) in the reign of the English monarch, Henry V11, in the late 15th century. He... read more here

  • Another Opportunity for Bridge

    30 Mar 2020

    As promised, we will bring you as many opportunities for reading and playing bridge in the period when we have no bridge at our clubs. Many of you will be playing once/ twice a day on BBO (Bridge Base Online) Pairs sessions. We have already... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    30 Mar 2020

    NO PERFECT BID. Yes, it can happen quite often. It happened in this feature only a few days ago. We found, then, that bidding was better than passing. Is that going to be the case with today’s problem?      ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    29 Mar 2020

    Counting to 10. We all know that playing Pairs is so much about making overtricks or sometimes conceding less undertricks than the rest of the field. Certainly, you score very few match-points for your perfectly correct contract of 5 when there... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    28 Mar 2020

    Life’s an Illusion… You have, I am sure, been in the situation where you know that one’s opponents are about to get a ruff. So many otherwise excellent contracts fail because one’s opponents score one or more ruffs.... read more here

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