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Central Districts News with George McLachlan

The Central Districts region is fortunate in having two 10A point tournaments each year. The John Fullarton Memorial Teams is hosted by clubs on a swap-around basis but unfortunately, because of the COVID-19 emergency, the competition was abandoned for this year. 

The other 10A tournament is the Zelda Morris Memorial Pairs which was this year hosted by the Hastings Bridge Club. 20 pairs took part in the 3 sessions played over two days. The Wellington players distinguished themselves by finishing 1st and equal 2nd. Congratulations to Mindy Wu/Marius Tumilowicz who had a 6% win over the tied pairing of Anne-Marie Russell/Debbie McLeod and Elizabeth and Blair Fisher. Scott Smith and Michael Ware were a close 4th. 
 The winners                                 and      the runners-up

Mariusz Tumilowicz and Mindy Wu 2020.jpg      Anne-Marie Russell Blair Liz.jpg
Hastings President, Greg Whitten,     Anne-Marie Russell, Debbie McLeod,
Marius Tumilowicz and Mindy Wu      Blair and Liz Fisher

Held simultaneously was the 3A Restricted Open which attracted a field of 6 tables. Wayne Burney/Julian Herbert had a comfortable winning margin over Chris Hagen/Jane O’Brien with Sue and Greg Whitten holding onto 3rd placing.

Julian Herbert and Wayne Burney.JPG  Jane O'Brien and Chris Hagen.JPG  Greg and Sue Whitten.JPG 
Julian Herbert and Wayne        Jane O'Brien and Chris Hagen  Sue and Greg Whitten

The Hastings Open Pairs was held on September 12th and attracted a good quality field of 26 pairs. 

George Masters/Jack James had a narrow win over Mairi and Matthew Bristow with Charles Ker/Alister Stuck in 3rd place.

The Christmas Cheer tournament held at the Palmerston North club is usually booked out well in advance every year and 3 sections of 13 tables is the norm. It’s a slightly tenuous link but maybe COVID-19 had an influence because “only” 36 tables entered this year. This tournament is always well managed and players enter into the spirit of the occasion by wearing Christmassy emblems and being of good cheer. It’s always an interesting exercise to look at the fluctuations in the scores posted  in each session - especially in a large field such as this. 15-20% swings are quite common, as we all know!  Here are 9 examples: (but without naming names)!

Session 1%

Session 2%















The dropping away we will put down to tiredness!

These 3 we will put down to a shot in the arm during the lunch break!

Session 1 %

Session 2 %











Anne-Marie Russell and Debbie McLeod carried on their good form from the Hastings Open and scored a very narrow victory over Sandy McKirdy/John Patterson with Graham Stronach/Paul Carson completing a Wellington trifecta. The Ker brothers, Anthony and Charles were the closest of 4ths - just a tissue ahead of Sandra Calvert and Colin Carryer. 

 Debbie McLeod Anne Marie Russell 2020.JPG  Sandy McKirdy and John Patterson 2020.jpg          Susan Baty and Tony Clear.jpg

Debbie McLeod and                 Sandy McKirdy and John Patterson      Susan Baty and Tony Clear
Anne-Marie Russell                                                                                (top Mixed Grade Pair)

                       (with Palmerston North President, Denise Servante)

Good performance in Inter-Provincials

Central Districts teams acquitted themselves well in the recent Inter-Provincial Championships with the Region finishing 2nd in the overall Dougal McLean Trophy. Pride of place therefore to our Seniors, Evelyn and Bob Hurley and Jan Whyte- Ken Bateman who won their competition.

The Open Team of Wayne Burrows- George Masters and Mairi and Matthew Bristow finished 3rd while our all -Taranaki Women’s team of Pam Livingston – Sandra Calvert and Sarah Green – Lyn Muller finished 4th. Our Intermediates, Yvonne and Ron Janes and Shirley Humphrey- Mandy Jones held their own to finish 5th.  

                 Our Winning Seniors' Inter-Provincial Team

 Central Districts Seniors IP winners 2020.jpg 
 Karen Martelletti (representing NZ Bridge), Jan Whyte, Bob and Evelyn Hurley, Ken Bateman and
chef de mission, Colin Carryer.

Most clubs in the Central Districts region are holding the traditional “closing day” sessions and then carrying on with social bridge into January. These are always appreciated by the die-hards amongst us and especially by those living alone.

From this region to yours we send kind wishes for a very pleasant Christmas-time and for a healthy and happy New Year.

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