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The Bridge Zone Radio Show -124

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Kermit hits the Bridge Zone

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Break out the champagne

Pam Livingston launches her new venture as a Bridge Coach

She shares her views on Women’s Bridge, advice – quality over quantity

A Luddite no more, she has a Facebook page

Pam offers online zoom coaching as well as the good ole’ fashion face to face

Her reach is endless


Judge Julie rules on Director attire

                Did she say Bailiff was wearing fishnet stockings

                How she got presented with a gumboot

                And a Christchurch director with pretty blue undies



Round up results on the Christmas parties

                The final showdown of the Bridge Zone Hosts at Taupo Xmas Tourney this Sunday


And lastly – Barry gives a new perspective and how to hold up

                That’s relates to Mereana finally getting some coin off him



Get into the Bridge our friends – there’s not much of 2020 left

See you at the tables


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