All News

  • Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

    3 Nov 2020

    I am a little tardy with the Top of the South bulletin,but it does mean that I can include Friday night’s Babich Wines NZ Wide Pairs and the Michael Green Trophy.  A good turn-out of both clubs and players in the Babich NZ Wide Pairs... read more here

  • Babich Wines New Zealand Wide Pairs

    2 Nov 2020

    Saluting the winners. The Babich Wines New Zealand Wide Pairs took place on the evening of Friday October 30th at 57 clubs all around New Zealand. That was the same number of clubs as in 2019 though there were 26 fewer tables this year. That was... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Nov 2020

    “Hidden Treasure”.          A fairly straightforward bidding sequence with presumably a fairly strong hand which opened the bidding about to go down in dummy. They need a stop in the suit... read more here

  • Australian on-line Teams competition using Real Bridge

    30 Oct 2020

    Calling for New Zealand entries. All those who have been to any NZ National Congress will know the name if not the face of the most popular Australian visiting director, Matthew McManus. We also know that in many parts of Australia, live bridge... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    30 Oct 2020

                       Just waiting….   Nearly Positive. Bidding styles continue to change with bidding after a strong Game-Forcing 2 opening no... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -118

    30 Oct 2020

      This weeks show includes:     We discuss this with Liam Milne   NZ gets their 1st official complaint   Hamilton Labour Weekend Congress - some results   Judge Julie with overhearing/eavesdropping... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    29 Oct 2020

    Dispensing with the safety barrier. I have no head for heights, or to be exact sheer drops. If I am somewhere high, I like to feel there is a good strong safety barrier between me and the world down below. In bridge terms, my safety barrier, in... read more here

  • National Rubber Bridge Finals update

    29 Oct 2020

    National Rubber Bridge update. The first semi-final in the National Rubber Bridge event was played earlier this week and saw Clare Coles and Kevin Whyte from Cambridge (Waikato Bays) take on Wellington’s Russell Dive and Anthony Ker. Three... read more here

  • NZ Wide Pairs 2020

    29 Oct 2020

    Link to online results read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    28 Oct 2020

    “IF”   So, what do you do when dummy appears which is some two or three tricks short of what you anticipated, or hoped for rendering your contract next to impossible? Thanking partner is of course, the polite thing. No need... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    27 Oct 2020

    Make them vanish! Ruff Away If you have not got enough top tricks to cash in your suit contract, then using your trumps separately to create extra tricks seems a good way to try to make your contract. When most of your trumps are above the level... read more here

  • Decision- NZB Conduct, Discipline and Disputes Committee

    27 Oct 2020

    The New Zealand Bridge Conduct, Discipline and Disputes Committee considered a situation that occurred during the Auckland Bridge Club BBO sessions during lockdown. A player was found to have been using two BBO logins and computers for the purpose... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    23 Oct 2020

    Did you see it? Dallas’ Diamond Double. An interesting double in a recent hand led to an unusual sequence of events in which the other three players were not leave the table without a little piece of egg on their faces. Was the double an... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    22 Oct 2020

          Partner. Our trump suit is..? Setting Trumps. The sun is shining today. Partner has made a take-out double of a weak 2 and you have a goodly 18-count including a decent 5 carder in a suit partner is almost certain... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    21 Oct 2020

    Declare or Defend? We seem to have too much support for our partner’s suit to allow our opponents to play in their major suit game but too much defence to want to sacrifice. Do we bid on and sacrifice or trust our defence will prevail?... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -117

    21 Oct 2020

      Afternoon Delights   What a round from the Bristow’s 73% to take out the Forsyth Barr All Grades Taupo 8B I could certainly of done with some of that cream     And  INT opening bids Have you ever heard... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    20 Oct 2020

    The Wrong Road. This might seem a strange title for an article which we hinted yesterday would come under the overall heading of “You never know your luck”. Yet, both statements are relevant as most declarers, given the opportunity to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 Oct 2020

    You Never Know your luck. Today and tomorrow, we feature a couple of deals where the defence and declarer can earn themselves a piece of good fortune. That’s right. It does not come on a silver platter but if you do the right thing, you... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    16 Oct 2020

    Common Mistakes in Bridge taught by Tina McVeigh. Today’s article is a taste of some excellent free videos produced and made available by Tina McVeigh who has run the most successful House of Cards Bridge Club in Christchurch for some... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -116

    16 Oct 2020

        Celebration of Bridge       Enter a tournament     Count, counts and counting                   Tips for you... read more here

  • A sneak peek of the new Congress venue

    15 Oct 2020

  • Congratulations - To our new Grandmasters

    15 Oct 2020

    Details here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 Oct 2020

    Enough Stuff? Are you? Have you? Your partner has used a Michaels bid, quite an aggressive one as it took your partnership to the 3-level opposite what could be a misfitting yarborough in your hand…and you have much more than that. So,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    14 Oct 2020

          A “Cross” Ruffer! A look today at playing a hand where you seem to have very few losers but on the other hand, not that many winners. The answer in many such cases is to make good use of the asset you do... read more here

  • Online Bridge Event - Open to all Players

    14 Oct 2020

    Presentation - Bridge International...  read more here

  • Wellington News with Paul Maxwell

    14 Oct 2020

    Fingers crossed on history not repeating. I started the previous update at level one, but sent it north under the uncertainty of new community cases of Covid-19. We did have to cancel some tournaments during the second lockdown, and, of course,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    13 Oct 2020

    A Multi Problem. It is pretty certain when an opponent starts with 2and you have the hand below, that they will have a Weak 2 in one of the major suits. You are strong enough to rule out their strong option. Yet, which suit do they have and how... read more here

  • National Rubber Bridge Finals update

    13 Oct 2020

    There may have been no National Congress this year but we are still able to complete the final stages of this one National event, thanks to BBO. The 8 pairs are playing their matches on BBO, 30 deals as usual, and with a supervisor present for... read more here

  • CLub Level Director Exams 2020

    12 Oct 2020

    Information- Club Level Exams   Nov 2020 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Oct 2020

    Where to from here? To bid? If so, what? Or maybe to pass? If we choose to bid, what do we bid? What does partner’s double mean, anyway? Too many questions! Suddenly, a fairly simple hand has become rather less simple to handle. It looks... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 Oct 2020

    Saved from the Brink of Disaster. So, sometimes you make the right lead and it turns out to be an unlucky lead. Sometimes, you make the wrong lead and pay the price. Maybe West on today’s deal deserved the latter fate as the lead made was... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Oct 2020

    don't stay where you are! The “Strength” of Weak Jumps. We are not talking about Weak Jump Overcalls, though they can be quite useful, too. We are talking about Weak Jumps when your partner opens the bidding. You can play Weak Jumps... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    7 Oct 2020

    Strong and hard to handle. That’s a reasonable description of today’s hand. Hard to decide where to start and then if you decide on a simple overcall, even harder to know where to go next. Was that overcall right in the first place?... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -115

    7 Oct 2020

      Pianos and Barry   Any excuse to play Bridge     Congress Gatekeeper talks it up about the Congress venue for the next 3 years   Over leading verses Underleading Reverse Dummy   Somethings to think... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    6 Oct 2020

    ONE GOOD PLAY NEGATES ANOTHER. When both the declarer and a defender find a good play on the same board, you might expect each to achieve an average result. That was not quite true in reality.        ... read more here

  • Covid 19 Advisory

    5 Oct 2020

    From 11.59pm on Wednesday the entire Country will be at Alert Level 1. This is good news, allowing resumption of club bridge and tournaments. We want to thank Auckland players for supporting the guidelines to take your Alert Level with you when... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    5 Oct 2020

    All over an overtrick..well almost all! Well, you are playing Pairs and as we all know so often to our cost, +140 can be a top and +110 a bottom. So, the battles over an overtrick in a part-score deal can be as meaningful as one’s attempts... read more here

  • Bulletin - International Squads for 2021

    2 Oct 2020

    Information from Derek Evennett Bulletin Announcing NZ Squads for 2021.pdf  read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Oct 2020

    No Time to Fail. We can all go down in our contract when finesses fail and suits break badly. Oh, you hear during the post-mortem how you could have end-played one opponent or squeezed them and be like the computer analysis making an overtrick!... read more here

  • Breaking News - Congress 2021 and beyond.

    1 Oct 2020

    The new venue for our National Congress is Baypark Arena, Mount Manganui, Tauranga and will be a long term booking. The Trustpower Baypark location is central to all services in Tauranga, effectively ten minutes from Tauranga... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    1 Oct 2020

    Moving Forward….and “Minties’ Moments”. A board for all tastes, whether you like the difficult problem an opposition bid can cause or some lighter moments that happen frequently at the table. Let’s look:... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -114

    1 Oct 2020

      Results – wahoo we have some:   Invercargill New Plymouth Tauranga Cambridge   COVID   May have meant visitors still came up to this part of the motu... read more here

  • Central Districts News with George McLachlan

    30 Sep 2020

    The Hawera Open Pairs tournament held on September 6th attracted a high quality field and indicated that players were keen to re-establish their links with competitive bridge play after such a disjointed programme in recent times. Players from New... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    30 Sep 2020

    (well almost!) Too Low, Jo(e). The title is no attempt at personalising a poor score: hence, the bracketed letter! We are all capable of over and under bidding a particular board! Some hands are, like the problem we gave you yesterday, very hard... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    29 Sep 2020

                            Choices? Some bids are easy, come from a beginners’ textbook on the game. At other times, we have a... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    28 Sep 2020

    Grand’s Over the Horizon. Well, it may be but you would like to get close. While at times we have to acknowledge that pre-empts do work, we would still like to make a decent effort at what is “our hand”. Take the following:... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    27 Sep 2020

          DOWN! The feeling you get when you make less tricks than you needed for your contract. It’s also the term to describe your result. As usual, the finesse failed and there seemed no recovery. Did it have to be... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    26 Sep 2020

    The good and the bad. One of the advantages of a splinter bid (showing a side-suit singleton or void with trump support for your partner) is to identify when the two hands do not match so that you can sign off at the game level. A sign of such... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    25 Sep 2020

    Taking the Right Lead. Today’s story revolves not just around making the right opening lead but is also a story of bridge ethics, of doing the right thing at the right time. Ironically, the choice of opening lead did not matter greatly as... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    24 Sep 2020

                        But you gain! Sacrificed in a Good Cause. You are defending a no-trump contract, a tell-nothing about my suits 1NT opening. There... read more here

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