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Calling those who have not registered for Congress yet

Still sitting on the fence about coming to NZ Bridge Congress?


New Zealand National Bridge Congress at Bay Park, Mt Maunganui

September 25th through to October 2nd


8 reasons you should be coming along to our premier event in for each day of the Congress. That’s right…8 days of Bridge if you want it, or perhaps one or two days will suffice.


  • 1       More prizes!   We have increased the prize pool with over $25,000 up for grabs across all 16 events.


   2.       You cannot travel overseas at present. Time to enjoy what New Zealand has to offer…and NZ has a wonderful week- long National Bridge Congress. What could be better?


  •   New format for NZ Open Pairs... you are guaranteed three days of competition in the main event.  


  • 4.    More Teams and Swiss Pairs style events than ever before during the week.


5.    More opportunities to learn.   We are initiating a series of improver classes for those coming on Tuesday – Friday of the event.   Expert teachers provide a 30 minutes workshop before play – gold coin donation only.


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an important side of every National Congress


6.    More time to socialise (or talk about your hands).   No night play gives you plenty of opportunity to check out the nightlife of the Mount and Tauranga and bond with your team mates.

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7.    A tourist destination.  Not only a nice place to visit but also means a heap of tourist accommodation options from backpackers and camping grounds to top of the line 5 star beach front apartments.


8.    A great venue for playing bridge with tons of parking, bar available, food and coffee options, excellent lighting, heating and acoustics.



     So, if you are still sitting on the fence ... get cracking – talk to your team, book your accommodation and      make sure you pay and register by 31 August to receive your discount!  

Jump off the fence and make plans to be here come the last week of September…..


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Just press this link and start entering events. Now!

any queries, call me on 027 245 5418    or email 

Richard Solomon



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