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Canterbury News with Max Robb

Akaroa All Grades 8B      1st May

            The Akaroa tournament is always booked out early. Six ladies come down every year from Wellington on the Thursday, and fly back on Monday. Several car-loads come up from Timaru and Ashburton and stay an extra day as well. This year it was two pairs from South Canterbury who took out the major places.

            Percentages over 60 for the day were: Morning; James Lidell/Courtenay Wilkinson 62.8, and Jill Lockett/ Giles Hancock 60.5

In the afternoon John Fechney/Michael Holdaway scored 65.4 to seal their victory for the tournament. But it was Anne Simpson and Lyn Mould who topped the percentages for the day with an impressive 65.7

Whale Grade   1st      John Fechney/Michael Holdaway

                        2nd       Paula Gregory/Michael Johnstone

                        3rd       Pam Tibble/Margaret Burgess

Dolphin Grade1st       Jill Lockett/Giles Hancock

                        2nd       Pauline Prendergast/Uneta Denly

                        3rd       Sam Gurney/Tony Quinlivan

Penguin Grade1st   Jan Harris/Paul Le Lievre

                        2nd       June Jung/Stuart Grant

                        3rd       Maria and Philip Narbey

Inaka Grade   1st       Maxine Webb/Beryl Bence

                        2nd       Courtenay Wilkinson/James Liddell

                        3rd       Fiona Rudd/Kathryn Andrews


Canterbury Congress       10A         15th May

            Once again, a significant number of North Island players ventured south. We can only assume that Covid is the propelling factor in sending more people tripping around the country. The winners came from the length of the North Island, from KeriKeri to Wellington.

 Winners of Open Teams                        Intermediate Teams                  Junior Teams

Paul Carson 2021 2.jpg          Jo Hampton team.jpg     Toni Jones team 2021.jpg
Paul Carson, Jack James,              Jo Hampton,Caroline Casely,               Toni Jones, Tracey Bruce,
Jeremy Fraser-Hoskin & Bill Humphrey
  Tony Quinlivan & Sam Gurney    Sally Croy & Gordon McCormick
                                                                                                     (in the middle, director Stu Edwards)

Intermediate Teams

1st       Jo Hampton/Caroline Caseley/Sam Gurney/Tony Quinlivan                      114

2nd       Sally Croy/Gordon McCormick/Tracey Bruce/Toni Jones                           86

3rd       Sue Solomons/Craig Shannahan/Madge Baker/Luba Roth                         82


Eight teams contested the Intermediate teams, which ensured no bye fragmented the day. Before the last round was started, Jo Hampton’s team, from five good wins had such a lead that they couldn’t be overtaken. In the final round, the Croy team were equal to the task of giving them a good challenge and actually won the match narrowly. This was enough to ensure 2nd, not too far ahead of the Solomon team.

There was a fine "double" with Bill Humphrey-Paul Carson winning the Open Pairs with their team-mates, Jack James and Jeremy Fraser-Hoskin 3rd. Blair Fisher and Russell Wilson were sandwiched between them in 2nd place.

Intermediate Pairs                                                                      %

1st       Helen Bremner/Judy Parkinson                                        117

2nd       June Jung/Stuart Grant                                                 116

3rd       Jo Hampton/Caroline Caseley                                         116

4th       Carol Clendon/Nicola Gourlay                                         115

5th       Julia Thomas/Catherine Fitchett                                     114

6th       Jane Walders/Phillipa Gibson                                         113

            Margaret Frazer/Helen Gardner topped the morning session with 64, 4% clear of the field, but this was eclipsed in the afternoon by Helen Bremner and Judy Parkinson who blitzed the field with a grand 68.5% to "steal" a win on the day.

The Mid-South Canterbury Teams

Prior to this event Neville Newburn emailed to say he could report on this event, and I was very pleased to accept his offer. He was rewarded with the success that is outlined below!            

"It was held in Ashburton recently on a cold wintry day (yes we got across the bridge). This event comprises teams from all clubs in the region (Ashburton, Geraldine, Temuku, Timaru and Waimate, with Oamaru invited to make an even number). The event is played in three grades with an overall winner.

Director John McKenzie certainly had his work cut out and may have benefited from some assistance. He did very well in the circumstances.

There is an old golf saying “Beware of the man with the shortest drive” and this might apply, figuratively speaking, to one of the smaller clubs around when Temuka emerged as the winners overall by just 3.78VPs. Home club Asburton finished 2nd. Situated north of Timaru and averaging only around 8 tables each night, Temuka showed that the 'little guys' can have their day in the sun as well. President Penny Farmer had a very wide smile as she made the speech.

Temuka team with trophy 2021.jpg
     the winning Temuka team

In the Junior section Ashburton (Janine Havis, Paul Leadley, Jason Vannini, Alan Wright) led at the halfway mark and held on to win by 3VPs over Waimate.

The Intermediate section, was won by Timaru and Canterbury representatives (Annemarie Pavletich, Cath Preen, Grant Patterson, Wendy Taggart) but it was a closely run affair. Needing to win by at least 12 VPs on the last match, the team managed 18VPs to win overall, with Ashburton finishing second 8VPs behind.

The Open section was won by Temuka (Dorothy Bain, Jim Burford, Bill Mecchia, Neville Newburn) who led from whoa to go finishing 12VPs clear of Timaru.

This hand produced a number of results and some of them quite vital. It occurred late in the final set.

West Deals
All Vul
K 8 5 3 2
Q 7 2
J 9 8 6 2
A Q J 9 7 4
A K 5 4
A 7 4
W   E
10 6
9 8
K Q 10 3
10 6 4 3 2
J 10 6 3
A K Q J 9 8 7 5


In the senior section, those who sacrificed in clubs escaped with a 500 penalty which was good because the first 5 tricks can be taken by the defence. Most players in clubs in the other sections suffered an 800 penalty. At one table, declarer in 4♠, after finessing ♦10 on a diamond lead, and ruffing a heart, and needing to get back to his hand to ruff another, got quite a shock, when fearing a diamond ruff by South, trumped a club with the ♠4 only to be over-ruffed and held to 10 tricks (much jollity). Only two players made 12 tricks in spades and no pair bid the slam (easy double dummy)."

Ashburton Junior winners                       and enjoying some refreshments afterwards

Ashburton junior section winners 21.jpg                               timaru players 21.jpg 
Janine Havis, Alan Wright,                      Timaru intermediates, Cath Preen, Grant Patterson, 
 Jason Vannini (inset), Paul Leadley       Annemarie Pavletich and Wendy Taggart   

Rangiora All Grades 8B                   27th June

            Director Craig McMillan, the club President Lorraine Proffitt and a willing bunch of helpers once again ensured the success of this popular tournament.

Morning:- Top section scorers  Dave Tocher/Sue McIlroy 59; Leon Meier/Jane Lennon 62;  Dallas Dagg/Pam Tibble 61

Afternoon:- Max Robb/Max Morrison 63; Jenny and Peter Story 62 and in the Howell, Liz Fitzgerald/ John Kruiniger 64

 The relatively new partnership of Liz Fitzgerald and John Kruiniger, having come second in two earlier tournaments, pulled off first in this tournament by scoring the top percentage for the day of 64% and winning the Spades section. Hearts was won by Andrew Purves and Marty Holman, Diamonds by Jenny Shore and Liz Duke and Clubs by Jim Dawson and Sally Jeffcott.

          2nd overall                             Hearts winners                 Top in Diamonds

Elena and Peter Udy 2021.jpg  Andrew Purves and Marty Holman 2021.jpg  Jenny Shore and Liz Duke 2021.jpg
Elena and Peter Udy                                  Andrew Purves and Marty Holman           Jenny Shore and Liz Duke

 Liz and Jenny did enough to actually finished 5th in the overall classifications, with a 2nd their way in the morning and a 3rd in the afternoon. Special congratulations to these two.


Canterbury Regional Swiss Pairs          5A         11th July

It was fitting that most of the contenders for the title met in the last round. Lesley Andrew and Kay  Nicholas won their last match 12/8, but Dorothy Bain and Jim Burford won 13/7 and this was just enough to slip them into first place for the day.

It was lovely to see the quiet pleasure of Dorothy Bain and Jim Burford when they realised they had clinched first place. Jim said it was the first time he had won in Timaru!

1st       Dorothy Bain/Jim Burford                         79.9

2nd       Lesley Andrew/ Kay Nicholas                   79.6

3rd       Jane Skipper/John Skipper                      79.2

Dorothy Bain and Jim Burford 2021.jpg         Lesley Andrew and Kay Nicholas 2021 (2).jpg     
Dorothy Bain & Jim Burford  Lesley Andrew & Kay Nicholas


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