All News

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -124

    9 Dec 2020

        Kermit hits the Bridge Zone     Break out the champagne Pam Livingston launches her new venture as a Bridge Coach She shares her views on Women’s Bridge, advice – quality over quantity A Luddite no... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Dec 2020

    Awkward Choices (Part 1) Today and tomorrow, we will look at a couple of problems which arise when one plays reopening doubles. A reopening double keeps the bidding open with the possible intention of one’s partner being able to penalise... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    7 Dec 2020

    The Best Chance. Recognising the best chance in making your contract is step one to success. Then, if you fail, there will surely be someone to tell you what you should have done! If you have taken the best line, then someone, your partner, even... read more here

  • News from the Chair- No 9 for 2020

    7 Dec 2020

    Details here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    4 Dec 2020

    Planning for the Inevitable. What’s that? Nothing so morbid as a will! For many, well, let’s say all, bridge players, “the inevitable” is that you take a losing finesse. If not on this board, well, it will happen soon. In... read more here

  • Auckland News with Douglas Russell

    3 Dec 2020

    Welcome to my final offering in this on, off, on again, off again and back on again season. Absolutely amazing that we have actually managed quite a bit of live bridge during the year. As I have not played a great deal myself, much of this report... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    3 Dec 2020

                                Pull the trigger? Sayings in bridge are useful, to an extent. One issue is when... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -123

    3 Dec 2020

        Who got stopped by the Police for running orange lights   Barry shares a yarn     Judge Julie rules on              Claiming... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Dec 2020

                      Danger in unexpected places. When one defender opens the bidding and the other maintains total silence throughout the auction, one would think... read more here

  • Waikato Bays News from Anna Kalma

    2 Dec 2020

    Christmas must be approaching... After apologizing for the lack of bridge results and fodder over the past six months, we have finally turned a corner … heaps to report on! The IP’s have just finished and we must make special... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    1 Dec 2020

                 Low Level: High Stakes To quote a well-known and much abused rule, “when your side has the majority of the high-card points” and your side is defending a suit... read more here

  • World Bridge Federation- Combating Online Cheating

    1 Dec 2020

    Letter from the WBF President.pdf  WBFDisciplinaryCode.pdf  ABF and NZ Bridge- Against Cheating.pdf read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    30 Nov 2020

    A Nice Hand. Welcome to the world of overcalls, reopening doubles and avoiding the axe! There are a number of questions that could have been posed around today’s hand. In our problem from Friday, we looked at the deal from the view-point... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    27 Nov 2020

    Multi Choice! Multi Problem: Multi Answers. When eight panellists provide six different answers to a bidding problem, it looks like it might be a tough one. It is our friend, the Multi 2 which is partly responsible for this problem, and as often... read more here

  • National Rubber Bridge Final

    27 Nov 2020

    You need some good hands no matter how good you are. Clare Coles and Kevin Whyte of Cambridge were in the wrong place when they played the final of the National Rubber Bridge tournament against Christchurch’s Stuart Grant and Tony... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    26 Nov 2020

     The Guide. As a defender, it seems you are always struggling to do the right thing. Of course, you tend to forget the countless normal and successful defences you find, let alone the seemingly rare occasion when you does something really... read more here

  • Wine Winners at the Babich

    26 Nov 2020

    Erlier this month, the Babich Wines New Zealand Wide Pairs was held at 57 clubs around the country. We thought we would let you see the "wine winners" or most of them with their Babich prizes. Prizes went initially to the top 5:    ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    25 Nov 2020

    GOOD IMAGINATION. Today and tomorrow, we will look at two boards from the recent Inter-Provincials where the defence could either get it right…or not! Do you want a plus score or a minus score? So, let’s pose you the problem for... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -122

    25 Nov 2020

        It’s been a bad week at the office for the Bridge Zone Team   Mereana gets snapped with her phone ringing during recording the show this week     Barry gets sookie over a negative number    ... read more here

  • The Inter-provincials. The final count-down

    24 Nov 2020

    Clean Sweep for the North Island. It was North Island all the way in this year’s Inter-Provincial Championships with each of the four North Island Regions taking out one title and Auckland-Northland the all-important Dougal McLean trophy... read more here

  • Day Two at the Inter-Provincials

    23 Nov 2020

    Dougal McLean Wide Open. Wellington’s Seniors and Women’s teams will need to improve their current lowly positions if that region is to retain the Dougal McLean Trophy. Wellington’s Intermediates appear to have their competition... read more here

  • Day One at the Inter-Provincials

    22 Nov 2020

    Central Districts Early Leaders. Central Districts are the early leaders in the chase for the Dougal Mclean Trophy at this year’s Inter-Provincial Championships. After 5 of the 7 rounds in the first round-robin (each team has one bye), they... read more here

  • Dougal McLean Trophy

    22 Nov 2020

    The Dougal McLean Trophy is awarded to the region that performs the best at the Interprovincial Competition.  The result will be update after each match here. read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    20 Nov 2020

    Which Major First? Some slams are a straightforward make while others provide options with the declarer hoping to take the route with the most chance of success, in bridge terms, the best percentage line. The following slam certainly fell into... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -121

    20 Nov 2020

    Included this week:         What’s up Doc….   Happy hunting grounds to those heading to the capital for the IP’s Don’t forget to head onto BBO to link into the Vugraph to watch as... read more here

  • 2020 Inter Provincials

    19 Nov 2020

    The 2020 event will be held at the Wellington Bridge Club on the 21st to 23rd November.  LINK TO RESULTS Results will be displayed live. As each team completes a board their result will be uploaded.  Click here to view the... read more here

  • 2021- NZ Youth Bridge Champs -

    19 Nov 2020

    2021 NZ Youth Bridge Championships Flyer.pdf  read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 Nov 2020

    High Stakes from the Start. I have a little confession to make, to the Panel. When today’s deal occurred, it was in the Pairs’ environment where if one makes the wrong decision, it is only a maximum of around 4%. 16 or 17 imps in the... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Nov 2020

    How Strong’s Your Weak No-Trump? Yes, that’s all your hand is….and a minimum point-count 12 hcp at that. Yet, it is starting to look a little better….but how much better? Good enough to advance the bidding freely to the... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    17 Nov 2020

    The Achilles Heel. One advantage of keeping a strong hand hidden as declarer is that the defence are less able to know for sure which honours declarer has or may not have. One would think that when the “monster” hand is exposed as... read more here

  • Congratulations - To our new Grandmasters

    16 Nov 2020

    Details Here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    16 Nov 2020

                                  Don’t Go Chasing Rainbows. We all like to look for any way... read more here


    15 Nov 2020

    Taranaki Bridge Congress Mar 2021 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    13 Nov 2020

    A Dangerous action?                              Sound or... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Nov 2020

    Winners and Losers Today’s deal is about winners, about keeping them and not discarding them, about saluting them, the team above who won the National Open Teams in Auckland last weekend in some style and who got our deal today just right.... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -120

    12 Nov 2020

      Included this week:   New Plymouth Bridge Club has A points Galore   Plymouth International Congress  -  March 6th to march 11th 2021     Colin Carryer shares the gossip on the Taranaki Congress next... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 Nov 2020

    A Baker’s Dozen. It is not very often that your side holds all 13 cards in one suit. It is even rarer that you know from the start of the bidding that this is the situation…and you are the only one at the table who knows it! How do... read more here

  • Otago/Southland News

    11 Nov 2020

    Wow, it’s been over 6 months since most of you have heard from me. For most of you, that’ll be too short of a time—and for that I apologise. The Otago Club lost a lot of momentum over lockdown, but due to a strong effort of the... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    10 Nov 2020

    No Half Measures: All or Nothing. Some declarers in the recent National Open Teams in Auckland failed in a game contract to a rather unkind ruff but should never have been in that position because they either drew one trump too many or one trump... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 Nov 2020

    or Attack or Defence Today’s problem is not just about an opening lead but it is an opening lead problem with which we left you, maybe a rather random problem because you neither have much nor have much information on which to base your... read more here

  • NZ 15A National Teams - Auckland

    7 Nov 2020

    Link to Results read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    6 Nov 2020

    “D” for Diamond: “D” for Disaster! A plan to avoid one! Part of successful defence is co-operating and guiding your partner, if possible, to the winning defence purely through the card(s) you play. This can be both hard... read more here

  • National Rubber Bridge Finals update

    6 Nov 2020

    Canterbury v Waikato Bays in National Rubber Bridge Final Tony Quinlivan and Stuart Grant of Christchurch will take on Cambridge’s Clare Coles and Kevin Whyte in the final of the National Rubber Bridge competition. Tony and Stuart won their... read more here

  • Northland News with Tania Brown

    6 Nov 2020

    First in New Zealand: that's Maureen Russ and Vivienne Sexton. Greetings from the Winterless North yet again. Doesn’t time fly when you are having fun. My turn again with all the news that is news from the fabulous upper part of NZ.... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    5 Nov 2020

    All that Glitters… A nice- looking hand, great potential, two good suits….and, wait a moment. Someone has opened the bidding in one of them…but it is not your partner. What should you do?   South... read more here

  • News from the Chair- No 8 for 2020

    5 Nov 2020

    Our Latest Newsletter read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show -119

    5 Nov 2020

      Included this week:   changements de notation – changes to ratings points   Mr Secretary joins us today Alister fills us in on what’s happening with the flow from Open to Intermediate This recalculation will... read more here

  • Babich Wines New Zealand Wide Pairs

    4 Nov 2020

    Amendment to Prize Winners. Unfortunately, the original list of the top 100 published in the Restricted Open category was not shown correctly. A new list has now been published and as a result of this, there are some changes to the prize-winners... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    4 Nov 2020

          Walk in the Park? Some contracts seem impossible to make but the defence is not the sharpest or the breaks are very kind. Others seem quite straightforward but can catch out the unwary. Come, join me, for this... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    3 Nov 2020

    Living Dangerously? Today’s hand centre’s around two issues, firstly about whether a double in a low-level auction is for penalties and then, assuming it is, whether that is the choice you would make.   East... read more here

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