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Top of The South News with Marsha Woodbury

Marsha Woodbury.

Welcome to our new Top of The South correspondent, Marsha Woodbury from Blenheim. In welcoming Marsha, a well known and popular player around her region for many years, I would like to acknowledge the contribution of Jenny Pomeroy who has covered TOPS news for several years, bringing always lively and interesting reporting In terms of words and pictures. Thank you, Jenny and welcome, Marsha.

From Westport:

Floods ravaged the town of Westport, and many Bridge players fled their damaged homes.  They are still evaluating the losses to Westport players: at least one red stickered house, three more yellow stickered (all uninhabitable), at least another yellow stickered (habitable), and numerous sheds. In a few cases insurance has not covered what was expected. As usual there were plenty of close calls.

Emergency services used the Bridge Club for several weeks after the flooding, initially 24 hours per day, with the comfortable warm environment and the kitchen humming along. A couple of members gave the place a daily cleanup, too.

As of August 16, the Westport Bridge Club received over $12,000 from about 30 clubs and individuals, with some more to come. Charity events have been a good income earner.

The fundraising was initiated by Angela Royle at the Royle Epsom Bridge Club.

The club has forwarded sums to the people that are unable to live in their homes, and expect to forward more, and they also plan to support people who were less effected.

Here is a personal report from Yvonne Scarlett:

“First, I would like to thank the NZ Bridge community for their support after the Westport flood. My 90-year-old mother lives with me; we lost everything aside from a small suitcase each. We were evacuated at 11.30 p.m. and 45 cm of contaminated water went through my home. Everything had to be dumped. The insurance say it will take 8-12 months before my home is repaired, and now with COVID-19 it will take longer. Your generous support went for firewood, bedding, clothes and more. Bridge is a wonderful game and played by some pretty amazing people.”


From Kaikoura:

Westport Club generously donated funds to Kaikoura after their earthquake and Kaikoura did not hesitate in doing the same back to Westport. 

Jill MacKenzie from Kaikoura, celebrated her 98th birthday at bridge recently. She still plays twice a week, lives in her own home, does her garden. We all think the key to longevity is her bubbly personality, positive outlook on life and of course she still drives herself to bridge.


From Marlborough

Lockdown has led to several cancellations, and many players have moved online.

 The Restricted Pairs, directed by Ed Roggeveen on August 14th,  had a healthy participation.

 We had some fun awards, especially for those who gained and lost the most percentage points between the two sessions.

The 2nd pair gained 12.5% on their morning score while the 5th pair dropped 18% from their morning score.

 Open/ Intermediate               Open/ Intermediate                               Open/Junior
 Winners                                   Second                                                  Winners

Linda Dow and Toby Gordon 2021 (2).jpg                    Annette Burry and Robin Young 2021.jpg                       Hattie Curtis and John Harper 2021 (2).jpg
Linda Dow & Toby Gordon        Annette Bury &  Robin Young         Hattie Curtis & John Harper
 (1st overall)                                  (2nd overall)                                      (3rd overall)


 1: Gill Webby: Kerry Roberts (4thoverall)

2: Valerie & Michael Fitzsimons (8thoverall)

 Intermediate/Junior: Junior/Junior

 1: Alistair Boyle: Malcom McKenzie (9thoverall)

From Richmond:

Summerset Swiss Pairs. The club had to turn people away, which seems to be the norm for the TOPS district.

                               Tops in Spades  (overall position in brackets)

  (also featured in the pictures is Linda Farrelly, representing the event's sponsors, Summerset  Richmond Retirement Village)

    1st                                                               2nd                                                     3rd

Maurice Carter & Jim Jessep 2021.jpg                         Sita Monaghan & Sally Moore 21.jpg                         Fran Jessep & Robin Young 21.jpg
Maurice Carter & Jim Jessep (1st)     Sita Monaghan & Sally Moore(2nd)  Fran Jessep & Robin Young (3rd) 

                 1st                                                      2nd                                             3rd

GB 1S Chris Turner .jpeg  John Penny .jpeg         Jo Gear & Glenys Tyler 21.jpg                    Barbara Gordon & Diane Groom 21.jpg
Chris Turner        John Penny (7th)     Jo Gear & Glenys Tyler (8th)   Barbara Gordon & Diane Groom

      1st                                                  2nd                                                              3rd

Peter Bone & Tom Pyatt 21.jpg               Helen Robinson & Elizabeth Dooley 21.jpg                                Teri and Charmaine 2021.jpg  
Peter Bone & Tom Pyatt (4th)   Helen Robinson & Elizabeth Dooley (6th)   Teri Sonal &
                                                                                                              Charmaine Hanley-Webber

      1st                                         2nd                                                         3rd

  Alan & Ann Blackie 21.jpg         Jenny Vaile & Theresa Goldsworthy 21.jpg                      Christine Wallace & Marina Gosnell 21.jpg
Alan & Ann Blackie         Jenny Vaile & Theresa Goldworthy Christine Wallace & Marina Gosnell
                                                                                           (with the director, Craig Shannahan)


Picton Bridge Club:

After lessons Picton had three full tables with new members playing on club nights.  They started in a separate section (and were better at following the Howell movement than many senior players

They will merge with everyone else when bridge resumes.

The club raised money from members for Westport and the club contributed too.

A few of their long-term members have moved to Christchurch over the past 12 months. Their former President, Helen Crowder, with her farewell cake below:


Helen Crowder TOPS 2021.jpg

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