All News

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Sep 2021

    Jan Cormack. Jan’s Day: After the Olympics: the Olympiad Today’s deal takes us back to a tough deal at a past bridge Olympiad, a deal where the sting in the tail proved to be quite harmless and satisfactory from New Zealand’s... read more here

  • Top of The South News with Marsha Woodbury

    8 Sep 2021

    Marsha Woodbury. Welcome to our new Top of The South correspondent, Marsha Woodbury from Blenheim. In welcoming Marsha, a well known and popular player around her region for many years, I would like to acknowledge the contribution of Jenny... read more here

  • Covid-19 Advisory from NZ Bridge

    7 Sep 2021

    Advisory No 16 - 7th September 2021.pdf read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    7 Sep 2021

    Passing Messages. That’s what defenders do with each other, in a legal way, of course. It can be important when you have very little in the way of high-card points, too. Let’s see why. East DealsBoth Vul... read more here

  • Canterbury News with Max Robb

    6 Sep 2021

     Will You Still be Playing at 100?             For some time, I have been aware that there are two people at least in the Canterbury region approaching 100 and were still making it to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    6 Sep 2021

          A Nice Place. Your bidding was a little rustic but partner is there for you and you seem to have reached an excellent spot. All you have to do is make your contract, that’s all 13 tricks. One trick lost is not... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    3 Sep 2021

    Reversing in different ways! A hand worthy of a reverse and able to make one does not occur that often. Thus, it is essential you have clear agreements with your partner about what is forcing and what is not after this strength-showing bid..and... read more here

  • Congress 2021- Player Grades

    2 Sep 2021

      Further to our recent advices regarding the postponement of the 2021 Congress, the Board has considered and supports the following for player grades for this event. All entries will be accepted based on players' 2021 Tournament Grades,... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Sep 2021

    fearless! How Strong is a Strong No Trump? for less experienced players...and others.. A strong no-trump, whether as an opening bid or an overcall, is a powerful adversary. Yet, do not let it put you off bidding, well some of the time. You are... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    1 Sep 2021

     “Did you hear me, partner?” When you know a slam can be defeated by partner making a normal lead (e.g., their suit, your suit), you do not need to double the final bid (unless any lead will defeat it and the opponents have no... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 161

    1 Sep 2021

      here is the link to this week's show     The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana            At the pond with Kermit     Judge... read more here

  • Cancelled Tournaments

    31 Aug 2021

      Ernest Rutherford 8B Pairs – Richmond 2 Sept 2021 Gisborne 8B Pairs 4 Sept 2021 Royle Epsom 5B Intermediate Pairs 4 Sept 2021 Westport 8B Open Pairs 4 Sept 2021 Central... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    31 Aug 2021

    Risking all for glory. “I was unlucky, partner. I took two finesses and both failed. I only needed one to work and I would have made my contract.” A rather familiar cry for sympathy which would certainly initially have been given.... read more here

  • Director Exams & Assessments - Dates for 2021-2022

    31 Aug 2021

    Details Here read more here

  • More information on the rescheduled 2021 National Bridge Congress

    31 Aug 2021

      Same venue (Bay Park: Lion Foundation Centre, Mt Maunganui) New dates    Thursday February 10th through to Thursday February 17th 2022 Congress starts 10.00am on the first Thursday morning and concludes after a finger-food... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone chats with Allan today

    31 Aug 2021

      Hi chaps We spoke with Allan this morning  Here is the full interview for uploading on the websites Content is Congress Bridge Calendars 2021 and 2022 and Cheating   Allan Morris Congress, Calendar and Cheating 31... read more here

  • Cancelled Tournaments

    30 Aug 2021

      Gisborne 8B Pairs 4 Sept 2021 Royle Epsom 5B Intermediate Pairs 4 Sept 2021 Westport 8B Open Pairs 4 Sept 2021 Central Otago 5A Teams – Alexandra 4 Sept 2021... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    30 Aug 2021

                               Knee-Jerk? You open the bidding and finish up in 3NT with your partner putting down a 17... read more here


    30 Aug 2021

    Announcement- Congress 2021.pdf read more here

  • 10 minutes of something- From the Bridge Zone

    29 Aug 2021

    Check in with the Bridge Zone crew who are doing a daily Zoom session during the lockkdown.   B Z Seesion 26-08-21.mp4 BZ Session 27-08-21.mp4 BZ Session 28-08-21.mp4 BZ Session 30-08-21.mp4 Calling the Director Banana Bidding Hats.m4a... read more here

  • Cancelled Tournaments

    28 Aug 2021

      Hokowhitu 3A Daffodil Day Fundraiser 29 Aug 2021 Gisborne 8B Pairs 4 Sept 2021 Royle Epsom 5B Intermediate Pairs 4 Sept 2021 Westport 8B Open Pairs 4 Sept 2021 Central... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    27 Aug 2021

    Michael’s Fun: an “obvious bid?” You pick up a nice- looking hand, only a 10 count but with lots of potential. Our partner opens the bidding and not, for a change, in our void suit. Indeed, it is the opponents who bid and... read more here

  • Northland News with Tania Brown

    27 Aug 2021

    Not going to call it the winterless North anymore as boy does it rain. Probably not nearly as much as the rest of the country, but as I sit here and write this it is pouring down outside. July 17 and 18 saw one of the biggest weekends ever hosted... read more here

  • TOPS Lockdown Teams 2021 - Information & Entry List

    27 Aug 2021

      The TOPS Lockdown Teams event kicked off yesterday.  There are 77 teams competing in 11 grades with seven teams in each grade.  The full range of ability and experience is on show.  The A Grade includes many of New... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    26 Aug 2021

    or your hand! Undervalued. Today’s deal was played recently at 19 tables and only four of the South players really appreciated the worth of their hand. It might not seem to be worth very much because its high-card point count was only two!... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    25 Aug 2021

    Jan’s Day: “Catch-Up” Bridge There is a skill of trying to recover lost ground when you feel you are behind in a match. One’s natural urge may be to do something unusual to create a swing. The trouble can be is that you... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 160

    25 Aug 2021

      Here is the link to this week's show   Included this week:     The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana           At the pond with Kermit... read more here

  • Cancelled Tournaments

    24 Aug 2021

      Napier 5A Open Teams 28 Aug 2021 Auckland 5B Intermediate Pairs 28 Aug 2021 Auckland 3A Open Pairs 28 Aug 2021 Tauranga 5B Intermediate Pairs 28 Aug 2021 Tauranga 3B Junior... read more here

  • Covid-19 Advisory from NZ Bridge

    24 Aug 2021

    Advisory No 15 - 24th August 2021.pdf read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    24 Aug 2021

    The “Blame” Game…or “Blame” Game Missed! +170 or +200 (making 10 or 11 tricks in a major) would be reasonable scores playing Pairs were it not for the fact that game was a 100% certainty. It was not a case of making... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    23 Aug 2021

    All's good. We have the “boss” suit. Competitive high- level battles are quite common and are often really hard to judge and evaluate correctly. It would seem as long as we take the mainstream action, we should not get too bad a... read more here

  • Cancelled Tournaments

    22 Aug 2021

      15A National Teams – Invercargill 28-29 Aug 2021 Hokowhitu 3A Daffodil Day Fundraiser 29 Aug 2021   Updated 22 August 2021 read more here

  • TOPS Lockdown Teams 2021 - Invitation to enter

    22 Aug 2021

      Kia ora koutou / Greetings everyone   TOPS Lockdown Teams 2021 - Invitation to enter Given it’s likely we will be in Level 3 or 4 lockdown for the next few weeks, the Top of the South regional committee has given approval for... read more here

  • Cancelled Tournaments

    21 Aug 2021

      Invercargill 3B Junior Pairs 21 Aug 2021 Invercargill 5B Intermediate Pair 21 Aug 2021 Havelock North 3B Junior Pairs 21 Aug 2021 Havelock North 5B Intermediate Pairs 21 Aug 2021... read more here

  • Covid-19 Advisory from NZ Bridge

    20 Aug 2021

    Advisory No 14 - 20th August 2021.pdf read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    20 Aug 2021

    Stuck in a corner..of our own making? We are about to see some severe criticism of a bid made at the table, a bid which seemed to land us in a spot of bother. Is there a way forward?   ♠ J 8 7 ♥ A... read more here

  • Auckland News with Douglas Russell

    19 Aug 2021

    Welcome back. As we watch anxiously at what is happening now on our side of the Tasman, we remain eternally grateful that we have still been able to participate in our great game live and hope we can do so again very soon. Of course, there is... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 Aug 2021

    It’s Too Late: For Less Experienced Players and others. It is far too late when half way through the play of a board a declarer realises that they just do not have enough tricks to make their contract. That lack of planning would prove... read more here

  • Covid Advisory - From NZ Bridge

    18 Aug 2021

    Advisory No 13 - 18th August 2021.pdf read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Aug 2021

    “Gotcha” It may not seem so when you see dummy but it is nice to know you are going to make your contract by following a few basic guidelines, by watching and with just a modicum of good fortune. South DealsNone Vul... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 159

    18 Aug 2021

    Here is the link to this week's show     Included this week:     The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana            At the pond with... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    17 Aug 2021

    Whose hand? We have “the boss” suit and a decent playing hand, 8 tricks on a good day with just a little trump help required from partner. How high should we bid, with the vulnerability not in our favour? What can the opposition make?... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    16 Aug 2021

    “Silence” is not Golden. “What more could I say” commented one partner after a poor result had been achieved on one board. “My hand was so flat and I only had 5 high card points” said the other. The result of... read more here

  • Waikato Bays News from Anna Kalma

    16 Aug 2021

    a winner "extraordinaire". Read on to find out who and where. Since my last round up, I count that there have been 18 local tournaments in the region …  with many already covered online, I’m limiting my coverage to those where... read more here

  • Wellington Regional 15A Teams - RESCHEDULED

    16 Aug 2021

    Dec 18-19  2021 Wellington Regional 15A Teams December 2021...   read more here

  • Congratulations to our new Grandmasters

    15 Aug 2021

    Details Here read more here

  • Calling those who have not registered for Congress yet

    13 Aug 2021

    Still sitting on the fence about coming to NZ Bridge Congress?   New Zealand National Bridge Congress at Bay Park, Mt Maunganui September 25th through to October 2nd   8 reasons you should be coming along to our premier event in... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    13 Aug 2021

    Keeping Track. There are times when a defender can do something brilliant, yes, even you! Such moments will come and you can enjoy them. However, generally, the art of successful defence is doing what the cards tell you to do, maybe a signal from... read more here

  • NZ Schools Teams Tournament- Friday 1 Oct 2021

    13 Aug 2021

    NZ Schools' Teams Friday 1 October 2021 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Aug 2021

    A Subtle Difference. “Fourth highest of your longest and strongest.” That’s quite a good approach to making the opening lead especially against a no-trump contract. It even works, some of the time! Yet, what message does the... read more here

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