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New On line Pairs tournaments from New Zealand Bridge

On-line Sunday Night Bridge Tournaments for all Levels from New Zealand Bridge

New Zealand Bridge is pleased to announce 4 separate Sunday evening tournaments on Real Bridge lasting throughout the rest of 2022.     

pdf Online poster (1.10MB)

2022 New Zealand Bridge On-Line Pairs Tournaments

The separate events are for:

Open                  10A

Restricted Open   5A  (both players must be National Master or lower grade)

Intermediate       5B

Junior                3B

(status as at 1st January 2022)  All Match-Point Pairs

1st Night Sunday May 29th at 7.00pm

10 separate Sundays. Your best 8 scores with the same partner will count to overall result.

Play all 10 nights or just casually on one or more nights.

Entry Fee: $40.00 per player covers all nights or pay $6.00 per night casually.

Prize Money based on overall results.

Directors and Scorers: Caroline and Murray Wiggins

Please pre-enter on New Zealand Bridge website. Payment in advance please to this New Zealand Bridge bank account with your name and “0n line” as the reference:

02 0466 0268199 02

Nights scheduled for this 2022 event (all Sundays):

29th May                   26th June                   10th July                     24th July

14th August               18th September        16th October              13th November

27th November          11th December        

Movements: Open and Restricted Open: 26 board Howell

                        Intermediate and Junior: dependent on entries

Please enter for each night, even if you have prepaid.

A great way to spend the end of the weekend from your own home.

home and warm playing bridge.png

and playing Bridge, too. What could be better!

(The events are set up for you to enter on the Tournaments page)

Any queries, please contact me at

Richard Solomon

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