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  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 Aug 2021

    Jan’s Day in the part-score Zone. Such deals may not be sensational but their outcome can be every bit as important as a slam or game contract, especially playing Match-Point Pairs. You bring home a very tight small slam on a double squeeze... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 158

    11 Aug 2021

      Click here to enjoy the show   Included this week:     The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana            At the pond with Kermit... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    10 Aug 2021

                        Immediate Action Needed. Defence can be very personal in that although every pair defending a board has the same aim, they may well... read more here

  • Young bridge players come together in Wellington

    10 Aug 2021

    The 2021 New Zealand Bridge Youth Bridge Weekend by Paul Coleman The 2021 Youth Weekend is the first in about 22 years that Richard Solomon has not run. By my   calculation, the 1999 youth weekend was held before two-thirds of this... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 Aug 2021

       “There’s a hole in my bucket, Dear Lisa, Dear Lisa.” Well, you pick up your hand and see a neat two-suited 16 count. Plenty of potential in that. Then, you observe your partner, who is the dealer, reach for the... read more here

  • A Big thank you from Westport

    6 Aug 2021

    The state of emergency in Buller is to be lifted today, three weeks after the disastrous flooding which hit the district. The Westport Bridge Club wishes to acknowledge the support of many clubs and individuals in the NZ Bridge community. ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    6 Aug 2021

    Too many of them! Losing a loser! Well, you just have to when you are in a 5-level contract and your loser-count seems to total three. All would be well on the deal below had a key finesse worked though by the time you get round to playing the... read more here

  • Otago/Southland News with Brad Johnston

    6 Aug 2021

    Kia ora koutou, and thanks for reading my newest report :) I have a riddle for you to think on while you read this. What is the link between these two hands:   North DealsN-S Vul ♠ 10 9 8 2 ♥ 10... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    5 Aug 2021

      Making something out of nothing... for less experienced players and others. Today we have a lead problem which covers the situation where the player on lead has very little, even less and whether they should make the normal lead of an... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    4 Aug 2021

    Jan’s Day: A Blind Spot. Most of us have them. Hopefully, they do not cost and if they do, that such an error occurs in a part-score and not in a game contract where the loss is greater. So, today, you want to get it right. You are not in a... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 157

    4 Aug 2021

    click here to enjoy the show   Included this week:     The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana              At the pond with Kermit... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    3 Aug 2021

    Can you ignore me? “I” am the much abused, often ignored club suit. “I” am opened when players have three or two card suits, by some with even less. Yet, when “I” have a fine decent suit, many choose to ignore... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Aug 2021

    Stolen Bid. 20 high card points but not really enough for a strong 2 level opening. However, just as you contemplate how the auction will go after you start with your longest suit at the one level, your right-hand opponent opens the suit in front... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    30 Jul 2021

    Little Clues can mean a lot. Well, they can when you are in grand slam and have a decision to make without any help from the opponents’ bidding. They were silent! South DealsE-W Vul ♠ A K 6 3 ♥ 7... read more here

  • North Island Pairs- Palmerston North - 31 July - 1 Aug

    30 Jul 2021

    Link To Results read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    29 Jul 2021

    Little Clues can mean a lot…for less experienced players and others. Today and tomorrow, we will look at a couple of deals where small clues might lead declarers to winning solutions. A little clue is better than no clue at all and takes... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    28 Jul 2021

          Bad luck? Jan’s Day has a Trump Problem It is more than a little annoying when any very good contract is put into grave danger by a bad trump break but even more so when it is a slam.   South... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 156

    28 Jul 2021

      Click here to enjoy today's show     Included this week:   The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana              At the pond with... read more here

  • Wellington News with Paul Maxwell

    28 Jul 2021

    Congratulations to our newest Grandmaster, David May. Don’t like Mondays? So which Monday in recent months would be the worst Monday for a possible COVID lockdown in Wellington? Could it be the 21st of June? There was a busy week ahead for... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    27 Jul 2021

    The Most Likely Way Home. “Home” is achieving the right number of tricks to make your contract. There is no chance of an overtrick but we are in a slightly tenuous slam. So, let’s be happy with 12 tricks. East... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    26 Jul 2021

    The Chameleon Club. Your partner opens with a suit and the opposition end the bidding with a strong no trump overcall. With queen doubleton in your partner’s suit and a smattering of high-card points in the other suits, the opening lead... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 155

    26 Jul 2021

      The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana Click here to enjoy the show          At the pond with Kermit Judge Julie or Bailiff rules... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    23 Jul 2021

    Balanced…in two suits! Many new players bauk at opening a 12-14 1NT because they do not have holds in all four suits. We know that it is impossible to guarantee such a balanced spread of your honour cards with such a few number of high... read more here

  • Central Districts News with George MacLachlan

    22 Jul 2021

    Suzanne Carpenter. We start the review with some interesting reflections by a new player to our game on her first tournament, Palmeraston North’s Suzanne Carpenter. She starts with a quote:   “Admitting errors clears the... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    22 Jul 2021

      Finessing and timing and ducking..for less experienced players, and others. Today’s deal may seem quite basic but it offers some good lessons for those who may be struggling to make, in particular, their no-trump contracts. You... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    21 Jul 2021

      Jan Cormack. Jan’s Day: More on Finessing. That could be a clue as you make a plan to score 12 tricks from your rather ambitiously bid slam. There are finesses we need to take, finesses we put off unless there is no other way and... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    20 Jul 2021

          A Finesser’s Dream…or Nightmare? You have finesses available in three suits, one of which is a 2-way finesse (don’t we love them…not!) and a guess in the fourth suit, too. We cannot afford... read more here

  • News from the Chair- No 2 for 2021

    20 Jul 2021

    Details Here read more here

  • Become a Better Defender with Pam Livingston

    19 Jul 2021

    Pam Livingston is a regular member of our daily Panel, a New Zealand international bridge player and an expert bridge teacher. She is offering to help you to improve your defence. See below: Here is the link to view the lesson replay and to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 Jul 2021

    High-Level happenings. A question for you. You lead your singleton H2 against 7C doubled, the opponents’ sacrifice. What happened? Depending perhaps on the result, we all love a piece of high-level drama. Someone usually has a strong... read more here

  • Canterbury News with Max Robb

    16 Jul 2021

    Akaroa All Grades 8B      1st May             The Akaroa tournament is always booked out early. Six ladies come down every year from Wellington on the Thursday, and fly... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    16 Jul 2021

    “Multi” Problem. Love it or hate it (and there are many in both camps), the Multi 2D can cause problems for all four players at the table. One such problem is that there is sometimes only one player at the table who knows for sure... read more here

  • Congratulations to our new Silver Grandmasters

    15 Jul 2021

    Details Here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 Jul 2021

      Basic Defence: for less experienced players and others. It is time to remember two, maybe even three, basic rules of defending. Had East done so on today’s deal, then their partnership would not have got such a poor result from the... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    14 Jul 2021

    Opportunity Knocks. We know that Bridge is a game of mistakes. Whoever makes the fewest wins! Sometimes, you get the chance to do something clever, to profit from good play rather than an opponent’s mistake or unlucky lead. Are you ready... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 154

    14 Jul 2021

    Click here to enjoy the show Included this week:   Bailiff shares the rules on how long is too long… play a card                 You may be surprised... read more here

  • Top of The South News with Jenny Pomeroy

    14 Jul 2021

      Plenty of inter-club rivalry over the last few weeks with both the Top of the South Intermediate and Junior competition and the Howorth Cup. The Howorth Cup The Howorth Cup is the premier interclub competition in the Top of the... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    13 Jul 2021

    Avoiding Disaster. Well, it was not total disaster because our North-South pair did get a plus score but the plus should have been so much bigger.     ♠ 9 ♥ K J 8 7 5 2 ♦ J... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Jul 2021

      s   The Second Double. What does it mean and what should we bid now? These two questions arise from a second double from our partner. We know that the first double was a standard take-out double…but what about double number... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 Jul 2021

    Trump Reduction. It’s time to look at another hand from last weekend’s South Island Pairs. While the vast majority of West players struggled away to make an overtrick in 3NT and usually failed, one West player could put his feet up... read more here

  • Bridge film Dirty Tricks discount code

    8 Jul 2021

         New Zealand’s Academy Award® qualifying, international documentary film festival We’re back in theatres and online nationwide, 3 June – 11 July 2021. Sod you coronavirus, we’re... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Jul 2021

         Not today. Today’s a good news day! No Demons but still down…for less experienced players and others. The following deal was given to me because all bar one who played the board in the 4 game (and at the... read more here

  • National Congress Update July 2021

    8 Jul 2021

      This will soon be full of bridge tables and bridge players. Congress update July 2021 It is great to see many players entering this year’s National Congress with some having paid their entry fees. We have many players entering the... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 153

    8 Jul 2021

      Click here to enjoy the show   Included this week:   Saturday Morning Chores                   Listen to Jack James tell his story of missing 2... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    7 Jul 2021

    Where is she? Jan’s Day: a problem from a barrage bid. No matter how good a player one is, one does not get all decisions right in the area of high-level bidding. Take a look at this:   North DealsBoth Vul... read more here

  • All Tme Masterpoint Earners- Top 100 & 200 Updated

    6 Jul 2021

    Details Here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand from the South Island Pairs

    6 Jul 2021

     Brian Mace and Tom Jacob... read more here

  • Baden Wilson Trophy- 2021 Year to date

    5 Jul 2021

    Updated 5 July 2021 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    5 Jul 2021

    The Power of “Nine”! One way is technically correct. Another may be practically successful while a third results in a minus score! So, which way should we not take? It seems perhaps that the last is not the best! Yet, it is perhaps... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Jul 2021

    But not spectacular.                                Bread and Butter. That’s... read more here

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