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  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 Dec 2021

    Big Hearted! That is one way to describe today’s hand. It has lots of them (hearts) and even though the top two were missing, it has the outside entries to do some damage to the opponent’s strong no-trump overcall. They are... read more here

  • 2021 Tri-Nations: Australia - Indonesia - New Zealand

    8 Dec 2021

      Home Event Information Hand Records Convention Cards Open R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8Women's R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8Seniors' R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8Mixed R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8Youth R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 2021 Tri-Nations:... read more here

  • Covid-19 Advisory from NZ Bridge

    8 Dec 2021

    Advisory No 23 8 December 2021 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Dec 2021

    So, we gave you a question and a deal to play for today. Both will be answered in today’s "Jan’s Day" article. Who would endure greater stress levels, a heart surgeon or a tournament bridge player? While you ponder, plan the play... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 175

    8 Dec 2021

      Here is the link  to this weeks show     The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana              At the pond with Kermit  ... read more here

  • "In the spirit of Nina"

    7 Dec 2021

    the late Nina Hewitt Today is Dunedin’s day. Our “Hand of the Day” features Brad Johnston from his weekend success in the Victor Champion Teams. This article remembers a club stalwart from a past age whose name carries on with... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    7 Dec 2021

    Brad Johnston. Excitement Down South. That was certainly the case for Brad Johnston and Sam Coutts as they were members of the winning team in the Victor Champion Swiss Teams Cup last weekend. Yesterday, we featured their teammates, Tom Jacob... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    6 Dec 2021

      More Kiwis win “In” Australia. It was an Australasian team which won the Victor Champion Cup Open Swiss Teams which was played on Real Bridge this past weekend. The winning team was well-balanced between North Island... read more here

  • Covid-19 Advisory from NZ Bridge

    3 Dec 2021

    Advisory No 22 3 December 2021.pdf read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    3 Dec 2021

    An “obvious” lead. No problem here. You are on lead and have a suit headed by the AK.  You are on lead to a slam, too. No, not 6NT, or else there really would be no problem, but 6. So, your lead is obvious, or is it?  ... read more here

  • Bring on the National Congress

    2 Dec 2021

      For our National Bridge Congress We WILL have a National Congress in February 2022. That’s the important message for all our Congress attendees, potential Congress attendees and even some of you who may not have thought of going to... read more here

  • Covid-19 Advisory from NZ Bridge

    2 Dec 2021

    Covid Advisory No 21 - Issued 29 Nov 2021 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Dec 2021

    Good timing, great result! So, you are doubled in your pre-empt. How you wished you had a 7th trump! Never mind, dummy looks half decent and this will be no blood-bath. Even better if you could make your contract. Can you?  ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    1 Dec 2021

    How Random are Opening Leads? We all know that opening leads can backfire no matter how well intentioned and reasoned. We can only do our best with the sometime limited information available. So, what would be your choice with the hand below? You... read more here

  • NZ Bridge - New Brand Launch & Beginner Players Website

    1 Dec 2021

    Brand launch.pdf read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 174

    1 Dec 2021

      Here is the link to this week's show.       The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana              At the pond with Kermit  ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    30 Nov 2021

    “Stay Low, Joe” We all love bidding…and making!... tight games at Teams, especially vulnerable. We can smell the 10-imp pick-up as we put the cards back into the pocket. Yet, what about the 5 imps or more lost by overbidding... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    29 Nov 2021

    Under-valued! Have Aces: Go Places. and “those places” can be in the slam zone. The ingredients would be a reasonable trump fit, shortages and aces. Let’s see:       ♠ K Q 7 2... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    26 Nov 2021

    for the right game! Searching for the Making Game. When one partner has a decent 7 card major and the other partner, with normally at least 6 cards in the other, offers that suit as a playing option, you would normally think that one of those... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    25 Nov 2021

    Something you like? What to throw away! Sorry, what to discard? When it comes to discarding, there is not one correct answer because we all have our preferred methods. While the method may not be universal, the intention is much more likely to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    24 Nov 2021

    but not on the tennis court! Jan’s Day: A “Grand” Victory. As we indicated yesterday, today’s article is not from a period gone by but features a deal from last weekend’s Inter-Provincials. No matter who you are,... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 173

    24 Nov 2021

      Here is the link to this week's show     The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana              At the pond with Kermit    ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    23 Nov 2021

    An uncomfortable discard. Defending is rarely straightforward and one of the more uncomfortable parts can be discarding when a declarer runs a long suit at you. The long suit in today’s hand, from last weekend’s Inter-provincials, is... read more here

  • New Club Manager sought by Auckland Bridge Club

    23 Nov 2021

    The Auckland Bridge Club is seeking a new Club Manager. If you are or know someone who might be interested in this part-time role, please press the following link.    ... read more here

  • Real Live Inter-Provincials

    22 Nov 2021

    Real Live Inter-Provincials. A question for you to ponder as you read and salute the winners of last weekend’s Inter-Provincial Championships. You have been silent so far in the bidding. Are you going to remain so? This is your hand and... read more here

  • A Household with two Gold Grand Masters

    20 Nov 2021

      Meet Christchurch's latest Gold Grand Master, Jane Skipper. Jane and her husband John have been huge contributors to the Christchurch Bridge Club for many many years. For Jane, away from the table, this means being one of the club’s... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    19 Nov 2021

    Too strong to pre-empt: too weak to open. 8 Points 10 Tricks. but not in the way you might expect. We feature a hand today that just does not fit into any traditional opening bid. If you were told that it had a 7-card spade suit and 8 high-card... read more here

  • Interprovincials 2021

    19 Nov 2021

      Link to Kibitzing on RealBridge   Link to Results read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Nov 2021

    “CARE”  for less experienced players and others. That’s the word we are focusing on today. Sometimes it is rewarded. Another aspect to the same question is would you rather have a 42% or 83% result on a board, playing... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    17 Nov 2021

    Jan’s Day: A Time to Bid and a Time to Pass. We look today at the subject of balancing. Sometimes, we balance and find a making contract or else we push them one level higher than they want to be. We may even go for a smaller minus score... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 172

    17 Nov 2021

      Here is the link to this week's show   The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana              At the pond with Kermit     Judge... read more here

  • Covid 19

    16 Nov 2021

      Over the weekend we learnt that a member of the Dargaville Bridge Club was admitted to hospital. All members of the club are now in self isolation.  I am sure you join us in wishing those infected a speedy recovery. We are thinking... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    16 Nov 2021

    Simple Stayman: Difficult Decision. How could Stayman become so awkward? You get your response to 2 and on the basis of that, you can either bid or invite game depending on strength, maybe even just choose to play in a major suit at the 2 level.... read more here

  • Congratulations to our new Grandmasters

    15 Nov 2021

    Details Here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 Nov 2021

    Vivienne Sexton and Maureen Russ celebrate here in 2020. A Repeat Performance in the Babich. Just 12 months after scoring  72.16% in the 2020 event, Kerikeri’s Vivienne Sexton and Maureen Russ did it all over again with 73.04% to win... read more here

  • 10 minutes of something- From the Bridge Zone

    14 Nov 2021

      Some funny stuff happens at the table ...  131121.mp4 read more here

  • Babich NZ Wide Pairs booklet

    12 Nov 2021

    Here is the link for the booklet for the boards played in this year's event. NZWP Booklet 2021.pdf (2.91MB) I hope you all enjoy reading them.   If anyone wants a paper copy, please email me at   and tell me... read more here

  • Babich NZ Wide Pairs results link and news about the event

    12 Nov 2021

      An on-line version of the booklet about the hands you have played will be posted on this site at 10.30 pm tonight, Friday. It contains a discount offer regarding wine purchase from the event’s sponsor, Babich Wines.   TONIGHT... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    12 Nov 2021

    A good suit to make trumps? A "Major" Disaster. That’s the last thing you want with such a potentially nice hand as the one below. Yet, that is exactly what happened. Let’s relive the sad story, a story that would never have happened... read more here

  • Win a Beach House at the February 2022 National Bridge Congress

    12 Nov 2021

      Win  free luxury accommodation at The Mount for you and your friends while at the National Congress. Are you a fun loving, a bridge loving person.. and like mixing with others who are? Then, this offer is right up your alley. ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 Nov 2021

    Any rethink? For less experienced players and others. When you play “500”, you bid first time round or not at all. In Bridge, of course, you can pass several rounds of bidding and emerge “out of the bushes” with a bid. In... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    10 Nov 2021

    Never in Doubt! The title of yesterday’s article was “Could Be Worse” and the theme around today’s could be along the lines of “could be a lot better”! Indeed, chances of South bringing home 10 tricks would... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 171

    10 Nov 2021

    Here is the link to this week's show     The weekly Bridge gossip, views, tips and chatter with Barry and Mereana              At the pond with Kermit     Judge... read more here

  • 10 minutes of something- From the Bridge Zone

    9 Nov 2021

       The Chair.mp4 The Bridge Zone catch up with Allan Morris   Alan talks with Barry and Mereana about Congress, Plans A, B and C, vaccinations, passports, the traffic light system and the potential effect on Bridge  ... read more here

  • Covid-19 Advisory from NZ Bridge

    9 Nov 2021

    Advisory No 20 9th Nov 2021 read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 Nov 2021

    Could Be Worse. That’s one way to describe our partner’s bidding on today’s deal. We have got two nice suits of our own and unusually, the suit in which our partner has plenty, is not our shortest. We have a fit! Onwards, for... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Nov 2021

    Breaking those Rules. That’s part of the beauty of Bridge. We create rules (or guidelines) and then we break them! Of course, sometimes, maybe most of the time, we should not but recognising the times when we should is the mark of good... read more here

  • 10 minutes of something- From the Bridge Zone

    6 Nov 2021

      Is online bridge a threat to clubs?    051121.mp4 read more here

  • Babich Wines NZ Wide Pairs

    6 Nov 2021

      Held on Friday evening. Face to Face heats in Level 2 areas. Real Bridge on line heats to be run by the following clubs:... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    5 Nov 2021

    New Zealand featured in International Bridge Press Journalism Awards. International Bridge Press Association makes several annual awards to both players who bid, play or defend exceptionally well and to the journalists who wrote up their fine... read more here

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