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  • South Island Pairs- Marlborough 3-4 July 2021

    2 Jul 2021

    Link To Results Page read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    1 Jul 2021

    A Minor Monster!  For less experienced players … and others. What do you do when you have 12 cards in two minor suits and your partner opens the bidding with one of them? Sounds highly promising but there is a “but” or I... read more here

  • Northland News with Tania Brown

    1 Jul 2021

    A winter's day near Whangarei? Greetings all from the Winterless North once again. I have included a photo of where I would usually be at this time of year and what I would usually be doing. Seeing is believing right? Unfortunately back to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    30 Jun 2021

    no help needed.                       A Nice Play on “Jan’s Day” You can sometimes, maybe quite often, rely on poor... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 152

    30 Jun 2021

    Here is the link to this week's show   Included this week Kermit talks weak or strong   Spa Town Teams                ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    29 Jun 2021

    How High? It is never easy when your constructive bidding starts at the 5 level. Not much room to exchange information. At least, on today’s deal, we were able to say to our partner that we had a very good hand as we started with a... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    28 Jun 2021

    OLD CHESTNUTS. There are a few sayings around about how to play bridge hands well. We lock them away and just have to remember which one applies to the problem deal we have. Maybe the key word is “just”. It is not so easy to do that.... read more here

  • Volunteer of the Month - Estelle Davis, Taupo

    28 Jun 2021

     It has been a while since we have been able to acknowledge one of the many volunteers who are so central to the successful running of our bridge clubs. NZ Bridge wants to be able to say thanks to such people, whether their contribution is... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    25 Jun 2021

                                 Insurance? It’s not my favourite industry. It must have cost me a lot... read more here

  • Webcast Details- Funeral for Evelyn Hurley

    25 Jun 2021

    Service commences at 2pm Monday 28th June   Please click here: The password for this page is: bfh81Webcasts begin about 20 minutes before the start of the service. read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    24 Jun 2021

    A Sacrificial Offering? …for less experienced players and others. It seems too good to be true. Your partner has a game force hand while you have an opening hand…and an opponent is vulnerable and bidding away at the 4-level. It... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 151

    24 Jun 2021

    Click here to enjoy the show   Included this week   Feeling Foolish with Kermit     Judge Julie rules from Dannevirke   On their way to Wellington Who howls at a Howell movement 2 club openings – when... read more here

  • Auckland News with Douglas Russell

    23 Jun 2021

     young bridge prize winners. Greetings bridgers. As the approaching winter chills start to encourage indoor activities, so our thoughts become more focussed on our great game. And what makes it so wonderful is that it never ceases to turn up... read more here

  • Congratulations - To our recently qualified Club Directors

    23 Jun 2021

      NZ Bridge congratulates the following people who were successful in the recent exam series:   Clare Coles                Cambridge Pam... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    23 Jun 2021

     well, not quite yet! Jan’s Day: Count Your Tricks..and keep on counting! Sometimes, well always when we are the declarer, the defence seems to be sparkling. A great lead (for them!) and an even better switch. It’s time to show... read more here

  • Tournament cancelation - 15A Teams Wellington

    23 Jun 2021

        Given the Govt announcement at 1pm changing the Covid 19 alert level in the Wellington Region to 2 until midnight Sunday a decision has been made to cancel this tournament.  While disappointing it is not possible to hold this... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    22 Jun 2021

    The Pre-emptor’s Partner. Once you have opened the bidding with a pre-empt, you have usually said it all. However, for the pre-emptor’s partner, it can be difficult to decide what to bid, whether to bid or how high to bid, especially... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    21 Jun 2021

    the most valuable card in the pack? As Valuable as an ace? Well, if you cannot hold the ace or the king or the queen of a suit, this is the next best thing. In “500”, it can take on somewhat inflated importance and at times, it can... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    18 Jun 2021

    Keeping it a secret. When we open the bidding at the 1 level, we do so with a hope that our side becomes the declaring side. When that wish does not happen, we are disadvantaged in that we have given some information, indeed often more than... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    17 Jun 2021

    Guiding partner. Saving the Defence …for less experienced players and others. There are times when you can see how the defence should go but that is not always apparent to your partner. Your task is to make it as easy as possible to... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    16 Jun 2021

    Jan’s Day: “Much Ado About Nothing!” A little light relief in today’s Jan’s Day hand with the article reflecting back to the days of 1985 when the Rubber Bridge competition was a major event on the bridge calendar.... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 150

    16 Jun 2021

      Here is the link to this week's show.   Included this week:     At the pond with Kermit     Kermit tips on PASSING Mentions wimps, nervous tics and 3400 – again     Judge Julie is... read more here

  • Congratulations to our new Grand Masters

    15 Jun 2021

    Details Here read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    15 Jun 2021

    and another Jack! A Tale of Two Jacks. There is one jack which all the East players on today's board would like their partners to hold and another jack which one pair wish was nowhere near the table during the bidding of this board. Firstly,... read more here

  • A Very Handy Mother: National Open Pairs

    14 Jun 2021

     Steph Jacob (substitute), Rachelle Pelkman and Tauranga President, Kate Terry The National Pairs took place at the Tauranga Bridge Club during the past weekend. Perhaps because this event followed too closely on the heels of major... read more here

  • Evelyn Hurley: a Tribute

    12 Jun 2021

     Bob and Ev A week ago, our bridge world lost one of its top players, a Gold Grandmaster with nearly 4,000 A Points, Palmerston North’s Evelyn Hurley. Within the last month, the Manawatu Guardian featured Evelyn and Bob, husband and... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    11 Jun 2021

    Chasing a Penalty? It is normal to play take-out style doubles when the opponents start the bidding with a weak single or two-suited bid at the 2 -level. However, at some point, such a double may not be for take-out. At what point do we cross the... read more here

  • NZ 15A National Pairs Tournament- Tauranga

    11 Jun 2021

    Link to Results read more here

  • Waikato Bays News from Anna Kalma

    11 Jun 2021

    I’m proud to say I’m a week early with posting this regional round up although Richard reckons I am actually 5 weeks late (go figure!). Who was it that said they love deadlines? (not Anna!) I love the sound they make when they... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    10 Jun 2021

    A good time to take care: for less experienced players and others. Let’s start with a quote from yesterday’s “Jan’s Day” article. “When everything in the garden looks rosy and the play appears to hold no... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    9 Jun 2021

    Jan’s Day: Oh dear! “When the outlook is grim, it is the time to be optimistic.” It could not be “grimmer” than on the board below. Do not give up. An optimist does not…ever!   South... read more here

  • Otago/Southland News with Brad Johnston

    9 Jun 2021

    Tournaments have been flying thick and fast down south. It feels like it’s been no time at all since I was last penning one of these write-ups in April for your enjoyment. I better start talking about them though, as there’s a lot to... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 149

    9 Jun 2021

    There is the link to this week's show   Included this week: Lead directing doubles Comparable bids Results from Auckland and Hawkes Bay Dirty Tricks  my skinny review Winners Poems  now titled   read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    8 Jun 2021

    Subterfuge. Is all not what it seems? What is going on during the play of the hand? Skulduggery at the bridge table?       East DealsNone Vul ♠ J 9 8 7 ♥ 10 4 ♦ K Q J 7 6... read more here

  • HB Congress

    5 Jun 2021

    The 28th Hawkes Bay Congress is underway with 88 pairs in the 15A Open Pairs, 42 pairs in the 5B Intermediate Pairs and 10 Pairs in the 3B Junior Pairs. Teams events start tomorrow, with similar entry numbers, Swiss Pairs on Monday and a... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    4 Jun 2021

    The Power of Aces. Many fine contracts, whether they be games or slams, have been missed because players have undervalued the aces they hold. While in themselves, they only contribute one trick, they control a suit for a declarer often enabling... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone – Dirty Tricks Competition

    4 Jun 2021

      Such a sweet gift , a piece of handmade writing   The judges have made their decision Congratulations to the following winners                  ... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    3 Jun 2021

    Pie in the Sky? The best of bridge partnerships could have one partner who might be a little aggressive and the other who is a tad more conservative. Trouble can develop when both partners are a little aggressive on the same deal.  ... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 148

    3 Jun 2021

    Click here to enjoy the show   Included this week:   Trash Talk with Kermit     Bailiff joins us today                   Check out... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    2 Jun 2021

    aiming high. Any Day Playing Bridge is a Fun Day. Today, we farewell Karen Martelletti with a celebration of her life at the Tauranga Bridge Club, an event being live-streamed for those who cannot be there. In the normal course of events,... read more here

  • Celebration of Life - Karen Martelletti

    1 Jun 2021

      Yesterday a large contingent of the bridge community said their farewell to Karen. On Wednesday we have a second opportunity to celebrate Karen’s life, think about the huge contribution she made at all levels of the game and pay our... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    1 Jun 2021

    A wolf in sheep’s clothing. Jan’s Day comes early: Appearances can be Deceptive. It’s OK. You did not sleep through Tuesday and suddenly find that day had gone. We are a day early this week with our regular “Jan’s... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    31 May 2021

    How Good is my hand? Quite good! Your partner makes a take-out double of the opponent’s pre-empt and you have modest values but a void in the pre-emptor’s suit. How high do you want to go because the opponents have gone to game... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    28 May 2021

    The Wrong Slam. Something went wrong with today’s auction. Slam was reached but it was the wrong slam. We will ask our Panel where they thought it went wrong. What do you think?     West DealsN-S Vul... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    27 May 2021

    Safety Plays and Signals: for less experienced players and others. When declarer misplays and the defence goes astray, what should the end result be? Someone is going to be lucky. Who is it going to be? West DealsNone Vul... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    26 May 2021

    A Chance to shine on Jan’s Day. Well, the sun certainly is!   There are two decisions to make with respect to the hand below. There is also a common bridge saying that “you should not double if you do not know what to... read more here

  • The Bridge Zone Radio Show - 147

    26 May 2021

      Click here to hear the show Included this week:     Karen Moments are remembered today Barry the Busy, Judge Julie and Kermit  All recall UNDO moments Defence is the tip this week from Kermit   Dirty... read more here

  • Wellington News with Paul Maxwell

    26 May 2021

    Do you remember your first A Point? It seems that the urge for overseas travel has burst out - in the form of internal travel to other regions’ bridge tournaments. The result is that we’re all playing so much bridge these days that... read more here

  • Daily Bridge in New Zealand

    25 May 2021

    Which way to 12 tricks? In a vacuum (it does happen once every ten years at the bridge table), you seem to have a very straightforward assignment with the hands below. If you can prevent the trump queen from scoring a trick, then you will have... read more here

  • Funeral details for Karen

    25 May 2021

       We have always known that Karen was a huge giver but we didn’t appreciate how far she reached. We have received heartfelt comments from all over. We can now advise funeral and celebration arrangements have been made. There... read more here

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