Psyche bids

In a discussion at my local club, one member was adamant psyche bids have been banned. Is this true?

Started by Joe Brown on 16 Mar 2022 at 10:41AM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN16 Mar 2022 at 12:52PM

    Absolutely not

    Psyches are permitted under Law 40C
    Except the Regulatory Authority  may restrict the use of psychic artificial calls (Law 40 B 2 (a) (v))
    (which NZB does)

  2. JOHN O'CONNOR09 May 2022 at 12:30PM

    A lot of organisations running online events on BBO have banned psyching in BBO events.

    I can see why.

    I am not sure about the status of psyches on Real Bridge.

    I suspect that the person referred to as being convinced that psyches had been banned had heard about the BBO ban and thought that it was universal.


  3. HELENE LABRECHE20 May 2023 at 08:29AM

    Hello, unfortunately, that is not true.  I suggest you borrow a Law Book, read Law 40 C, in tune with the Manuel p,D78 if you can find one.

    It is quite accepted in NZ.  But should be noted,in my view.



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