North Deals
E-W Vul
8 4 3
A K 9 3
Q 6 3
7 5 4
A 2
8 7 4 2
7 5
A K J 6 3
W   E
J 9 6
10 6 5
A 10 9
10 9 8 2
K Q 10 7 5
K J 8 4 2
West North East South
  Pass Pass 1 
2  2  Pass 3 
Pass 4  All pass  



After West leads KC  and then JC with Declarer ruffing the 2nd C. Declarer then leads JH to AH  and then finesses 10S to West's AS.

It was suggested that if West then returns the AC forcing Declarer to ruff again that the contract is then unmakeable.

However, if declarer then takes only one more round of trumps instead of 2 before leading D the contract is makeable. 

Whenever East takes their AD if they then play another C declarer can discard a D and ruff the club on table. Then cross to hand with the QH draw the last trump and play the remaining D to make their contract (3D, 2S, 2H and 3 C ruffs). If East instead leads a D, or H  declarer can draw the last trump and run the remaining D to make their contract (2S, 4D, 2H and 2 C ruffs). If East returns a S then Declarer can run the remaining D  to make their contract (2S, 4D, 2H and 2 C ruffs).

The only way to defeat the contract is for West to lead a D at trick 2 after initially taking the AC or KC and for East to duck the first lead of D allowing West to ruff the 3rd round of D after getting in with the AS. If West leads a D at trick 1 Declarer can discard their losing C on the 3rd round of H before playing S.





Started by SEAN LYNCH on 26 Feb 2021 at 03:14PM

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