Gratuitous Comments or Law 74

I've just returned from Congress battered, not just by general noise levels, but by the amount of "conversation" or "gratuitous" comment at the table. I was left tense from, not just talk about systems and hand analysis, but also social conversation in the middle of matches. The occasions when opponents played their cards without needing to have a debrief or chat after each board seem increasingly rare. What has happened to "thank you" "bad luck" and "well done"?

I was playing Open Restricted - maybe it was different in the big room?

Started by JENA ROBINSON on 07 Oct 2019 at 08:22AM

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  1. NICK WHITTEN18 Oct 2019 at 08:48AM

    Hi Jena

    From my experience this is definitely happening and getting worse (and at a rate corresponding to the rate of keen newish players giving up the game :).
    The very top players are generally very good though
    The worst  offenders are those just a bit above the level of their opponents (or who like to think they are)


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