Board 5 North Deals NS vulnerable

                                Spade-small Q876

                                Heart-small A653

                                Diamond-small AK7

                                Club-small AK

Spade-small 43.                                                  Spade-small 2

Heart-small KJ92.                                              Heart-small T87

Diamond-small Q65.                                               Diamond-small T983

Club-small JT98.                                              Club-small Q7652

                                Spade-small AKJT95

                                Heart-small Q4

                                Diamond-small J42

                                Club-small 43

Contract 6Spade-small by S with lead JClub-small.

Candice Doyle-Smith played a very clever line to find a squeeze play to make her contract.

While an inferior line, but with the advantage that it would also work if East held the 4th heart there is a 4th option to make this contract as the cards lie that works if either East or West holds both the KHeart-smalland the QDiamond-small.

That is an elimination and throw-in play to force either a ruff and discard or lead into a split tenance.

After winning the first trick with either the KClub-small or AClub-small declarer draws trumps then plays a Club-small to eliminate the club suit in both hands. They then play off the AKDiamond-small to see if either East or West has a doubleton QDiamond-small. Declarer then leads a third Diamond-small to also eliminate the Diamond-small suit which West is forced to win. West has been thrown in.This is then the position with West on lead:


                            Spade-small Q8

                            Heart-small A653

                            Diamond-small -

                            Club-small -

Spade-small -                                                     Spade-small -

Heart-small KJ92                                              Heart-small T87

Diamond-small -                                                     Diamond-small T

Club-small T9                                                  Club-small Q76

                            Spade-small JT95

                            Heart-small Q4

                            Diamond-small -

                            Club-small -


West is now forced to either lead away from their KHeart-small or lead a Club-small to give up a ruff and discard.

When looking for opportunities for this type of play it is important to remember to retain a trump in both hands and eliminate all other side suits before proceeding with the throw in. If declarer had not also eliminated the Club-small suit first West could have escaped the throw in by leading a Club-small.


Started by SEAN LYNCH on 16 Mar 2019 at 12:30AM

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